Çözüldü syserr hatası | Gelişmiş Beceri Sistemi |

Bu konu çözüme ulaştırılmıştır. Çözüm için konuya yazılan tüm yorumları okumayı unutmayın. Eğer konudaki yorumlar sorununuzu çözmediyse yeni bir konu açabilirsiniz.
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.


MT Üye
MT Üye
Ticaret Puanı

Geceden bu yana uğraşıyorum fakat bir türlü ekleyemedim bu sistemi. Hata giderilirse foruma bir sistem daha katmış oluruz diye düşünüyorum.
Sorun şu ki ; Oyuna girebiliyorum fakat Level 5 ve üstünde asla ekrana bu sistem gelmiyor. Sanırım Game.py de bir hata yapıyorum çok inceledim ve iyice beynim yandı :)
Artık sağlıklı düşünemediğimden dolayı konuyu açmayı düşündüm :)

Aldığım Syserr :
0806 11:00:24545 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0806 11:00:24547 :: File "game.py", line 2293, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run

0806 11:00:24552 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run

0806 11:00:24554 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__

0806 11:00:24561 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__

0806 11:00:24562 :: File "game.py", line 2789, in SelectJob

0806 11:00:24563 :: File "system.py", line 137, in __pack_import

0806 11:00:24566 :: ImportError
0806 11:00:24570 :: :
0806 11:00:24571 :: No module named uiSelectJob
0806 11:00:24571 ::

0806 11:00:24573 :: Unknown Server Command SELECT_JOB QID#55 | SELECT_JOB
0806 11:00:24583 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0806 11:00:24584 :: File "game.py", line 2293, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run

0806 11:00:24585 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run

0806 11:00:24586 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__

0806 11:00:24593 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__

0806 11:00:24596 :: File "game.py", line 2789, in SelectJob

0806 11:00:24598 :: File "system.py", line 137, in __pack_import

0806 11:00:24599 :: ImportError
0806 11:00:24607 :: :
0806 11:00:24609 :: No module named uiSelectJob
0806 11:00:24609 ::

0806 11:00:24611 :: Unknown Server Command SELECT_JOB OPEN# | SELECT_JOB

Kurmak İstediğim Sistem :

Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

Kodu ekledim dubug.exe ile giriş yaptım 5 level yapıp skilleri seçtim. Skilleri aldı oyundan atmadı. Ama burada anlamadığım tek şey bu " verilen değerler" in konuya eklenmesi yani nereden bu değerleri alıp konuya dahil edeceğim client syserr den falan mı ?
log.txt oluşmuştur client yanında onun en altlarına dogru clientten verilen degerler mevcut bulamazsanız direk log.txt yi ekleyin
0808 01:33:28455 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/guild/effect/star.jpg
0808 01:33:28495 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\assassin\effect\16-bottom.jpg
0808 01:33:28534 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam.jpg
0808 01:33:28535 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\w_ring.jpg
0808 01:33:28538 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\white_sphere.jpg
0808 01:33:28541 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\wind.jpg
0808 01:33:28542 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\W_star.jpg
0808 01:33:28543 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam_ring.jpg
0808 01:33:28545 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\gyeokgong_triple_loop_2.jpg
0808 01:33:28547 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\noe_w_ring.jpg
0808 01:33:37590 :: importing from pack game
0808 01:33:37645 :: importing from pack savbec
0808 01:33:37671 :: importing from pack surabec
0808 01:33:37689 :: importing from pack ninjabec
0808 01:33:37708 :: importing from pack samanbec
0808 01:33:37724 :: importing from pack uitaskbar
0808 01:33:37750 :: importing from pack localegame
0808 01:33:37755 :: --------------------------------------- GAME ~ PRINT0808 01:33:37755 ::
0808 01:33:37756 :: importing from pack switchbot
0808 01:33:37796 :: importing from pack localeinfo
0808 01:33:37833 :: importing from pack uitooltip
0808 01:33:37934 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/CharacterWindow.py0808 01:33:37934 ::
0808 01:33:38036 :: SYSERR: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub
0808 01:33:38037 :: CResource::Load file not exist d:\ymir work\ui\game\quest\slot_button_01.sub
0808 01:33:38040 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/bonus.py0808 01:33:38041 ::
0808 01:33:38130 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/InventoryWindow.py0808 01:33:38131 ::
0808 01:33:38177 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/BeltInventoryWindow.py0808 01:33:38177 ::
0808 01:33:38193 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PickMoneyDialog.py0808 01:33:38194 ::
0808 01:33:38205 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/questiondialog2.py0808 01:33:38205 ::
0808 01:33:38215 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/refinedialog.py0808 01:33:38215 ::
0808 01:33:38225 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/attachstonedialog.py0808 01:33:38226 ::
0808 01:33:38254 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0808 01:33:38254 :: 0808 01:33:38254 :: 2010808 01:33:38254 :: 0808 01:33:38254 :: 00808 01:33:38255 :: 0808 01:33:38255 :: 00808 01:33:38255 ::
0808 01:33:38256 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0808 01:33:38256 :: 0808 01:33:38256 :: 2020808 01:33:38256 :: 0808 01:33:38256 :: 00808 01:33:38257 :: 0808 01:33:38257 :: 00808 01:33:38257 ::
0808 01:33:38258 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0808 01:33:38258 :: 0808 01:33:38258 :: 2030808 01:33:38258 :: 0808 01:33:38258 :: 00808 01:33:38259 :: 0808 01:33:38259 :: 00808 01:33:38259 ::
0808 01:33:38263 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0808 01:33:38264 :: 0808 01:33:38264 :: 2010808 01:33:38264 :: 0808 01:33:38264 :: 00808 01:33:38264 :: 0808 01:33:38264 :: 00808 01:33:38265 ::
0808 01:33:38265 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0808 01:33:38266 :: 0808 01:33:38266 :: 2020808 01:33:38266 :: 0808 01:33:38266 :: 00808 01:33:38266 :: 0808 01:33:38267 :: 00808 01:33:38267 ::
0808 01:33:38268 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0808 01:33:38269 :: 0808 01:33:38269 :: 2030808 01:33:38269 :: 0808 01:33:38269 :: 00808 01:33:38271 :: 0808 01:33:38271 :: 00808 01:33:38271 ::
0808 01:33:38272 :: GetElk(): 141506776
0808 01:33:38273 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/dragonsoulwindow.py0808 01:33:38274 ::
0808 01:33:38338 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/questiondialog.py0808 01:33:38339 ::
0808 01:33:38348 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/questiondialog2.py0808 01:33:38348 ::
0808 01:33:38358 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PopupDialog.py0808 01:33:38358 ::
0808 01:33:38380 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/dragonsoulrefinewindow.py0808 01:33:38381 ::
0808 01:33:38419 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PopupDialog.py0808 01:33:38420 ::
0808 01:33:38440 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/AtlasWindow.py0808 01:33:38441 ::
0808 01:33:38449 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/SafeboxWindow.py0808 01:33:38449 ::
0808 01:33:38456 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PickMoneyDialog.py0808 01:33:38456 ::
0808 01:33:38468 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/popupdialog.py0808 01:33:38468 ::
0808 01:33:38476 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/changepassworddialog.py0808 01:33:38476 ::
0808 01:33:38490 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/MallWindow.py0808 01:33:38490 ::
0808 01:33:38522 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/exchangedialog.py0808 01:33:38523 ::
0808 01:33:38545 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PickMoneyDialog.py0808 01:33:38546 ::
0808 01:33:38556 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/questiondialog2.py0808 01:33:38556 ::
0808 01:33:38565 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/questiondialog2.py0808 01:33:38565 ::
0808 01:33:38580 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/shopdialog.py0808 01:33:38580 ::
0808 01:33:38590 :: ===== Load Script File : uiscript/restartdialog.py0808 01:33:38590 ::
0808 01:33:38600 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/SystemDialog.py0808 01:33:38600 ::
0808 01:33:38612 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/passworddialog.py0808 01:33:38613 ::
0808 01:33:38633 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PrivateShopBuilder.py0808 01:33:38633 ::
0808 01:33:38645 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/TaskBar.py0808 01:33:38645 ::
0808 01:33:38719 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/MouseButtonWindow.py0808 01:33:38719 ::
0808 01:33:38726 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/RightMouseButtonWindow.py0808 01:33:38727 ::
0808 01:33:38732 :: [DEBUG]: constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE / self.rampageGauge10808 01:33:38733 :: 0808 01:33:38733 :: 10808 01:33:38733 :: 0808 01:33:38733 :: <ui.AniImageBox object at 0x14F92C10>0808 01:33:38733 ::
0808 01:33:38734 :: rampage_over_out0808 01:33:38734 ::
0808 01:33:38737 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/giftbox.py0808 01:33:38739 ::
0808 01:33:38754 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/ExpandedTaskBar.py0808 01:33:38754 ::
0808 01:33:38759 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/EnergyBar.py0808 01:33:38759 ::
0808 01:33:38768 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/gamewindow.py0808 01:33:38768 ::
0808 01:33:38779 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/HelpWindow.py0808 01:33:38780 ::
0808 01:33:38809 :: importing from pack uiWeb
0808 01:33:38813 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/WebWindow.py0808 01:33:38814 ::
0808 01:33:38820 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/CubeWindow.py0808 01:33:38820 ::
0808 01:33:38856 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/CubeResultWindow.py0808 01:33:38856 ::
0808 01:33:38866 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/selectitemwindow.py0808 01:33:38866 ::
0808 01:33:38883 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/MiniMap.py0808 01:33:38883 ::
0808 01:33:38905 :: ===== Load Script File : charbox.py0808 01:33:38905 ::
0808 01:33:38932 :: NEW CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0808 01:33:38932 ::
0808 01:33:38958 :: __ProcessPreservedServerCommand0808 01:33:38958 :: 0808 01:33:38958 :: PRESERVE_DayMode light0808 01:33:38958 ::
0808 01:33:38976 :: PointWindow: PhaseCurtain
0808 01:33:39116 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE LOADING WINDOW0808 01:33:39116 ::

Anladığım kadarıyla bu bölüm olmalı..
Siz direk log.txt dosyasını ekleyin
log.txt dosyasına çok fazla değer giriyor. Debug modda açtığınızda yanda siyah pencere gelir. Anlık işlemlerde oraya kayıtları yazar. Verilerin düştüğünü gördüğünüz anda paylaşabilirsiniz.
Mouse'u getirdiginiz her yerin verisini kayıt ettigi için bi baktımda bulamadım :D en iyisi siz takip edin verinin ssini çekin
Mouse'u getirdiginiz her yerin verisini kayıt ettigi için bi baktımda bulamadım :D en iyisi siz takip edin verinin ssini çekin
Tamam :) dizide çok uğraştırdım. Hakkınızı helal edin. Böyle böyle öğreneceğiz bu işi inşallah. Akşam eve gittiğimde cevap atarım. Şimdi işteyim telefondan kodları düzenleyip oyuna girmek falan ölüm :)
Merhabalar @Whistle @Trashy Öncelikle Yardımlarınız için minnettarım :)

Kod bloğu bu şekilde :

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

Skıll Gui Ekranına tıkladıktan sonraki ( yani skıll seçtikten sonraki ) Log.txt dosyası içeriği :

0809 00:42:46417 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:47943 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 00:42:48130 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 00:42:48143 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 00:42:48154 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 00:42:49678 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:56203 :: PointWindow: game
0809 00:42:56349 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:56633 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56634 :: 0809 00:42:56634 :: 2010809 00:42:56634 :: 0809 00:42:56634 :: 00809 00:42:56634 :: 0809 00:42:56634 :: 00809 00:42:56635 ::
0809 00:42:56635 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56636 :: 0809 00:42:56636 :: 2020809 00:42:56636 :: 0809 00:42:56636 :: 00809 00:42:56636 :: 0809 00:42:56636 :: 00809 00:42:56637 ::
0809 00:42:56637 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56637 :: 0809 00:42:56637 :: 2030809 00:42:56638 :: 0809 00:42:56638 :: 00809 00:42:56638 :: 0809 00:42:56638 :: 00809 00:42:56638 ::
0809 00:42:56642 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56642 :: 0809 00:42:56642 :: 2010809 00:42:56643 :: 0809 00:42:56643 :: 00809 00:42:56643 :: 0809 00:42:56643 :: 00809 00:42:56643 ::
0809 00:42:56644 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56644 :: 0809 00:42:56644 :: 2020809 00:42:56644 :: 0809 00:42:56644 :: 00809 00:42:56644 :: 0809 00:42:56644 :: 00809 00:42:56645 ::
0809 00:42:56646 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56646 :: 0809 00:42:56646 :: 2030809 00:42:56647 :: 0809 00:42:56647 :: 00809 00:42:56647 :: 0809 00:42:56647 :: 00809 00:42:56647 ::
0809 00:42:56661 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:56936 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56936 :: 0809 00:42:56937 :: 2010809 00:42:56937 :: 0809 00:42:56938 :: 00809 00:42:56938 :: 0809 00:42:56939 :: 00809 00:42:56939 ::
0809 00:42:56940 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56940 :: 0809 00:42:56940 :: 2020809 00:42:56941 :: 0809 00:42:56941 :: 00809 00:42:56941 :: 0809 00:42:56942 :: 00809 00:42:56942 ::
0809 00:42:56943 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56943 :: 0809 00:42:56944 :: 2030809 00:42:56944 :: 0809 00:42:56944 :: 00809 00:42:56945 :: 0809 00:42:56945 :: 00809 00:42:56946 ::
0809 00:42:56949 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56950 :: 0809 00:42:56950 :: 2010809 00:42:56950 :: 0809 00:42:56951 :: 00809 00:42:56951 :: 0809 00:42:56951 :: 00809 00:42:56952 ::
0809 00:42:56952 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56953 :: 0809 00:42:56953 :: 2020809 00:42:56954 :: 0809 00:42:56955 :: 00809 00:42:56955 :: 0809 00:42:56956 :: 00809 00:42:56956 ::
0809 00:42:56957 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:56957 :: 0809 00:42:56957 :: 2030809 00:42:56958 :: 0809 00:42:56958 :: 00809 00:42:56959 :: 0809 00:42:56959 :: 00809 00:42:56959 ::
0809 00:42:56971 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:57246 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57247 :: 0809 00:42:57247 :: 2010809 00:42:57247 :: 0809 00:42:57247 :: 00809 00:42:57247 :: 0809 00:42:57248 :: 00809 00:42:57248 ::
0809 00:42:57248 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57248 :: 0809 00:42:57249 :: 2020809 00:42:57249 :: 0809 00:42:57249 :: 00809 00:42:57249 :: 0809 00:42:57249 :: 00809 00:42:57249 ::
0809 00:42:57250 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57251 :: 0809 00:42:57251 :: 2030809 00:42:57251 :: 0809 00:42:57251 :: 00809 00:42:57251 :: 0809 00:42:57251 :: 00809 00:42:57252 ::
0809 00:42:57256 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57257 :: 0809 00:42:57257 :: 2010809 00:42:57257 :: 0809 00:42:57257 :: 00809 00:42:57257 :: 0809 00:42:57257 :: 00809 00:42:57258 ::
0809 00:42:57258 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57258 :: 0809 00:42:57258 :: 2020809 00:42:57259 :: 0809 00:42:57259 :: 00809 00:42:57259 :: 0809 00:42:57259 :: 00809 00:42:57259 ::
0809 00:42:57261 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57261 :: 0809 00:42:57261 :: 2030809 00:42:57261 :: 0809 00:42:57261 :: 00809 00:42:57261 :: 0809 00:42:57261 :: 00809 00:42:57262 ::
0809 00:42:57268 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:57577 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57577 :: 0809 00:42:57577 :: 2010809 00:42:57578 :: 0809 00:42:57578 :: 00809 00:42:57579 :: 0809 00:42:57579 :: 00809 00:42:57579 ::
0809 00:42:57580 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57581 :: 0809 00:42:57581 :: 2020809 00:42:57582 :: 0809 00:42:57582 :: 00809 00:42:57582 :: 0809 00:42:57583 :: 00809 00:42:57583 ::
0809 00:42:57584 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57584 :: 0809 00:42:57585 :: 2030809 00:42:57585 :: 0809 00:42:57585 :: 00809 00:42:57585 :: 0809 00:42:57588 :: 00809 00:42:57588 ::
0809 00:42:57592 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57592 :: 0809 00:42:57593 :: 2010809 00:42:57593 :: 0809 00:42:57593 :: 00809 00:42:57594 :: 0809 00:42:57594 :: 00809 00:42:57595 ::
0809 00:42:57595 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57596 :: 0809 00:42:57597 :: 2020809 00:42:57597 :: 0809 00:42:57597 :: 00809 00:42:57598 :: 0809 00:42:57598 :: 00809 00:42:57599 ::
0809 00:42:57599 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 00:42:57599 :: 0809 00:42:57600 :: 2030809 00:42:57600 :: 0809 00:42:57601 :: 00809 00:42:57601 :: 0809 00:42:57602 :: 00809 00:42:57602 ::
0809 00:42:57609 :: GetElk(): 1049344
0809 00:42:59921 :: PointWindow: CharBar_Board

İncelemeniz için Ayrıca Log.txt Paylaşıyorum.

Buda Client Syserr :

0809 00:40:12202 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_001.gr2
0809 00:40:12203 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_002.gr2
0809 00:40:12205 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_003.gr2
0809 00:40:12207 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_004.gr2
0809 00:40:12208 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_005.gr2
0809 00:40:12209 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_006.gr2
0809 00:40:12213 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_007.gr2
0809 00:40:12214 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_008.gr2
0809 00:40:12217 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_011.gr2
0809 00:40:12217 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_012.gr2
0809 00:40:12218 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_013.gr2
0809 00:40:12219 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_014.gr2
0809 00:40:12221 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_015.gr2
0809 00:40:12221 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_016.gr2
0809 00:40:12223 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_017.gr2
0809 00:40:12224 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_018.gr2
0809 00:40:12247 :: Çѱ¹¹«½Ö¹öÁ¯(#2 ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12278 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12279 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12281 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12283 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12284 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12285 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12286 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12287 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12288 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12289 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12329 :: ¹éÈ£°©+0(#20860) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12330 :: ¹éÈ£°©+1(#20861) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12332 :: ¹éÈ£°©+2(#20862) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12334 :: ¹éÈ£°©+3(#20863) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12335 :: ¹éÈ£°©+4(#20864) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12336 :: ¹éÈ£°©+5(#20865) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12337 :: ¹éÈ£°©+6(#20866) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12338 :: ¹éÈ£°©+7(#20867) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12339 :: ¹éÈ£°©+8(#20868) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12341 :: ¹éÈ£°©+9(#20869) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12342 :: ¹é°Ç+0(#20870) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12344 :: ¹é°Ç+1(#20871) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12345 :: ¹é°Ç+2(#20872) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12345 :: ¹é°Ç+3(#20873) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12346 :: ¹é°Ç+4(#20874) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12346 :: ¹é°Ç+5(#20875) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12347 :: ¹é°Ç+6(#20876) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12348 :: ¹é°Ç+7(#20877) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12348 :: ¹é°Ç+8(#20878) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12349 :: ¹é°Ç+9(#20879) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12349 :: ¹é¸¶°©+0(#20880) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12352 :: ¹é¸¶°©+1(#20881) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12353 :: ¹é¸¶°©+2(#20882) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12356 :: ¹é¸¶°©+3(#20883) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12356 :: ¹é¸¶°©+4(#20884) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12357 :: ¹é¸¶°©+5(#20885) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12358 :: ¹é¸¶°©+6(#20886) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12358 :: ¹é¸¶°©+7(#20887) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12359 :: ¹é¸¶°©+8(#20888) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12360 :: ¹é¸¶°©+9(#20889) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12363 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+0(#20890) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12365 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+1(#20891) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12365 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+2(#20892) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12366 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+3(#20893) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12367 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+4(#20894) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12368 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+5(#20895) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12368 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+6(#20896) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12369 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+7(#20897) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12372 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+8(#20898) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12373 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+9(#20899) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12375 :: ¹éÇö°©+0(#20900) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12376 :: ¹éÇö°©+1(#20901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12377 :: ¹éÇö°©+2(#20902) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12378 :: ¹éÇö°©+3(#20903) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12379 :: ¹éÇö°©+4(#20904) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12379 :: ¹éÇö°©+5(#20905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12380 :: ¹éÇö°©+6(#20906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12381 :: ¹éÇö°©+7(#20907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12384 :: ¹éÇö°©+8(#20908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12386 :: ¹éÇö°©+9(#20909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12387 :: Èæ·æ°©+0(#20910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12388 :: Èæ·æ°©+1(#20911) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12389 :: Èæ·æ°©+2(#20912) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12390 :: Èæ·æ°©+3(#20913) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12391 :: Èæ·æ°©+4(#20914) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12391 :: Èæ·æ°©+5(#20915) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12392 :: Èæ·æ°©+6(#20916) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12395 :: Èæ·æ°©+7(#20917) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12397 :: Èæ·æ°©+8(#20918) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12397 :: Èæ·æ°©+9(#20919) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12398 :: ÈæÇö+0(#20920) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12399 :: ÈæÇö+1(#20921) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12399 :: ÈæÇö+2(#20922) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12400 :: ÈæÇö+3(#20923) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12401 :: ÈæÇö+4(#20924) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12402 :: ÈæÇö+5(#20925) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12406 :: ÈæÇö+6(#20926) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12407 :: ÈæÇö+7(#20927) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12407 :: ÈæÇö+8(#20928) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12408 :: ÈæÇö+9(#20929) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12409 :: Èæ»ó°©+0(#20930) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12410 :: Èæ»ó°©+1(#20931) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12411 :: Èæ»ó°©+2(#20932) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12412 :: Èæ»ó°©+3(#20933) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12412 :: Èæ»ó°©+4(#20934) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12413 :: Èæ»ó°©+5(#20935) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12414 :: Èæ»ó°©+6(#20936) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12416 :: Èæ»ó°©+7(#20937) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12417 :: Èæ»ó°©+8(#20938) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12419 :: Èæ»ó°©+9(#20939) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12420 :: Èæ¼±+0(#20940) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12421 :: Èæ¼±+1(#20941) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12422 :: Èæ¼±+2(#20942) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12422 :: Èæ¼±+3(#20943) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12423 :: Èæ¼±+4(#20944) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12424 :: Èæ¼±+5(#20945) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12426 :: Èæ¼±+6(#20946) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12426 :: Èæ¼±+7(#20947) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12428 :: Èæ¼±+8(#20948) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12429 :: Èæ¼±+9(#20949) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12430 :: Èæõ°©+0(#20950) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12430 :: Èæõ°©+1(#20951) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12431 :: Èæõ°©+2(#20952) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12431 :: Èæõ°©+3(#20953) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12432 :: Èæõ°©+4(#20954) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12433 :: Èæõ°©+5(#20955) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12433 :: Èæõ°©+6(#20956) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12434 :: Èæõ°©+7(#20957) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12437 :: Èæõ°©+8(#20958) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12438 :: Èæõ°©+9(#20959) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12451 :: WA_7+1(#21100) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12452 :: WA_7+2(#21101) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12455 :: WA_7+3(#21102) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12457 :: WA_7+4(#21103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12459 :: WA_7+5(#21104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12460 :: WA_7+6(#21105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12461 :: WA_7+7(#21106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12461 :: WA_7+8(#21107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12462 :: WA_7+9(#21108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12462 :: WA_8+0(#21109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12463 :: WA_8+1(#21110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12463 :: WA_8+2(#21111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12464 :: WA_8+3(#21112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12465 :: WA_8+4(#21113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12467 :: WA_8+5(#21114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12467 :: WA_8+6(#21115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12470 :: WA_8+7(#21116) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12471 :: WA_8+8(#21117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12471 :: WA_8+9(#21118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12472 :: WA_9+0(#21119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12473 :: WA_9+1(#21120) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12473 :: WA_9+2(#21121) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12474 :: WA_9+3(#21122) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12475 :: WA_9+4(#21123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12477 :: WA_9+5(#21124) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12477 :: WA_9+6(#21125) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12479 :: WA_9+7(#21126) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12480 :: WA_9+8(#21127) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12481 :: WA_9+9(#21128) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12490 :: ´ÜºÀ¼ö+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21991) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12490 :: ³úÈ°©+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21992) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12491 :: ¹é°ñÅõ±¸+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21993) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12492 :: À§Ä¡±â¾ïºÎ(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12492 :: À̵¿ºÎ(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12493 :: »ı¸íºÎ(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12493 :: ȯ»ıºÎ(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12494 :: ³ì»ö¹°¾à(¼Ò)(#27123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12499 :: °¡¸®ºñ(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12499 :: û°¡¸®ºñ(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12500 :: Ȳ°¡¸®ºñ(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12501 :: È«°¡¸®ºñ(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12502 :: ³ì°¡¸®ºñ(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12502 :: ȲÁÖ¼®(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12503 :: ûÁÖ¼®(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12504 :: û½Å¼ö(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12505 :: Ȳ½Å¼ö(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12507 :: È«½Å¼ö(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12507 :: ³ì½Å¼ö(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12510 :: ¿¬Ã»½Å¼ö(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12510 :: ¿¬È²½Å¼ö(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12511 :: ¿¬È«½Å¼ö(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12511 :: ¿¬³ì½Å¼ö(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12513 :: ¿õ±ÍÀÇ È²±İ¾î±İ´Ï(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12514 :: »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12515 :: Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12521 :: À¯¶û ¾î¸Ó´Ï ¾à(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12523 :: ¿õ±ÍÀÇ ¼Û°÷´Ï(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12523 :: µµÀÚ±âÂø»ö¿ëÀ¯¾à(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12524 :: »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12524 :: ÈľȼÒÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12525 :: Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12526 :: Àå¾î(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12526 :: ¹Ğ±³ °æÀü(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12527 :: ±«Áú±Õ(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12527 :: ±«Áú Ä¡·áÁ¦(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12528 :: Çà»óÀÎÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12528 :: »ç±ÍÀÇ º¸¼®ÇÔ(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12542 :: ±¸È£Ç°(#31100) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12546 :: ³ì¸²Áö¼ºÁöµµ(#31101) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12546 :: ³ì¸²Áö¼º¿ª»ç¼(#31102) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12547 :: ºñ¹ĞÆíÁö(#31103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12548 :: VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12548 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12549 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12549 :: Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12550 :: TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12551 :: Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12552 :: ¼Ò¸®³ª´Â ¹æ¿ï(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12553 :: ¿À¶ûij ¼ö¼Û¼(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12563 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(gold)(#45208) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12564 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(silver)(#45209) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12565 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(gold)(#45210) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12567 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(silver)(#45211) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12567 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(gold)(#45212) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12568 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(silver)(#45213) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12568 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ1(#45214) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12569 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ2(#45215) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12570 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ1(#45216) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12571 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ2(#45217) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12577 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ1(#45218) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12579 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ2(#45219) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12579 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ1(#45220) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12580 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ2(#45221) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12581 :: ºÎÈ°Àı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45222) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12581 :: ºÎÈ°Àı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45223) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12582 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45224) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12582 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45225) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12583 :: ºÎÈÀı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45226) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12584 :: ºÎÈÀı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45227) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12585 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45228) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12599 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45229) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12600 :: ¼±¹°º¸µû¸®(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12601 :: ½Â¸¶¼ö·Ã¼(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12602 :: ¿ë°¢º¸¹°»óÀÚ(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12603 :: ¿µ¼®º¸µû¸®(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12606 :: ±âÇ÷Ãë¸í ¼ö·Ã¼(#50406) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12606 :: ³ú°Ëµµ·¡ ¼ö·Ã¼(#50421) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12607 :: È漶¼ö ¼ö·Ã¼(#50436) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12608 :: ¼¶±¤Åº ¼ö·Ã¼(#50451) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12610 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³1 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50530) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12612 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³2 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50531) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12612 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³3 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50532) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12613 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³4 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50533) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12613 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³5 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50534) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12614 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³6 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50535) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12616 :: ¼®Ã¢Æ÷¾×(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12617 :: ¿µÁö¹ö¼¸¾×(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12617 :: ¸¸º´Ãʾ×(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12620 :: »ê»Í³ª¹«¾×(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12622 :: ¹Îµé·¹¾×(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12623 :: ȫȾ¾¾×(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12623 :: ´ëÃß¾×(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12624 :: »ïÁö±¸¿±Ãʾ×(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12625 :: ºó¾àº´(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12626 :: È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12626 :: Çǵ¶¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12627 :: º¸È¯¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12628 :: ¿µº¸¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12630 :: ÁøÇǵ¶ Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12631 :: È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12639 :: ¸íÈ£¶ûÀÇ ¼±¹°»óÀÚ(#54042) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12642 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(ÈíÀÎ)(#55020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12642 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(Èí¼ö)(#55021) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12643 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(ºí·°)(#55022) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12644 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(¹İ»ç)(#55023) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12644 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(µå¶ø)(#55024) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12645 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(°Å¸®)(#55025) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12645 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(¹«Àû)(#55026) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12646 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(Á¦°Å)(#55027) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12648 :: ÇÁ¸®¹Ì¾ö º¸µû¸® °Ë»ö(#60005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12654 :: ºÒ°æ(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12656 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Áö¿ø(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12657 :: µ¿·á¿Í ȸÆ÷(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12659 :: Àü±¤ÆǺ¸µû¸®(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12661 :: °æÇèÀǹİÁö(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12662 :: ÃູÀÇ ±¸½½(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12663 :: ¸¸³âÇÑö(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12665 :: ¾ß°øÀÇ ºñÀü¼(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12665 :: Á־ȼú¼(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12666 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ È¯(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12666 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ °ø°İ(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12667 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ ¹æ¾î(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12667 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Ãູ¼(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12669 :: ¿ì¼ö¿¡ Âù ¼ôÄÆ(ȸ»ö)(#74521) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12670 :: ´ÏÆ®¹êµå(¿¬°¥»ö)(#74522) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12671 :: Àå¹ß ¹À½¸Ó¸®(³ë¶õ»ö)(#74523) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12672 :: ±Í¿©¿î ¸¸µÎ¸Ó¸®(¾ÆÀ̺¸¸®(#74524) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12673 :: Çì¾î¹êµå ¼ôÄÆ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74525) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12675 :: µÚÂʸ¸µÎ ¹À½¸Ó¸®(ºÓÀº»ö(#74526) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12675 :: Àå¹ß ¹À½¸Ó¸®(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74527) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12676 :: µÎ°Ç(û»ö)(#74528) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12676 :: »ş±âÄÆ(°¥»ö)(#74529) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12677 :: ³ôÀº Æ÷´ÏÅ×ÀÏ(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74530) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12677 :: ¹Ìµğ¾ö ¼ôÄÆ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74531) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12678 :: ¼ôÄÆ(Èò»ö)(#74532) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12679 :: ½ºÆ÷Ƽ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74533) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12679 :: Ä«¸®½º¸¶(³ë¶õ»ö)(#74534) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12680 :: ¼¼·ÃµÈ ¿Ã¹é(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74535) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12680 :: º¸À̽¬ ¹À½¸Ó¸®(º¸¶ó»ö)(#74536) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12687 :: ÆÇŸ½ºÆ½ ½ºÆ®·¹ÀÌÆ®(³ë¶õ(#74537) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12688 :: ºñ¿£³ª ¹À½¸Ó¸®(û»ö)(#74538) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12689 :: ¿Ã¹é Àå¹ß ºê¸´Áö(º¸¶ó»ö)(#74539) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12689 :: Àå¹ß ½ºÆ®·¹ÀÌÆ®(°ËÀº»ö)(#74540) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12690 :: Á¤Åë ¹«Çù ½ºÅ¸ÀÏ(Èò»ö)(#74541) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12691 :: ³ªºñºñ³à(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74542) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12691 :: ¼¼¹Ì·Õ´Ü¹ß(Èò»ö)(#74543) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12692 :: ¼¼¹Ì·Õ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74544) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12693 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74545) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12693 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(°¥»ö)(#74546) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12694 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(ÆĶõ»ö)(#74547) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12694 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(º¸¶ó»ö)(#74548) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12695 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(ÃÊ·Ï»ö)(#74549) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12696 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Gold)(#74550) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12710 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Black)(#74551) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12711 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Red)(#74552) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12711 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Blue)(#74553) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12712 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(White)(#74554) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12713 :: °ü¸ğ(Gold)(#74555) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12713 :: °ü¸ğ(Black)(#74556) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12714 :: °ü¸ğ(Red)(#74557) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12714 :: °ü¸ğ(Blue)(#74558) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12715 :: °ü¸ğ(Green)(#74559) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12716 :: efsun_ekleyici(#76100) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12717 :: efsun_kritik(#76101) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12717 :: efsun_delici(#76102) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12718 :: efsun_max_hp(#76103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12719 :: efsun_max_sp(#76104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12722 :: efsun_int(#76105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12722 :: efsun_str(#76106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12724 :: efsun_con(#76107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12725 :: efsun_dex(#76108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12725 :: efsun_att_speed(#76109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12726 :: efsun_mov_speed(#76110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12726 :: efsun_cast_peed(#76111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12727 :: efsun_hp_regen(#76112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12727 :: efsun_sp_regen(#76113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12728 :: efsun_poison_pct(#76114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12728 :: efsun_stun_pct(#76115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12729 :: efsun_slow_pct(#76116) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12730 :: efsun_attbonus_human(#76117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12732 :: efsun_attbonus_animal(#76118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12733 :: efsun_attbonus_orc(#76119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12734 :: efsun_attbonus_milgyo(#76120) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12735 :: efsun_attbonus_undead(#76121) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12736 :: efsun_attbonus_devil(#76122) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12737 :: efsun_steal_hp(#76123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12737 :: efsun_steal_sp(#76124) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12738 :: efsun_mana_burn_pct(#76125) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12738 :: efsun_block(#76126) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12739 :: efsun_dodge(#76127) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12740 :: efsun_resist_sword(#76128) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12740 :: efsun_resist_twohand(#76129) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12742 :: EFSUN_RESIST_DAGGER(#76130) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12743 :: EFSUN_RESIST_BELL(#76131) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12745 :: EFSUN_RESIST_FAN(#76132) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12746 :: EFSUN_RESIST_BOW(#76133) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12746 :: EFSUN_RESIST_FIRE(#76134) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12747 :: EFSUN_RESIST_ELEC(#76135) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12747 :: EFSUN_RESIST_MAGIC(#76136) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12748 :: EFSUN_RESIST_WIND(#76137) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12748 :: EFSUN_REFLECT_MELEE(#76138) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12749 :: EFSUN_POISON_REDUCE(#76139) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12749 :: EFSUN_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS(#76140) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12750 :: EFSUN_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS(#76141) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12753 :: EFSUN_ITEM_DROP_BONUS(#76142) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12755 :: EFSUN_IMMUNE_STUN(#76143) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12755 :: EFSUN_IMMUNE_SLOW(#76144) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12756 :: ATT_GRADE_BONUS(#76145) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12756 :: µ·ÁÖ¸Ó´Ï(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:12757 :: ¹éÁö(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 00:40:14033 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg
0809 00:40:14044 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg
0809 00:40:23220 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0809 00:40:23457 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 00:40:23459 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 00:40:23461 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 00:40:23462 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 00:40:23463 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 00:40:23473 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/b/obj/general_obj_pieceofstone01 .mdatr
0809 00:40:27338 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/guild/effect/star.jpg
0809 00:40:27375 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\assassin\effect\16-bottom.jpg
0809 00:40:27409 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam.jpg
0809 00:40:27411 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\w_ring.jpg
0809 00:40:27412 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\white_sphere.jpg
0809 00:40:27415 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\wind.jpg
0809 00:40:27416 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\W_star.jpg
0809 00:40:27417 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam_ring.jpg
0809 00:40:27418 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\gyeokgong_triple_loop_2.jpg
0809 00:40:27419 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\noe_w_ring.jpg
0809 00:41:35554 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub

Channel1 SysLog :

Aug 8 21:42:14 :: DROP_ITEM: Yeti Postu+ 954961 247333 from Yabani Köpek
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=68, npc=102)
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: DROP_ITEM: Kırmızı İksir(O) 955093 247100 from Kurt
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=68, npc=174)
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 269
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 269
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=68, npc=102)
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 174
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 174
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 174
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=68, npc=174)
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 542
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=68, npc=174)
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 545
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: CQuestManager::Kill QUEST_KILL_EVENT (pc=68, npc=102)
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 175
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 175
Aug 8 21:42:14 :: GIVE_GOLD: dsadasd 175
Aug 8 21:42:15 :: SAVE: dsadasd 955062x247036
Aug 8 21:42:23 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Aug 8 21:42:23 time_gap 0
Aug 8 21:42:25 :: QUEST ScriptButton pid 68 idx 99
Aug 8 21:42:29 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Kristal Damarı 20057
Aug 8 21:42:59 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #18
Aug 8 21:42:59 :: DISCONNECT: dsadasd (DESC::~DESC)
Aug 8 21:42:59 :: SAVE: dsadasd 955062x247036
Aug 8 21:42:59 :: QUEST clear timer 0
Aug 8 21:42:59 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #17
Aug 8 21:43:09 :: SpawnMob: cannot create monster at non-exist sectree 405100 x 656600 (map 61)
Aug 8 21:43:23 :: GLOBAL_TIME: Aug 8 21:43:23 time_gap 0
Aug 8 21:43:43 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Fosil Tahta Damarı 20049

Channel1 Son Syserr :

SYSERR: Aug 8 21:37:10 :: ChildLoop: MySQL connection was reconnected. querying locale set

DB Syserr :

SYSERR: Aug 7 23:28:23 :: pid_init:
Start of pid: 1125

SYSERR: Aug 8 21:37:51 :: ChildLoop: MySQL connection was reconnected. querying locale set
SYSERR: Aug 8 21:40:10 :: DirectQuery: MySQL connection was reconnected. querying locale set

Valla görebildiklerim bunlar belki çok alakasız şeyler attım ama artık bir çözüme kavuşmak istiyorum. Bir hatamız varsa Affola :)

Edit : //////////////*************************////////////////

Karaktere tekrar girdiğimde şu şekilde bir syserr var :

0809 01:13:07882 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0809 01:13:07884 :: File "ui.py", line 1607, in OnOverInItem

0809 01:13:07887 :: File "ui.py", line 135, in __call__

0809 01:13:07888 :: File "ui.py", line 126, in __call__

0809 01:13:07890 :: File "uiCharacter.py", line 649, in OverInItem

0809 01:13:07895 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 1927, in SetSkillNew

0809 01:13:07896 :: File "uiToolTip.py", line 2294, in AppendPartySkillData

0809 01:13:07898 :: ValueError
0809 01:13:07898 :: :
0809 01:13:07899 :: unsupported format character ',' (0x2c) at index 43
0809 01:13:07900 ::

0809 01:13:14722 :: granny_shared_vbs:
0809 01:13:14723 :: 0: 40
0809 01:13:14726 :: 1: 221
0809 01:13:14731 :: 2: 20
0809 01:13:14733 :: 3: 40
0809 01:13:14734 :: 4: 1
0809 01:13:14737 :: 5: 20
0809 01:13:14738 :: 6: 1
0809 01:13:14739 :: 7: 0
0809 01:13:14739 :: 8: 0
Son düzenleme:
Mesajınıza ek olarak eklediğiniz log.txt'yi inceledikten sonra kaldırdım. Evet eklediğiniz çoğu şey alakasız şeyler ne yazık ki. :/ Sadece takip edip ilgili olan yerleri ekleyebilirsiniz.

Syserr kayıtlarında daha önce belirttiğiniz hatayla ilgili bir kayıt bulunmuyor bu seferde. :(
Mesajınıza ek olarak eklediğiniz log.txt'yi inceledikten sonra kaldırdım. Evet eklediğiniz çoğu şey alakasız şeyler ne yazık ki. :/ Sadece takip edip ilgili olan yerleri ekleyebilirsiniz.

Syserr kayıtlarında daha önce belirttiğiniz hatayla ilgili bir kayıt bulunmuyor bu seferde. :(
Yani anladığım kadarıyla Log.txt'de herhangi bir sorun yok peki şimdide Game.py'deki kodu eski haline getirip size syserr ve Log.txt'nin en son kayıtlarını göndereyim diyorum. Çünkü, Skıll gui açılıp beceri seçtiğim zaman oyundan atıyor belki böyle bulabiliriz..
Şimdi Tam burada Skıll GUİ Açıldı : {Parantez içine alacağım orayı}
0809 01:29:14821 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:29:15528 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:29:18636 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:29:18646 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:29:18859 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:29:18890 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:29:22078 :: PointWindow: game }
Ve burada işlemi yaptım bitirdim oyundan atmadı :)

Şuralar sanırım yerden hala topladıklarım veya başka birşeyler :

0809 01:29:22213 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22213 :: 0809 01:29:22213 :: 2010809 01:29:22213 :: 0809 01:29:22213 :: 00809 01:29:22214 :: 0809 01:29:22214 :: 00809 01:29:22214 ::
0809 01:29:22215 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22215 :: 0809 01:29:22216 :: 2020809 01:29:22216 :: 0809 01:29:22216 :: 00809 01:29:22216 :: 0809 01:29:22217 :: 00809 01:29:22217 ::
0809 01:29:22217 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22218 :: 0809 01:29:22218 :: 2030809 01:29:22218 :: 0809 01:29:22218 :: 00809 01:29:22218 :: 0809 01:29:22218 :: 00809 01:29:22219 ::
0809 01:29:22222 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22223 :: 0809 01:29:22223 :: 2010809 01:29:22223 :: 0809 01:29:22223 :: 00809 01:29:22223 :: 0809 01:29:22224 :: 00809 01:29:22224 ::
0809 01:29:22224 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22225 :: 0809 01:29:22225 :: 2020809 01:29:22225 :: 0809 01:29:22225 :: 00809 01:29:22225 :: 0809 01:29:22225 :: 00809 01:29:22225 ::
0809 01:29:22227 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22227 :: 0809 01:29:22227 :: 2030809 01:29:22227 :: 0809 01:29:22227 :: 00809 01:29:22228 :: 0809 01:29:22228 :: 00809 01:29:22228 ::
0809 01:29:22235 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:29:22511 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22511 :: 0809 01:29:22511 :: 2010809 01:29:22512 :: 0809 01:29:22513 :: 00809 01:29:22513 :: 0809 01:29:22514 :: 00809 01:29:22514 ::
0809 01:29:22515 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22515 :: 0809 01:29:22515 :: 2020809 01:29:22516 :: 0809 01:29:22516 :: 00809 01:29:22516 :: 0809 01:29:22517 :: 00809 01:29:22517 ::
0809 01:29:22518 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22518 :: 0809 01:29:22519 :: 2030809 01:29:22519 :: 0809 01:29:22520 :: 00809 01:29:22520 :: 0809 01:29:22521 :: 00809 01:29:22521 ::
0809 01:29:22525 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22525 :: 0809 01:29:22526 :: 2010809 01:29:22526 :: 0809 01:29:22526 :: 00809 01:29:22527 :: 0809 01:29:22527 :: 00809 01:29:22527 ::
0809 01:29:22528 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22528 :: 0809 01:29:22530 :: 2020809 01:29:22530 :: 0809 01:29:22531 :: 00809 01:29:22531 :: 0809 01:29:22531 :: 00809 01:29:22531 ::
0809 01:29:22532 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22532 :: 0809 01:29:22532 :: 2030809 01:29:22533 :: 0809 01:29:22533 :: 00809 01:29:22533 :: 0809 01:29:22533 :: 00809 01:29:22533 ::
0809 01:29:22540 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:29:22846 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22847 :: 0809 01:29:22847 :: 2010809 01:29:22847 :: 0809 01:29:22847 :: 00809 01:29:22848 :: 0809 01:29:22848 :: 00809 01:29:22848 ::
0809 01:29:22849 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22849 :: 0809 01:29:22850 :: 2020809 01:29:22850 :: 0809 01:29:22850 :: 00809 01:29:22851 :: 0809 01:29:22851 :: 00809 01:29:22852 ::
0809 01:29:22852 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22852 :: 0809 01:29:22853 :: 2030809 01:29:22853 :: 0809 01:29:22854 :: 00809 01:29:22854 :: 0809 01:29:22854 :: 00809 01:29:22855 ::
0809 01:29:22859 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22859 :: 0809 01:29:22859 :: 2010809 01:29:22860 :: 0809 01:29:22860 :: 00809 01:29:22860 :: 0809 01:29:22861 :: 00809 01:29:22861 ::
0809 01:29:22862 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22862 :: 0809 01:29:22863 :: 2020809 01:29:22863 :: 0809 01:29:22863 :: 00809 01:29:22864 :: 0809 01:29:22865 :: 00809 01:29:22865 ::
0809 01:29:22866 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:22866 :: 0809 01:29:22866 :: 2030809 01:29:22867 :: 0809 01:29:22867 :: 00809 01:29:22867 :: 0809 01:29:22868 :: 00809 01:29:22868 ::
0809 01:29:22875 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:29:23169 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:23169 :: 0809 01:29:23169 :: 2010809 01:29:23170 :: 0809 01:29:23170 :: 00809 01:29:23170 :: 0809 01:29:23171 :: 00809 01:29:23171 ::
0809 01:29:23172 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:23172 :: 0809 01:29:23173 :: 2020809 01:29:23173 :: 0809 01:29:23174 :: 00809 01:29:23174 :: 0809 01:29:23174 :: 00809 01:29:23175 ::
0809 01:29:23175 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:23175 :: 0809 01:29:23176 :: 2030809 01:29:23176 :: 0809 01:29:23176 :: 00809 01:29:23176 :: 0809 01:29:23176 :: 00809 01:29:23177 ::
0809 01:29:23182 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:23183 :: 0809 01:29:23183 :: 2010809 01:29:23183 :: 0809 01:29:23184 :: 00809 01:29:23184 :: 0809 01:29:23185 :: 00809 01:29:23185 ::
0809 01:29:23186 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:23186 :: 0809 01:29:23187 :: 2020809 01:29:23187 :: 0809 01:29:23187 :: 00809 01:29:23188 :: 0809 01:29:23188 :: 00809 01:29:23189 ::
0809 01:29:23190 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:29:23190 :: 0809 01:29:23191 :: 2030809 01:29:23191 :: 0809 01:29:23192 :: 00809 01:29:23192 :: 0809 01:29:23193 :: 00809 01:29:23193 ::
0809 01:29:23200 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:33547 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:33873 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:34447 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:36111 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:36439 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:40564 :: GetElk(): 1029009

Buradan sonrada işte Skıll penceresine ulaşıp geldimi kontrol ettim : ( Skıller gelmiş :) )

0809 01:30:43790 :: PointWindow: board
0809 01:30:43802 :: PointWindow: RightMouseButton
0809 01:30:43812 :: PointWindow: TaskBar
0809 01:30:43848 :: PointWindow: CharacterButton
0809 01:30:44204 :: PointWindow: InventoryButton
0809 01:30:44636 :: Is Opening Belt Inven?? 0809 01:30:44636 :: 0809 01:30:44636 :: 00809 01:30:44637 ::
0809 01:30:44969 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:44969 :: 0809 01:30:44970 :: 2010809 01:30:44970 :: 0809 01:30:44970 :: 00809 01:30:44970 :: 0809 01:30:44970 :: 00809 01:30:44971 ::
0809 01:30:44971 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:44971 :: 0809 01:30:44972 :: 2020809 01:30:44972 :: 0809 01:30:44972 :: 00809 01:30:44972 :: 0809 01:30:44972 :: 00809 01:30:44972 ::
0809 01:30:44973 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:44973 :: 0809 01:30:44973 :: 2030809 01:30:44973 :: 0809 01:30:44973 :: 00809 01:30:44974 :: 0809 01:30:44974 :: 00809 01:30:44974 ::
0809 01:30:44978 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:44979 :: 0809 01:30:44980 :: 2010809 01:30:44980 :: 0809 01:30:44981 :: 00809 01:30:44981 :: 0809 01:30:44981 :: 00809 01:30:44982 ::
0809 01:30:44982 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:44983 :: 0809 01:30:44983 :: 2020809 01:30:44984 :: 0809 01:30:44984 :: 00809 01:30:44985 :: 0809 01:30:44985 :: 00809 01:30:44985 ::
0809 01:30:44986 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:44987 :: 0809 01:30:44987 :: 2030809 01:30:44987 :: 0809 01:30:44987 :: 00809 01:30:44987 :: 0809 01:30:44987 :: 00809 01:30:44988 ::
0809 01:30:45676 :: PointWindow: TaskBar
0809 01:30:45695 :: PointWindow: game
0809 01:30:47355 :: PointWindow: Skill_ETC_Slot
0809 01:30:47373 :: PointWindow: Skill_Active_Slot
0809 01:30:47601 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:47619 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:47637 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:47670 :: PointWindow: Skill_Page
0809 01:30:47822 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:48811 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:48874 :: NEW EVENT CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0809 01:30:48874 ::
0809 01:30:48885 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:48895 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EVENT CURTAIN0809 01:30:48896 ::
0809 01:30:49170 :: PointWindow: Skill_Active_Slot
0809 01:30:49235 :: PointWindow: Skill_Page
0809 01:30:49268 :: PointWindow: board
0809 01:30:51368 :: PointWindow: accept_button
0809 01:30:51401 :: PointWindow: board
0809 01:30:51565 :: PointWindow: accept_button
0809 01:30:52014 :: PointWindow: game
0809 01:30:53562 :: PointWindow: Skill_Page
0809 01:30:53692 :: PointWindow: Skill_Active_Slot
0809 01:30:53707 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:53745 :: PointWindow: Skill_Page
0809 01:30:53754 :: PointWindow: Active_Skill_Point_Label
0809 01:30:53802 :: PointWindow: Skill_Active_Title_Bar
0809 01:30:53811 :: PointWindow: Skill_Page
0809 01:30:53967 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:54200 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:54460 :: PointWindow: board
0809 01:30:54497 :: PointWindow: TitleBar
0809 01:30:54534 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:30:54997 :: PointWindow: game
0809 01:30:55520 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:55521 :: 0809 01:30:55521 :: 2010809 01:30:55522 :: 0809 01:30:55522 :: 00809 01:30:55522 :: 0809 01:30:55523 :: 00809 01:30:55523 ::
0809 01:30:55524 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:55524 :: 0809 01:30:55525 :: 2020809 01:30:55525 :: 0809 01:30:55525 :: 00809 01:30:55526 :: 0809 01:30:55526 :: 00809 01:30:55526 ::
0809 01:30:55527 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:55527 :: 0809 01:30:55527 :: 2030809 01:30:55528 :: 0809 01:30:55528 :: 00809 01:30:55528 :: 0809 01:30:55529 :: 00809 01:30:55529 ::
0809 01:30:55533 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:55533 :: 0809 01:30:55534 :: 2010809 01:30:55534 :: 0809 01:30:55535 :: 00809 01:30:55535 :: 0809 01:30:55535 :: 00809 01:30:55536 ::
0809 01:30:55536 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:55537 :: 0809 01:30:55537 :: 2020809 01:30:55537 :: 0809 01:30:55538 :: 00809 01:30:55539 :: 0809 01:30:55539 :: 00809 01:30:55539 ::
0809 01:30:55542 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:30:55542 :: 0809 01:30:55543 :: 2030809 01:30:55543 :: 0809 01:30:55544 :: 00809 01:30:55544 :: 0809 01:30:55544 :: 00809 01:30:55545 ::
0809 01:30:55548 :: GetElk(): 1029009
0809 01:30:03596 :: PointWindow: !!debug

Game.py Bu şekilde :

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    ## Event Handler

    def OnKeyDown(self, key):
        if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow():

        if key == app.DIK_ESC:

        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

Dikkat Edersiniz illaki,


Yazılı şekilde başarılı oldum ve oyundan atmadı sistem çalışıyor :)

Nasıl oldu bende anlamadım ama sanırım bu sefer oldu :)

Yardımlarınız için Çok Teşekkürler @Whistle @Trashy
Evett yine geldim :D

Sorun var amma nasıl :)

Binek üstündeyken yaptı bunu Skıll GUİ geldi Beceriyi seçtim ve oyundan attı...
Binek : Beyaz Aslan ( Hani bu mavi mavi efectli olan )

Log :

0809 01:46:24454 :: GetElk(): 1022078
0809 01:46:24737 :: GetElk(): 1022606
0809 01:46:25385 :: GetElk(): 1022606
0809 01:46:26711 :: GetElk(): 1022606
0809 01:46:28045 :: GetElk(): 1022606
0809 01:46:28357 :: GetElk(): 1023139
0809 01:46:28666 :: GetElk(): 1023139
0809 01:46:28972 :: GetElk(): 1023664
0809 01:46:31090 :: GetElk(): 1023664
0809 01:46:31146 :: NEW EVENT CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0809 01:46:31147 ::
0809 01:46:31148 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:46:31167 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE EVENT CURTAIN0809 01:46:31167 ::
0809 01:46:31182 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31183 :: 0809 01:46:31183 :: 2010809 01:46:31183 :: 0809 01:46:31184 :: 00809 01:46:31184 :: 0809 01:46:31185 :: 00809 01:46:31185 ::
0809 01:46:31186 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31186 :: 0809 01:46:31186 :: 2020809 01:46:31186 :: 0809 01:46:31187 :: 00809 01:46:31187 :: 0809 01:46:31188 :: 00809 01:46:31188 ::
0809 01:46:31189 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31190 :: 0809 01:46:31190 :: 2030809 01:46:31190 :: 0809 01:46:31191 :: 00809 01:46:31191 :: 0809 01:46:31192 :: 00809 01:46:31192 ::
0809 01:46:31399 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31399 :: 0809 01:46:31400 :: 2010809 01:46:31400 :: 0809 01:46:31400 :: 00809 01:46:31400 :: 0809 01:46:31400 :: 00809 01:46:31401 ::
0809 01:46:31402 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31402 :: 0809 01:46:31402 :: 2020809 01:46:31402 :: 0809 01:46:31403 :: 00809 01:46:31403 :: 0809 01:46:31403 :: 00809 01:46:31403 ::
0809 01:46:31404 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31404 :: 0809 01:46:31405 :: 2030809 01:46:31405 :: 0809 01:46:31405 :: 00809 01:46:31405 :: 0809 01:46:31406 :: 00809 01:46:31406 ::
0809 01:46:31411 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31411 :: 0809 01:46:31411 :: 2010809 01:46:31411 :: 0809 01:46:31412 :: 00809 01:46:31412 :: 0809 01:46:31412 :: 00809 01:46:31412 ::
0809 01:46:31413 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31413 :: 0809 01:46:31414 :: 2020809 01:46:31414 :: 0809 01:46:31414 :: 00809 01:46:31415 :: 0809 01:46:31415 :: 00809 01:46:31415 ::
0809 01:46:31416 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:46:31417 :: 0809 01:46:31417 :: 2030809 01:46:31417 :: 0809 01:46:31417 :: 00809 01:46:31417 :: 0809 01:46:31418 :: 00809 01:46:31419 ::
0809 01:46:31429 :: GetElk(): 1024189
0809 01:46:31933 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:46:32000 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:46:32374 :: PointWindow: game
0809 01:46:32527 ::
0809 01:46:32531 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ##
0809 01:46:32533 ::
0809 01:46:32535 :: NEW LOGIN WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0809 01:46:32535 ::
0809 01:46:32536 :: PointWindow: PhaseCurtain
0809 01:46:32616 :: FadeOutMusic: BGM/M2BG.mp3 - ERROR NOT EXIST
0809 01:46:32649 :: ===================================================== DESTROYED TARGET BOARD0809 01:46:32649 ::
0809 01:46:32650 :: Is Opening Belt Inven?? 0809 01:46:32650 :: 0809 01:46:32650 :: 00809 01:46:32651 ::
0809 01:46:32660 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY EXCHANGE0809 01:46:32661 ::
0809 01:46:32668 :: ==================================== DESTROIED GUILD WINDOW0809 01:46:32668 ::
0809 01:46:32677 :: =============================== DESTROIED PartyWindow0809 01:46:32678 ::
0809 01:46:32680 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE GAME WINDOW0809 01:46:32681 ::
0809 01:46:32681 :: LOGIN WINDOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0809 01:46:32681 ::
0809 01:46:32682 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/LoginWindow.py0809 01:46:32682 ::
0809 01:46:32830 :: 자동 로그인을 하시려면loginInfo.xml파일을 작성해주세요

slot=캐릭터 선택 인덱스 (없거나 -1이면 자동 선택 안함)
autoLogin=자동 접속 여부
autoSelect=자동 접속 여부
locale=(ymir) LC_Ymir 일경우 ymir로 작동. 지정하지 않으면 korea로 작동
0809 01:46:32832 ::
0809 01:46:32852 :: PointWindow: ServerList
0809 01:46:32879 :: Succeed connecting.
0809 01:46:38143 :: PointWindow: bg2
0809 01:46:41689 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:46:43323 :: PointWindow: !!debug

Game.py Bu Şekilde :

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    ## Event Handler

    def OnKeyDown(self, key):
        if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow():

        if key == app.DIK_ESC:

        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

Üstün Bilgilerinize sunarım.
Burdada aynısı oldu Beyaz Aslan Bineğine bindim ve 5 levele kastım karakteri Skıll GUİ Açıldı Beceri Seçtim Oyundan Attı.

Log :

0809 01:56:41911 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:56:42017 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:56:42121 :: GetElk(): 1026826
0809 01:56:42435 :: GetElk(): 1026826
0809 01:56:42744 :: GetElk(): 1026826
0809 01:56:42808 :: PointWindow: !!debug
0809 01:56:43045 :: GetElk(): 1026826
0809 01:56:43470 :: GetElk(): 1026826
0809 01:56:43643 :: PointWindow: game
0809 01:56:43786 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:56:43786 :: 0809 01:56:43786 :: 2010809 01:56:43787 :: 0809 01:56:43787 :: 00809 01:56:43787 :: 0809 01:56:43787 :: 00809 01:56:43787 ::
0809 01:56:43788 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:56:43788 :: 0809 01:56:43788 :: 2020809 01:56:43789 :: 0809 01:56:43789 :: 00809 01:56:43789 :: 0809 01:56:43789 :: 00809 01:56:43789 ::
0809 01:56:43790 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:56:43790 :: 0809 01:56:43790 :: 2030809 01:56:43791 :: 0809 01:56:43791 :: 00809 01:56:43791 :: 0809 01:56:43791 :: 00809 01:56:43791 ::
0809 01:56:43795 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:56:43796 :: 0809 01:56:43796 :: 2010809 01:56:43796 :: 0809 01:56:43796 :: 00809 01:56:43796 :: 0809 01:56:43797 :: 00809 01:56:43797 ::
0809 01:56:43797 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:56:43798 :: 0809 01:56:43798 :: 2020809 01:56:43798 :: 0809 01:56:43798 :: 00809 01:56:43798 :: 0809 01:56:43799 :: 00809 01:56:43799 ::
0809 01:56:43800 :: ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM0809 01:56:43800 :: 0809 01:56:43800 :: 2030809 01:56:43801 :: 0809 01:56:43801 :: 00809 01:56:43801 :: 0809 01:56:43801 :: 00809 01:56:43801 ::
0809 01:56:43807 :: GetElk(): 1026826
0809 01:56:43847 ::
0809 01:56:43851 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ##
0809 01:56:43854 ::
0809 01:56:43856 :: NEW LOGIN WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0809 01:56:43857 ::
0809 01:56:43858 :: PointWindow: PhaseCurtain
0809 01:56:43931 :: FadeOutMusic: BGM/M2BG.mp3 - ERROR NOT EXIST
0809 01:56:43963 :: ===================================================== DESTROYED TARGET BOARD0809 01:56:43963 ::
0809 01:56:43964 :: Is Opening Belt Inven?? 0809 01:56:43964 :: 0809 01:56:43964 :: 00809 01:56:43964 ::
0809 01:56:43974 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY EXCHANGE0809 01:56:43975 ::
0809 01:56:43982 :: ==================================== DESTROIED GUILD WINDOW0809 01:56:43982 ::
0809 01:56:43991 :: =============================== DESTROIED PartyWindow0809 01:56:43991 ::
0809 01:56:43994 :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE GAME WINDOW0809 01:56:43995 ::
0809 01:56:43995 :: LOGIN WINDOW OPEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0809 01:56:43995 ::
0809 01:56:43996 :: ===== Load Script File : locale/tr/ui/LoginWindow.py0809 01:56:43996 ::
0809 01:56:44143 :: 자동 로그인을 하시려면loginInfo.xml파일을 작성해주세요

slot=캐릭터 선택 인덱스 (없거나 -1이면 자동 선택 안함)
autoLogin=자동 접속 여부
autoSelect=자동 접속 여부
locale=(ymir) LC_Ymir 일경우 ymir로 작동. 지정하지 않으면 korea로 작동
0809 01:56:44145 ::
0809 01:56:44170 :: PointWindow: ServerList
0809 01:56:44194 :: Succeed connecting.
0809 01:57:47609 :: PointWindow: bg2

Game.py : ( Değiştirdim print(key) yaptım o satırı )

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    ## Event Handler

    def OnKeyDown(self, key):
        if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow():

        if key == app.DIK_ESC:

        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True
Çok ilginç. Oyundan attıktan sonra syserr.txt'e kayıt giriyor mu? Çünkü verdiğiniz loglar normal gözüküyor.
0809 01:55:11775 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_001.gr2
0809 01:55:11775 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_002.gr2
0809 01:55:11777 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_003.gr2
0809 01:55:11779 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_004.gr2
0809 01:55:11780 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_005.gr2
0809 01:55:11780 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_006.gr2
0809 01:55:11781 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_007.gr2
0809 01:55:11802 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_02_85_008.gr2
0809 01:55:11804 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_011.gr2
0809 01:55:11806 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_012.gr2
0809 01:55:11807 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_013.gr2
0809 01:55:11807 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_03_85_014.gr2
0809 01:55:11808 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_015.gr2
0809 01:55:11809 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_016.gr2
0809 01:55:11809 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_017.gr2
0809 01:55:11810 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_018.gr2
0809 01:55:11831 :: Çѱ¹¹«½Ö¹öÁ¯(#2 ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11860 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11861 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11862 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11865 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11866 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11866 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11867 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11868 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11869 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11870 :: ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11906 :: ¹éÈ£°©+0(#20860) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11906 :: ¹éÈ£°©+1(#20861) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11908 :: ¹éÈ£°©+2(#20862) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11910 :: ¹éÈ£°©+3(#20863) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11911 :: ¹éÈ£°©+4(#20864) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11912 :: ¹éÈ£°©+5(#20865) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11913 :: ¹éÈ£°©+6(#20866) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11914 :: ¹éÈ£°©+7(#20867) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11915 :: ¹éÈ£°©+8(#20868) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11915 :: ¹éÈ£°©+9(#20869) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11917 :: ¹é°Ç+0(#20870) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11920 :: ¹é°Ç+1(#20871) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11921 :: ¹é°Ç+2(#20872) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11922 :: ¹é°Ç+3(#20873) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11923 :: ¹é°Ç+4(#20874) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11924 :: ¹é°Ç+5(#20875) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11925 :: ¹é°Ç+6(#20876) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11925 :: ¹é°Ç+7(#20877) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11926 :: ¹é°Ç+8(#20878) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11928 :: ¹é°Ç+9(#20879) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11930 :: ¹é¸¶°©+0(#20880) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11931 :: ¹é¸¶°©+1(#20881) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11932 :: ¹é¸¶°©+2(#20882) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11933 :: ¹é¸¶°©+3(#20883) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11934 :: ¹é¸¶°©+4(#20884) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11935 :: ¹é¸¶°©+5(#20885) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11936 :: ¹é¸¶°©+6(#20886) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11938 :: ¹é¸¶°©+7(#20887) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11939 :: ¹é¸¶°©+8(#20888) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11941 :: ¹é¸¶°©+9(#20889) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11942 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+0(#20890) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11943 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+1(#20891) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11943 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+2(#20892) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11944 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+3(#20893) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11945 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+4(#20894) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11946 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+5(#20895) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11948 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+6(#20896) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11949 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+7(#20897) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11951 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+8(#20898) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11953 :: ¹é»óÀÇ+9(#20899) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11954 :: ¹éÇö°©+0(#20900) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11954 :: ¹éÇö°©+1(#20901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11954 :: ¹éÇö°©+2(#20902) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11957 :: ¹éÇö°©+3(#20903) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11957 :: ¹éÇö°©+4(#20904) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11960 :: ¹éÇö°©+5(#20905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11960 :: ¹éÇö°©+6(#20906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11961 :: ¹éÇö°©+7(#20907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11962 :: ¹éÇö°©+8(#20908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11962 :: ¹éÇö°©+9(#20909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11963 :: Èæ·æ°©+0(#20910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11964 :: Èæ·æ°©+1(#20911) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11966 :: Èæ·æ°©+2(#20912) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11969 :: Èæ·æ°©+3(#20913) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11970 :: Èæ·æ°©+4(#20914) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11971 :: Èæ·æ°©+5(#20915) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11972 :: Èæ·æ°©+6(#20916) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11973 :: Èæ·æ°©+7(#20917) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11973 :: Èæ·æ°©+8(#20918) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11974 :: Èæ·æ°©+9(#20919) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11975 :: ÈæÇö+0(#20920) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11977 :: ÈæÇö+1(#20921) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11978 :: ÈæÇö+2(#20922) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11980 :: ÈæÇö+3(#20923) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11981 :: ÈæÇö+4(#20924) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11982 :: ÈæÇö+5(#20925) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11983 :: ÈæÇö+6(#20926) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11984 :: ÈæÇö+7(#20927) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11984 :: ÈæÇö+8(#20928) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11985 :: ÈæÇö+9(#20929) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11988 :: Èæ»ó°©+0(#20930) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11990 :: Èæ»ó°©+1(#20931) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11991 :: Èæ»ó°©+2(#20932) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11992 :: Èæ»ó°©+3(#20933) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11992 :: Èæ»ó°©+4(#20934) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11993 :: Èæ»ó°©+5(#20935) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11994 :: Èæ»ó°©+6(#20936) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11995 :: Èæ»ó°©+7(#20937) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11997 :: Èæ»ó°©+8(#20938) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:11998 :: Èæ»ó°©+9(#20939) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12000 :: Èæ¼±+0(#20940) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12001 :: Èæ¼±+1(#20941) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12002 :: Èæ¼±+2(#20942) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12003 :: Èæ¼±+3(#20943) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12004 :: Èæ¼±+4(#20944) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12005 :: Èæ¼±+5(#20945) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12005 :: Èæ¼±+6(#20946) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12007 :: Èæ¼±+7(#20947) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12010 :: Èæ¼±+8(#20948) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12011 :: Èæ¼±+9(#20949) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12012 :: Èæõ°©+0(#20950) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12012 :: Èæõ°©+1(#20951) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12013 :: Èæõ°©+2(#20952) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12014 :: Èæõ°©+3(#20953) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12015 :: Èæõ°©+4(#20954) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12017 :: Èæõ°©+5(#20955) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12020 :: Èæõ°©+6(#20956) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12021 :: Èæõ°©+7(#20957) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12022 :: Èæõ°©+8(#20958) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12023 :: Èæõ°©+9(#20959) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12037 :: WA_7+1(#21100) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12037 :: WA_7+2(#21101) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12039 :: WA_7+3(#21102) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12042 :: WA_7+4(#21103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12043 :: WA_7+5(#21104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12044 :: WA_7+6(#21105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12045 :: WA_7+7(#21106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12045 :: WA_7+8(#21107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12046 :: WA_7+9(#21108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12047 :: WA_8+0(#21109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12049 :: WA_8+1(#21110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12051 :: WA_8+2(#21111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12053 :: WA_8+3(#21112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12054 :: WA_8+4(#21113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12054 :: WA_8+5(#21114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12055 :: WA_8+6(#21115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12056 :: WA_8+7(#21116) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12057 :: WA_8+8(#21117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12059 :: WA_8+9(#21118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12060 :: WA_9+0(#21119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12062 :: WA_9+1(#21120) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12063 :: WA_9+2(#21121) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12063 :: WA_9+3(#21122) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12064 :: WA_9+4(#21123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12065 :: WA_9+5(#21124) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12065 :: WA_9+6(#21125) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12066 :: WA_9+7(#21126) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12067 :: WA_9+8(#21127) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12070 :: WA_9+9(#21128) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12079 :: ´ÜºÀ¼ö+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21991) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12080 :: ³úÈ°©+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21992) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12081 :: ¹é°ñÅõ±¸+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21993) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12084 :: À§Ä¡±â¾ïºÎ(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12085 :: À̵¿ºÎ(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12086 :: »ı¸íºÎ(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12088 :: ȯ»ıºÎ(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12089 :: ³ì»ö¹°¾à(¼Ò)(#27123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12093 :: °¡¸®ºñ(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12094 :: û°¡¸®ºñ(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12095 :: Ȳ°¡¸®ºñ(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12096 :: È«°¡¸®ºñ(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12098 :: ³ì°¡¸®ºñ(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12099 :: ȲÁÖ¼®(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12101 :: ûÁÖ¼®(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12102 :: û½Å¼ö(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12103 :: Ȳ½Å¼ö(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12104 :: È«½Å¼ö(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12105 :: ³ì½Å¼ö(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12105 :: ¿¬Ã»½Å¼ö(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12107 :: ¿¬È²½Å¼ö(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12108 :: ¿¬È«½Å¼ö(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12110 :: ¿¬³ì½Å¼ö(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12113 :: ¿õ±ÍÀÇ È²±İ¾î±İ´Ï(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12114 :: »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12114 :: Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12115 :: À¯¶û ¾î¸Ó´Ï ¾à(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12116 :: ¿õ±ÍÀÇ ¼Û°÷´Ï(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12117 :: µµÀÚ±âÂø»ö¿ëÀ¯¾à(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12123 :: »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12124 :: ÈľȼÒÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12125 :: Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12126 :: Àå¾î(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12126 :: ¹Ğ±³ °æÀü(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12127 :: ±«Áú±Õ(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12128 :: ±«Áú Ä¡·áÁ¦(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12128 :: Çà»óÀÎÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12129 :: »ç±ÍÀÇ º¸¼®ÇÔ(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12141 :: ±¸È£Ç°(#31100) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12145 :: ³ì¸²Áö¼ºÁöµµ(#31101) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12146 :: ³ì¸²Áö¼º¿ª»ç¼(#31102) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12146 :: ºñ¹ĞÆíÁö(#31103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12147 :: VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12147 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12148 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12149 :: Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12149 :: TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12150 :: Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12151 :: ¼Ò¸®³ª´Â ¹æ¿ï(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12152 :: ¿À¶ûij ¼ö¼Û¼(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12166 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(gold)(#45208) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12167 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(silver)(#45209) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12169 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(gold)(#45210) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12170 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(silver)(#45211) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12172 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(gold)(#45212) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12172 :: ÇÒ·ÎÀ©Åõ±¸(silver)(#45213) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12173 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ1(#45214) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12174 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ2(#45215) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12175 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ1(#45216) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12175 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ2(#45217) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12176 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ1(#45218) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12176 :: »êŸÅиğÀÚ2(#45219) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12187 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ1(#45220) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12188 :: »êŸÈò¸ğÀÚ2(#45221) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12188 :: ºÎÈ°Àı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45222) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12189 :: ºÎÈ°Àı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45223) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12189 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45224) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12190 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45225) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12191 :: ºÎÈÀı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45226) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12191 :: ºÎÈÀı³²ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45227) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12192 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì3(#45228) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12193 :: ºÎÈÀı¿©ÀÚ¸Ó¸®¶ì4(#45229) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12194 :: ¼±¹°º¸µû¸®(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12194 :: ½Â¸¶¼ö·Ã¼(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12205 :: ¿ë°¢º¸¹°»óÀÚ(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12206 :: ¿µ¼®º¸µû¸®(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12208 :: ±âÇ÷Ãë¸í ¼ö·Ã¼(#50406) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12209 :: ³ú°Ëµµ·¡ ¼ö·Ã¼(#50421) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12210 :: È漶¼ö ¼ö·Ã¼(#50436) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12210 :: ¼¶±¤Åº ¼ö·Ã¼(#50451) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12211 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³1 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50530) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12212 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³2 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50531) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12212 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³3 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50532) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12214 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³4 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50533) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12215 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³5 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50534) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12217 :: ¼öÀνºÅ³6 ¼ö·Ã¼(#50535) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12220 :: ¼®Ã¢Æ÷¾×(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12220 :: ¿µÁö¹ö¼¸¾×(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12221 :: ¸¸º´Ãʾ×(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12222 :: »ê»Í³ª¹«¾×(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12222 :: ¹Îµé·¹¾×(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12224 :: ȫȾ¾¾×(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12224 :: ´ëÃß¾×(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12226 :: »ïÁö±¸¿±Ãʾ×(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12227 :: ºó¾àº´(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12229 :: È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12229 :: Çǵ¶¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12229 :: º¸È¯¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12230 :: ¿µº¸¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12231 :: ÁøÇǵ¶ Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12231 :: È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12239 :: ¸íÈ£¶ûÀÇ ¼±¹°»óÀÚ(#54042) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12242 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(ÈíÀÎ)(#55020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12243 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(Èí¼ö)(#55021) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12244 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(ºí·°)(#55022) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12245 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(¹İ»ç)(#55023) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12247 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(µå¶ø)(#55024) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12248 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(°Å¸®)(#55025) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12248 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(¹«Àû)(#55026) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12249 :: Æê ½ºÅ³ºÏ(Á¦°Å)(#55027) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12251 :: ÇÁ¸®¹Ì¾ö º¸µû¸® °Ë»ö(#60005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12253 :: ºÒ°æ(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12259 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Áö¿ø(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12260 :: µ¿·á¿Í ȸÆ÷(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12262 :: Àü±¤ÆǺ¸µû¸®(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12265 :: °æÇèÀǹİÁö(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12265 :: ÃູÀÇ ±¸½½(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12266 :: ¸¸³âÇÑö(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12269 :: ¾ß°øÀÇ ºñÀü¼(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12269 :: Á־ȼú¼(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12271 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ È¯(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12272 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ °ø°İ(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12273 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ ¹æ¾î(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12273 :: ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Ãູ¼(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12275 :: ¿ì¼ö¿¡ Âù ¼ôÄÆ(ȸ»ö)(#74521) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12275 :: ´ÏÆ®¹êµå(¿¬°¥»ö)(#74522) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12276 :: Àå¹ß ¹À½¸Ó¸®(³ë¶õ»ö)(#74523) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12276 :: ±Í¿©¿î ¸¸µÎ¸Ó¸®(¾ÆÀ̺¸¸®(#74524) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12277 :: Çì¾î¹êµå ¼ôÄÆ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74525) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12279 :: µÚÂʸ¸µÎ ¹À½¸Ó¸®(ºÓÀº»ö(#74526) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12282 :: Àå¹ß ¹À½¸Ó¸®(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74527) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12282 :: µÎ°Ç(û»ö)(#74528) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12283 :: »ş±âÄÆ(°¥»ö)(#74529) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12284 :: ³ôÀº Æ÷´ÏÅ×ÀÏ(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74530) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12285 :: ¹Ìµğ¾ö ¼ôÄÆ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74531) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12286 :: ¼ôÄÆ(Èò»ö)(#74532) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12286 :: ½ºÆ÷Ƽ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74533) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12287 :: Ä«¸®½º¸¶(³ë¶õ»ö)(#74534) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12293 :: ¼¼·ÃµÈ ¿Ã¹é(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74535) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12293 :: º¸À̽¬ ¹À½¸Ó¸®(º¸¶ó»ö)(#74536) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12295 :: ÆÇŸ½ºÆ½ ½ºÆ®·¹ÀÌÆ®(³ë¶õ(#74537) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12296 :: ºñ¿£³ª ¹À½¸Ó¸®(û»ö)(#74538) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12297 :: ¿Ã¹é Àå¹ß ºê¸´Áö(º¸¶ó»ö)(#74539) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12298 :: Àå¹ß ½ºÆ®·¹ÀÌÆ®(°ËÀº»ö)(#74540) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12298 :: Á¤Åë ¹«Çù ½ºÅ¸ÀÏ(Èò»ö)(#74541) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12299 :: ³ªºñºñ³à(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74542) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12300 :: ¼¼¹Ì·Õ´Ü¹ß(Èò»ö)(#74543) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12301 :: ¼¼¹Ì·Õ(°ËÀº»ö)(#74544) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12302 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(ºÓÀº»ö)(#74545) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12317 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(°¥»ö)(#74546) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12319 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(ÆĶõ»ö)(#74547) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12320 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(º¸¶ó»ö)(#74548) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12321 :: ¼öÀÎÇì¾î1(ÃÊ·Ï»ö)(#74549) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12321 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Gold)(#74550) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12323 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Black)(#74551) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12323 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Red)(#74552) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12324 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(Blue)(#74553) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12325 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(White)(#74554) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12327 :: °ü¸ğ(Gold)(#74555) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12328 :: °ü¸ğ(Black)(#74556) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12330 :: °ü¸ğ(Red)(#74557) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12330 :: °ü¸ğ(Blue)(#74558) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12331 :: °ü¸ğ(Green)(#74559) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12333 :: efsun_ekleyici(#76100) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12335 :: efsun_kritik(#76101) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12337 :: efsun_delici(#76102) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12338 :: efsun_max_hp(#76103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12340 :: efsun_max_sp(#76104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12340 :: efsun_int(#76105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12341 :: efsun_str(#76106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12342 :: efsun_con(#76107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12343 :: efsun_dex(#76108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12343 :: efsun_att_speed(#76109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12344 :: efsun_mov_speed(#76110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12345 :: efsun_cast_peed(#76111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12347 :: efsun_hp_regen(#76112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12348 :: efsun_sp_regen(#76113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12350 :: efsun_poison_pct(#76114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12351 :: efsun_stun_pct(#76115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12352 :: efsun_slow_pct(#76116) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12353 :: efsun_attbonus_human(#76117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12354 :: efsun_attbonus_animal(#76118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12354 :: efsun_attbonus_orc(#76119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12355 :: efsun_attbonus_milgyo(#76120) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12356 :: efsun_attbonus_undead(#76121) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12357 :: efsun_attbonus_devil(#76122) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12358 :: efsun_steal_hp(#76123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12360 :: efsun_steal_sp(#76124) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12361 :: efsun_mana_burn_pct(#76125) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12361 :: efsun_block(#76126) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12362 :: efsun_dodge(#76127) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12363 :: efsun_resist_sword(#76128) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12363 :: efsun_resist_twohand(#76129) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12364 :: EFSUN_RESIST_DAGGER(#76130) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12364 :: EFSUN_RESIST_BELL(#76131) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12365 :: EFSUN_RESIST_FAN(#76132) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12365 :: EFSUN_RESIST_BOW(#76133) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12366 :: EFSUN_RESIST_FIRE(#76134) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12369 :: EFSUN_RESIST_ELEC(#76135) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12370 :: EFSUN_RESIST_MAGIC(#76136) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12371 :: EFSUN_RESIST_WIND(#76137) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12372 :: EFSUN_REFLECT_MELEE(#76138) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12372 :: EFSUN_POISON_REDUCE(#76139) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12373 :: EFSUN_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS(#76140) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12374 :: EFSUN_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS(#76141) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12375 :: EFSUN_ITEM_DROP_BONUS(#76142) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12376 :: EFSUN_IMMUNE_STUN(#76143) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12376 :: EFSUN_IMMUNE_SLOW(#76144) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12377 :: ATT_GRADE_BONUS(#76145) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12378 :: µ·ÁÖ¸Ó´Ï(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:12379 :: ¹éÁö(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 01:55:13702 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg
0809 01:55:13715 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg
0809 01:55:26514 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0809 01:55:26710 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 01:55:26711 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 01:55:26714 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 01:55:26715 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 01:55:26716 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0809 01:55:26724 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/b/obj/general_obj_pieceofstone01 .mdatr
0809 01:55:31523 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/guild/effect/star.jpg
0809 01:55:31559 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\assassin\effect\16-bottom.jpg
0809 01:55:31609 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam.jpg
0809 01:55:31610 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\w_ring.jpg
0809 01:55:31612 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\white_sphere.jpg
0809 01:55:31615 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\wind.jpg
0809 01:55:31616 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\W_star.jpg
0809 01:55:31617 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam_ring.jpg
0809 01:55:31618 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\gyeokgong_triple_loop_2.jpg
0809 01:55:31620 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\noe_w_ring.jpg
0809 01:55:38795 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub

İşte burada @Whistle
Hayır burası temiz. Oyundan attıktan sonra tekrardan clienti açmayın. Aksi halde girilen kayıtlar tekrardan temizlenir.
Game.py'de belirttiğiniz kısımdaki kodlar olması gerektiği gibi. Eklediğiniz sistemin gönderdiği veri yüzünden bu sorun çıkıyor ama onu bulmak gerekiyor :(
Anladım peki bu sorunu nasıl buluruz ? Eklediğim sistemin dosyalarını paylaşmıştım ilk yazida isterseniz tek tek kod olarak buraya ekleyebilirim veya nasıl bir yol izleyelim ?

İşin aslı sistem çalışıyor tek sorunu binek üstündeyken oyundan atması :(
Daha önceki mesajımda söylediğim gibi hata ayıklama ile kodlarınızı izleyeceksiniz tek tek. Aynı işlemleri tekrardan yapın ve oyundan attıktan sonra syserr.txt dosyanızın alt kısımlarda şu dosyada şöyle hatalar var cinsinden bilgiler olacak. Sadece o kısımı eklemeniz yeterli.
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.