Gel Kaptan! Kalite AKIYOR :) İstek Filesleriniz...[DEV PAYLAŞIM]


Ticaret Puanı
Herkese merhaba, ben NcP80
Benden istemiş olduğunuz istek filesler üzerine bende bu paylaşımı yapma gereği duydum.
Herkese hayırlı uğurlu olsun şimdiden. :)

Birinci olarak HexBilişim files setini tamamen paylaşacağım.
Yalnız şunu söyleyeyim, full packlarıtoktur. Yani her packla girer.
Mesela ben kolay files kurmak istedim ne yapacağım ?
Beğendiğim kolay filesin gamesini ve mysql tar.gz 'sini kuruyorum.
Kurulumu anlatmayacağım çünkü files kurma kısmına kadar herkes yapabilir.

/usr kısmına game.tar.gz atınız.
/var/db kısmınada MySQL.tar.gz dosyasını atınız.

Ardından daha önceden kurmuş olduğunuz filesler var ise
bunu files üstüne files kurmamak için yapıyoruz. Karışıklık vs bozukluk çıkartabilir bu yüzden yapıyoruz bu işlemi.

İlk olarak SSH bağlantımızı Putty ile sağlıyoruz. Makinemize bağlandıktan sonra ise yazacağımız komutlar aşağıdaki gibidir:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
cd /usr
rm -rf game
cd / var/db
rm -rf mysql

Peki biz bu komutu yazdık ama bu komutlar ne işe yarıyo ?
cd /usr diyoruz yani usr dizinine git diyoruz.
İkinci olarak /usr dizininde bulunan game klasörünü ve içindekilerinin hepsini rm -rf komutu ile silmesini söylüyoruz.
İkinci komutumuz /var/db dizinine gitmesini ve mysql adındaki klasörü ve içindekileriyle beraber silmesini söylüyoruz.

Buraya kadar herşey tamam.
Sırada filesi makinaya kurmak var :)
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
cd /usr
Yazıyoruz tekrardan ve
siz seçmiş olduğunuz filesin game adını​
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
tar zxvf gameadi.tar.gz
Filesimiz Kuruluyor ve kurulum bittiğindede MySQL kurulumuna geçiyoruz.
Kurulum bitti bu sefer​
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
cd /var/db
komutunu yazıyoruz.
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
tar zxvf mysqldosyaismi.tar.gz
deyip enterliyoruz.
Bundan sonraki kısım gayet kolay ;)
Oda şöyle onuda söyleyeyim. Birtane 40K files beğeniyoruz ve indiriyoruz.

Ardından ise makinamıza kurmuş olduğumuz filesin
dizinine gidiyoruz.
Burda 3 adet dosyada olabilir 2 adet dosyada olabilir .
game , db , auth

eğer sizde game ve auth varsa merak etmeyin. :D Aklınız karışmasın çünkü game dosyası ile auth dosyası aynıdır. O yüzden endişelenme gibi bir durumunuz yok.
Sıra geldi indirdiğimiz 40K filese.. :)
İndirdiğimiz 40K filesin içerisinde bulunan Game & DB sourceyi build ediyoruz .
Build etme olayını anlatmıyacağım çünkü çok kolay olduğunu düşündüm. :)
Sırasıyla build edeceksiniz işte game ve db. Ondan sonra işlem bittikten sonrada game kopyalayıp yapıştırın game kopyası oluşacak onun ismini auth olarak değiştirin. İşte bu kadar.
Şimdi 34K game db'yi 40K game ve db ile değiştirin.
Eğer oyun açılmaz ise NoTXT uygulayın.
Gerçi öyle bir olay olacağını sanmıyorum :)
O yüzden içiniz rahat olsun.
Pack olarak indirmiş olduğunuz 40K filesin packını kullanabilirsiniz ;)

İlk olarak HexSeti paylaşalım içiniz rahata ersin. :)
İstek Filesler - Dev paylaşım.png

İndirme Linki :
Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

İkinci olarak ise 40K emek files hediye ediyoruz :)
Hiç bir yerde böyle güzel bir files bulamazsınız.
Neyse Linklere geçelim.
Virüstotal Yarın eklenecek
Files emektir ve aslında para ile satılıyor.
Fakat bu paylaşım sadece ve SADECE MMOTUTKUNLARI ailesine özeldir!!
Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

Virüstotal en geç akşam eklenecektir :)
Gönül rahatlığıyla indirebilirsiniz.

En son bir moderatör tarafından düzenlenmiş:
Malesef syserr kabardı :) hex files
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3268) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3272) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3271) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3510) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3509) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 9013
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9013
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 30002
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 30002
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 9014
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9014
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 20441
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 20441
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3009) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3010) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3509) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3263) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3264) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3265) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3266) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3275) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3269) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3274) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3270) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3273) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3261) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3262) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3232) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 935593x241066 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 935350x240881 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 935612x240889 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927574x295584 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926458x294810 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926795x294818 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926416x296290 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926407x296591 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926389x295971 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926383x295666 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926376x295392 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926391x295087 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926758x296684 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927052x296677 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927387x296679 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926416x296881 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926410x297141 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926406x297387 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927695x296651 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928045x296659 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928412x296647 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928783x296653 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929023x296624 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929074x296405 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929045x296175 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929046x295856 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929022x295261 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929039x294719 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929031x295000 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928672x294781 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928388x294755 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928072x294770 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927862x294766 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927616x294771 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927359x294785 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927051x294780 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926737x297391 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927030x297397 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927365x297395 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927660x297434 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 89323x165048 mapindex 21
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985191x273464 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985171x272860 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985154x273979 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985280x271744 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985272x274599 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984946x271792 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984608x271797 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984270x271808 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983922x271829 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982375x271720 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982399x274597 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983551x271854 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983173x271872 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982795x271849 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984923x274555 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984554x274557 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984168x274555 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982975x273349 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983794x274544 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983420x274559 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983065x274548 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982703x274544 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982372x272092 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982365x272335 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982362x272570 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982361x272776 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985181x272135 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985200x274274 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982402x274280 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982402x273951 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982366x273643 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982382x273330 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982374x273046 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940790x294417 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941006x294406 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941222x294402 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941427x294402 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941626x294409 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941820x294431 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942023x294438 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942229x294427 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942417x294447 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942620x294457 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942825x294454 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943035x294450 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943198x294478 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943184x294682 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943194x294870 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943200x295094 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943185x295294 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943185x295495 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943198x295687 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943182x295874 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943178x296069 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943188x296258 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943192x296447 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943185x296638 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943186x296828 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943195x297011 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942998x297026 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942800x297046 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942601x297045 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942406x297052 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942221x297069 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942021x297075 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941830x297091 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941628x297089 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941435x297097 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941243x297092 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941054x297099 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940848x297078 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940653x297079 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940448x297079 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940285x297067 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940411x294399 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940280x296869 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940280x296693 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940392x294593 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940407x294782 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940419x294985 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940425x295168 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940407x295416 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940280x296479 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_egg have not motlist.txt vnum(2095) folder(spider_egg)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_egg have not motlist.txt vnum(2095) folder(spider_egg)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_egg have not motlist.txt vnum(2095) folder(spider_egg)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon have not motlist.txt vnum(2292) folder(red_dragon)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon have not motlist.txt vnum(2292) folder(red_dragon)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon have not motlist.txt vnum(2292) folder(red_dragon)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon2 have not motlist.txt vnum(2293) folder(red_dragon2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon2 have not motlist.txt vnum(2293) folder(red_dragon2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon2 have not motlist.txt vnum(2293) folder(red_dragon2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: boar_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2481) folder(boar_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: boar_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2481) folder(boar_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: boar_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2481) folder(boar_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_god_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2482) folder(dog_god_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_god_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2482) folder(dog_god_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_god_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2482) folder(dog_god_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2483) folder(fire_tiger_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2483) folder(fire_tiger_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2483) folder(fire_tiger_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2484) folder(lion_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2484) folder(lion_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2484) folder(lion_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/zombie_bigboss2/run.msa'
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_boss1 have not motlist.txt vnum(6002) folder(fire_tiger_boss1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_boss1 have not motlist.txt vnum(6002) folder(fire_tiger_boss1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_boss1 have not motlist.txt vnum(6002) folder(fire_tiger_boss1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6003) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6003) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6003) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6004) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6004) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6004) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6005) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6005) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6005) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6006) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6006) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6006) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6007) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6007) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6007) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6008) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6008) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6008) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6009) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6009) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6009) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11100) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11100) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11100) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11101) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11101) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11101) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11102) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11102) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11102) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11103) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11103) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11103) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11104) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11104) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11104) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11105) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11105) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11105) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11106) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11106) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11106) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11107) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11107) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11107) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11108) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11108) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11108) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11109) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11109) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11109) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11110) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11110) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11110) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11111) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11111) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11111) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11112) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11112) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11112) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11113) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11113) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11113) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11114) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11114) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11114) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11115) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11115) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11115) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11116) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11116) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11116) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11117) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11117) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11117) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30111) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30111) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30111) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30112) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30112) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30112) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30113) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30113) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30113) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30114) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30114) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30114) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30115) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30115) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30115) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30116) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30116) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30116) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30117) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30117) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30117) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30118) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30118) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30118) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30119) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30119) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30119) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34001) folder(phoenix1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34001) folder(phoenix1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34001) folder(phoenix1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reindeer_young have not motlist.txt vnum(34002) folder(reindeer_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reindeer_young have not motlist.txt vnum(34002) folder(reindeer_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reindeer_young have not motlist.txt vnum(34002) folder(reindeer_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34003) folder(phoenix2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34003) folder(phoenix2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34003) folder(phoenix2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:46 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9014
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:50 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 30002
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:58 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9013
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:22:01 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 20441

Neler var neler :D
Malesef syserr kabardı :) hex files
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3268) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3272) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3271) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3510) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:00 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3509) Map(207)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 9013
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9013
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 30002
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 30002
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 9014
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9014
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: regen_load: No mob data by vnum 20441
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 20441
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3009) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3010) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3509) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3263) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:03 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3264) Map(208)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3265) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3266) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3275) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3269) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:05 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3274) Map(209)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3270) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3273) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3261) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3262) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: SpawnGroup: NOT_EXIST_GROUP_VNUM(3232) Map(210)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 935593x241066 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 935350x240881 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 935612x240889 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927574x295584 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926458x294810 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926795x294818 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926416x296290 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926407x296591 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926389x295971 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926383x295666 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926376x295392 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926391x295087 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926758x296684 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927052x296677 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927387x296679 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926416x296881 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926410x297141 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926406x297387 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927695x296651 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928045x296659 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928412x296647 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928783x296653 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929023x296624 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929074x296405 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929045x296175 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929046x295856 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929022x295261 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929039x294719 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 929031x295000 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928672x294781 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928388x294755 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 928072x294770 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927862x294766 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927616x294771 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927359x294785 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927051x294780 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 926737x297391 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927030x297397 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927365x297395 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 927660x297434 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 89323x165048 mapindex 21
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985191x273464 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985171x272860 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985154x273979 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985280x271744 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985272x274599 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984946x271792 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984608x271797 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984270x271808 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983922x271829 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982375x271720 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982399x274597 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983551x271854 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983173x271872 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982795x271849 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984923x274555 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984554x274557 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 984168x274555 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982975x273349 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983794x274544 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983420x274559 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 983065x274548 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982703x274544 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982372x272092 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982365x272335 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982362x272570 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982361x272776 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985181x272135 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 985200x274274 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982402x274280 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982402x273951 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982366x273643 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982382x273330 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 982374x273046 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940790x294417 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941006x294406 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941222x294402 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941427x294402 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941626x294409 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941820x294431 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942023x294438 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942229x294427 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942417x294447 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942620x294457 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942825x294454 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943035x294450 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943198x294478 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943184x294682 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943194x294870 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943200x295094 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943185x295294 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943185x295495 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943198x295687 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943182x295874 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943178x296069 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943188x296258 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943192x296447 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943185x296638 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943186x296828 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 943195x297011 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942998x297026 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942800x297046 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942601x297045 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942406x297052 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942221x297069 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 942021x297075 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941830x297091 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941628x297089 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941435x297097 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941243x297092 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 941054x297099 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940848x297078 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940653x297079 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940448x297079 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940285x297067 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940411x294399 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940280x296869 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940280x296693 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940392x294593 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940407x294782 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940419x294985 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940425x295168 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940407x295416 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:08 :: Show: cannot find sectree by 940280x296479 mapindex 41
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_egg have not motlist.txt vnum(2095) folder(spider_egg)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_egg have not motlist.txt vnum(2095) folder(spider_egg)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_egg have not motlist.txt vnum(2095) folder(spider_egg)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon have not motlist.txt vnum(2292) folder(red_dragon)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon have not motlist.txt vnum(2292) folder(red_dragon)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon have not motlist.txt vnum(2292) folder(red_dragon)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon2 have not motlist.txt vnum(2293) folder(red_dragon2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon2 have not motlist.txt vnum(2293) folder(red_dragon2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: red_dragon2 have not motlist.txt vnum(2293) folder(red_dragon2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: boar_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2481) folder(boar_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: boar_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2481) folder(boar_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: boar_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2481) folder(boar_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_god_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2482) folder(dog_god_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_god_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2482) folder(dog_god_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: dog_god_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2482) folder(dog_god_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2483) folder(fire_tiger_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2483) folder(fire_tiger_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2483) folder(fire_tiger_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2484) folder(lion_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2484) folder(lion_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: lion_young have not motlist.txt vnum(2484) folder(lion_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:10 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/zombie_bigboss2/run.msa'
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_boss1 have not motlist.txt vnum(6002) folder(fire_tiger_boss1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_boss1 have not motlist.txt vnum(6002) folder(fire_tiger_boss1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: fire_tiger_boss1 have not motlist.txt vnum(6002) folder(fire_tiger_boss1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6003) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6003) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6003) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6004) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6004) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6004) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6005) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6005) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6005) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6006) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6006) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6006) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6007) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6007) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6007) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6008) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6008) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6008) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6009) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6009) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: Alev have not motlist.txt vnum(6009) folder(Alev)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11100) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11100) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11100) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11101) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11101) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11101) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11102) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11102) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11102) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11103) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11103) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11103) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11104) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11104) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11104) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11105) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11105) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11105) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11106) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11106) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11106) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11107) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11107) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11107) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11108) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11108) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11108) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11109) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11109) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11109) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11110) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11110) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11110) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11111) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11111) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11111) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11112) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11112) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11112) folder(sinsu_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11113) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11113) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: sinsu_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11113) folder(sinsu_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11114) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11114) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11114) folder(jinno_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11115) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11115) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: jinno_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11115) folder(jinno_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11116) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11116) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_bow have not motlist.txt vnum(11116) folder(cheonjo_guard_bow)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11117) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11117) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: cheonjo_guard_spear have not motlist.txt vnum(11117) folder(cheonjo_guard_spear)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30111) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30111) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30111) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30112) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30112) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30112) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30113) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30113) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30113) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30114) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30114) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30114) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30115) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30115) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30115) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30116) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30116) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30116) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30117) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30117) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30117) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30118) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30118) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30118) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30119) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30119) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: zombie_ghost_door have not motlist.txt vnum(30119) folder(zombie_ghost_door)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34001) folder(phoenix1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34001) folder(phoenix1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34001) folder(phoenix1)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reindeer_young have not motlist.txt vnum(34002) folder(reindeer_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reindeer_young have not motlist.txt vnum(34002) folder(reindeer_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: reindeer_young have not motlist.txt vnum(34002) folder(reindeer_young)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34003) folder(phoenix2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34003) folder(phoenix2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:11 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: phoenix2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34003) folder(phoenix2)
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:46 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9014
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:50 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 30002
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:21:58 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 9013
SYSERR: Oct 28 23:22:01 :: SpawnMob: SpawnMob: no mob data for vnum 20441

Neler var neler :D
İstek olarak video çekmemi isteyebilirsiniz :)
Böylelikle sorunsuz birşekilde nasıl kurulumun olduğunu görebilirsiniz.
Şimdiden Teşekkürler​
Yok sorun olarak bunlar çıktı sadece temizlenirse sorun kalmaz zaten teşekkürler. :)
Tüm konuyu niye ortalı yazıyorsunuz? Okurken gözüm kanadı. Aynı şekilde dos / sh komutlarını kod bloguna alabilirsiniz.
Ek olarak gerçekten büyük bir paylaşım olmuş. Emeğinize sağlık. :)
Konu içeriğini düzenledim. Toplu ve özgün bir paylaşım olduğu için konuyu sabitliyorum. Ben gene linklerin kırılması ihtimaline karşı dosyaların bir yedeğini alacağım. Haberiniz olsun. ;)

Bu arada forum yönetimi ile aldığımız karar sonucu resimleri 3. parti servislere yüklemeyi yasakladık. Artık resimleri direk foruma yükleyiniz. Mesajın üstüne resmi sürüklerseniz otomatik yükleyecektir. Çünkü 1 - 2 sene sonra resimleri o servisler siliyor. (Bence silmemeleri lazım ama neyse.)

Duyuruyu okumak için: Duyuru : - Konular'da Kullanıcılacak Resimler Hakkında Zorunlu Yasa
Konu içeriğini düzenledim. Toplu ve özgün bir paylaşım olduğu için konuyu sabitliyorum. Ben gene linklerin kırılması ihtimaline karşı dosyaların bir yedeğini alacağım. Haberiniz olsun. ;)

Bu arada forum yönetimi ile aldığımız karar sonucu resimleri 3. parti servislere yüklemeyi yasakladık. Artık resimleri direk foruma yükleyiniz. Mesajın üstüne resmi sürüklerseniz otomatik yükleyecektir. Çünkü 1 - 2 sene sonra resimleri o servisler siliyor. (Bence silmemeleri lazım ama neyse.)

Duyuruyu okumak için: Duyuru : - Konular'da Kullanıcılacak Resimler Hakkında Zorunlu Yasa
Teşekkür ederim :) Yedeğini almanız forum açısından iyi olacaktır :D
Vaktiniz varsa eğer sayın değerli yöneticim paylaştığım 40K filesi kurup oyuna girip ss alabilirmisiniz.
Kanıt lazım olabilir diye düşünüyorum :)
Konu içeriğini düzenledim. Toplu ve özgün bir paylaşım olduğu için konuyu sabitliyorum. Ben gene linklerin kırılması ihtimaline karşı dosyaların bir yedeğini alacağım. Haberiniz olsun. ;)

Bu arada forum yönetimi ile aldığımız karar sonucu resimleri 3. parti servislere yüklemeyi yasakladık. Artık resimleri direk foruma yükleyiniz. Mesajın üstüne resmi sürüklerseniz otomatik yükleyecektir. Çünkü 1 - 2 sene sonra resimleri o servisler siliyor. (Bence silmemeleri lazım ama neyse.)

Duyuruyu okumak için: Duyuru : - Konular'da Kullanıcılacak Resimler Hakkında Zorunlu Yasa

Link kırık. Konu kilit lütfen.
En son bir moderatör tarafından düzenlenmiş:
2 gün daha hexbilişim.rar dosyasını tekrar yüklemeniz için süre veriyorum. Aksi halde indirdiğim dosyayı yükleyip konuya ekleyeceğim. Fakat paylaşım sizin olduğu için sizin yüklemeniz daha doğru olacaktır. Konuya ilgi baya bi arttı sitede insanları madur etmeyelim. :)
2 gün daha hexbilişim.rar dosyasını tekrar yüklemeniz için süre veriyorum. Aksi halde indirdiğim dosyayı yükleyip konuya ekleyeceğim. Fakat paylaşım sizin olduğu için sizin yüklemeniz daha doğru olacaktır. Konuya ilgi baya bi arttı sitede insanları madur etmeyelim. :)
Siz eklerseniz güzel olur çünkü SpartaMt2 açılıcak hazırlıklar yapmam lazım.
Vaktim olsaydı ekleyebilirdim :/
Yarın eklenecektir bilginize :)
Sadece biraz zamana ihtiyacım var
Tamamdır. Desteğiniz için teşekkürler. Paylaşım sizin olduğunuz için benim up etmem etik olmaz. Sadece sizden bu yorumu yapmanızı bekliyordum. Çünkü forumu aktif halde kullanan birisiniz. Bu yüzden bu linklerden siz sorumlusunuz.
Link kırılma işiyle uğraşmamak için;
mega,, google drive kullanabilirsiniz.