Çözüldü syserr hatası | Gelişmiş Beceri Sistemi |

Bu konu çözüme ulaştırılmıştır. Çözüm için konuya yazılan tüm yorumları okumayı unutmayın. Eğer konudaki yorumlar sorununuzu çözmediyse yeni bir konu açabilirsiniz.
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.


MT Üye
MT Üye
Ticaret Puanı

Geceden bu yana uğraşıyorum fakat bir türlü ekleyemedim bu sistemi. Hata giderilirse foruma bir sistem daha katmış oluruz diye düşünüyorum.
Sorun şu ki ; Oyuna girebiliyorum fakat Level 5 ve üstünde asla ekrana bu sistem gelmiyor. Sanırım Game.py de bir hata yapıyorum çok inceledim ve iyice beynim yandı :)
Artık sağlıklı düşünemediğimden dolayı konuyu açmayı düşündüm :)

Aldığım Syserr :
0806 11:00:24545 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0806 11:00:24547 :: File "game.py", line 2293, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run

0806 11:00:24552 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run

0806 11:00:24554 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__

0806 11:00:24561 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__

0806 11:00:24562 :: File "game.py", line 2789, in SelectJob

0806 11:00:24563 :: File "system.py", line 137, in __pack_import

0806 11:00:24566 :: ImportError
0806 11:00:24570 :: :
0806 11:00:24571 :: No module named uiSelectJob
0806 11:00:24571 ::

0806 11:00:24573 :: Unknown Server Command SELECT_JOB QID#55 | SELECT_JOB
0806 11:00:24583 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0806 11:00:24584 :: File "game.py", line 2293, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run

0806 11:00:24585 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run

0806 11:00:24586 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__

0806 11:00:24593 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 20, in __call__

0806 11:00:24596 :: File "game.py", line 2789, in SelectJob

0806 11:00:24598 :: File "system.py", line 137, in __pack_import

0806 11:00:24599 :: ImportError
0806 11:00:24607 :: :
0806 11:00:24609 :: No module named uiSelectJob
0806 11:00:24609 ::

0806 11:00:24611 :: Unknown Server Command SELECT_JOB OPEN# | SELECT_JOB

Kurmak İstediğim Sistem :

Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

En basit örnek illumina dosyasını kopyala select_job_path klasörünün yanına yapıştır oradan çeksin hemde yol bozulmamış olur
En basit örnek illumina dosyasını kopyala select_job_path klasörünün yanına yapıştır oradan çeksin hemde yol bozulmamış olur

Onları halletim sorun yok şu anda seçim ekranı geliyor butonlar ve yazılarda düzeldi. Ama bu seferde skilleri vermiyor ve karakter atıp tekrar giriş yaptığımda tekrar aynı ekran geliyor seçim yapıyorum ve skıller yok :)
Sanırım questte bir sıkıntı var yada ben sistem eklemeye calışırken fazla quest okuttum onlar birbiriyle çakışıyor...

Ek olarak, Herhangi bir Syserr kaydı almadım Clientte sonra gidip Server içerisine baktım Syserr ve Log dosyalarına bu günün tarihiyle ilgili ve bu sistemle ilgili bir kayıt yok..

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
quest select_job begin
    state start begin
        when login or levelup with pc.get_level()>=5 and pc.get_skill_group()==0 begin
            if pc.getf('select_job', 'selecting') != 1 then
                cmdchat('SELECT_JOB QID#'..q.getcurrentquestindex())
                cmdchat('SELECT_JOB OPEN#')
                pc.setf('select_job', 'selecting', 1)
        when logout begin
            cmdchat('SELECT_JOB CLOSE#')
            pc.setf('select_job', 'selecting', 0)
        when button begin
            if pc.get_skill_group()==0 then
                cmdchat('SELECT_JOB INPUT#1')
                local group = split(input(cmdchat('SELECT_JOB SEND#')), '#')
                cmdchat('SELECT_JOB INPUT#0')
                if group[1] == '1' then
                    pc.set_skill_level(121 ,59)
                    pc.set_skill_level(122 ,2)
                    pc.set_skill_level(123 ,59)
                    pc.set_skill_level(124 ,59)
                    pc.set_skill_level(125 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(126 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(127 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(128 ,10)
                    pc.set_skill_level(129 ,59)
                    pc.set_skill_level(130 ,21)
                    pc.set_skill_level(131 ,59)
                    pc.set_skill_level(132 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(133 ,59)
                    pc.set_skill_level(134 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(135 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(136 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(137 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(138 ,20)   
                    pc.set_skill_level(139 ,20)
                    pc.set_skill_level(140 ,20)
                    pc.setf('select_job', 'selecting', 0)
                elseif group[1] == '2' then
                    if pc.get_job()==4 then
                        pc.set_skill_level(121 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(122 ,2)
                        pc.set_skill_level(123 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(124 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(125 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(126 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(127 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(128 ,10)
                        pc.set_skill_level(129 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(130 ,21)
                        pc.set_skill_level(131 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(132 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(133 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(134 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(135 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(136 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(137 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(138 ,20)   
                        pc.set_skill_level(139 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(140 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(121 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(122 ,2)
                        pc.set_skill_level(123 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(124 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(125 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(126 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(127 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(128 ,10)
                        pc.set_skill_level(129 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(130 ,21)
                        pc.set_skill_level(131 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(132 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(133 ,59)
                        pc.set_skill_level(134 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(135 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(136 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(137 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(138 ,20)   
                        pc.set_skill_level(139 ,20)
                        pc.set_skill_level(140 ,20)
                    pc.setf('select_job', 'selecting', 0)
                    syschat('Grup invalid')
                syschat('Zaten yeteneklerini seçtiniz')
client ve game syserlerine bakın command ile ilgili bi hata vermiş olabilir
Şimdi oldu ama ufak bir hata var hangi yolu izledim hemen açıklayım :

questleri attığım zaman haliyle okutup /reload q komutu giriyordum ve birden şu sorun oluyor questler bozuluyordu. Yani misal depo aç questi var parşomen tıklıyorum açılmıyor veya binek yüzüğü questi var tıklıyorum yüzüğe açılmıyor bende gittim quest_list'e manuel bu 5 level sistemi için olan questleri yazdım sonrada gittim oyundan /shutdown yazdım oyun kapandıktan sonra putty geçtim sh make.sh çektim ardından yine putty ile kanalları tek tek ps çekip elimle kapattım sonra tekrar sh kapat.sh yazdım tüm kanalları kapattım sonra reboot attım ve oyuna normal karakter ile girdim 1 level den başlayıp 5 e kastım ve ekran geldi tıkladım direkt oyundan attı sonra tekrar karaktere girdim ve işlev yerine gelmiş yani skılleri verdi fakat "5. Seviyede Beceri Seçme Gui" ekranı geldikten sonra skıll seçtiğim anda oyundan atıyor.

Debug.exe ile giriş yapmıştım Syserr paylaştım yinede buraya anladığım kadarıyla olan bir hatayı yazıyorum.

0807 16:15:23404 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0807 16:15:23405 :: File "game.py", line 1461, in OnKeyUp

0807 16:15:23406 :: TypeError
0807 16:15:23406 :: :
0807 16:15:23407 :: unsubscriptable object
0807 16:15:23407 ::

Not : Paylaştığım Syserr.txt dosyası tam halidir.
Dipnot : Auth, Channel1, Game99 ve Db Syserr dosyalarında işlem yaptığım saatle ilgili bir kayıt yok bunlar " /usr/game/cores/ " dosyalarımın içerisinde olanlar.

Sadece game99 da saat başında bir lag hatası var sanırım oda söyle ( saat başında bu işlemi yapmadım Skıll almak için gui ekranı saat başında gelmedi ve saat başında buna tıklamadım )

SYSERR: Aug 7 12:59:30 :: pid_init:
Start of pid: 1188

SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion_white/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34053) folder(hanma_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34053) folder(hanma_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34053) folder(hanma_young1)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34054) folder(hanma_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34054) folder(hanma_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34054) folder(hanma_young2)
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/zeron_darealpain/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug 7 13:00:17 :: heart_idle: losing 45 seconds. (lag occured)
En son bir moderatör tarafından düzenlenmiş:
Tabii ki ;

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
        if key == app.DIK_ESC:

        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS);

        return True
Resim olarakta belirttiğiniz için teşekkürler fakat hata mesajından az çok hangi bölgede olduğunu kestirebiliyorum. :)
Hata veren satırda her şey olması gerektiği gibi. Başka bir düzenleme bu sorunu tetiklemiş olabilir.
Hata ayıklamak için gelen değerleri görmek gerekiyor.
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    def OnKeyUp(self, key):

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala

Daha sonra clienti debug modda başlatın ve bu hataya neden olan işlemi gerçekleştiriniz. Gelen değerlerle birlikte game.py'de onClickKeyDict dizisine ekli olan tüm kodları da paylaşır mısınız.
Bu kodu tam olarak nereye eklemeliyim ?

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala

Bu şekilde ekledim hata verdi :

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

0807 21:18:54143 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0807 21:18:54144 :: File "networkModule.py", line 251, in SetGamePhase

0807 21:18:54147 :: File "system.py", line 130, in __pack_import

0807 21:18:54147 :: File "
0807 21:18:54148 :: <string>
0807 21:18:54150 :: ", line
0807 21:18:54151 :: 1462
0807 21:18:54152 ::

0807 21:18:54152 ::
0807 21:18:54153 :: print(key)

0807 21:18:54153 ::
0807 21:18:54154 ::
0807 21:18:54157 ::
0807 21:18:54159 ::
0807 21:18:54160 ::
0807 21:18:54160 ::
0807 21:18:54161 ::
0807 21:18:54162 ::
0807 21:18:54162 ::
0807 21:18:54163 ::
0807 21:18:54163 :: ^

0807 21:18:54164 :: IndentationError
0807 21:18:54165 :: :
0807 21:18:54167 :: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
0807 21:18:54167 ::

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
En Üstteki :
    self.onClickKeyDict = None
Alttaki Kod Bloğu :
        onClickKeyDict = {}
        onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_UP] = lambda : self.StopUp()
        onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_DOWN] = lambda : self.StopDown()
        onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LEFT] = lambda : self.StopLeft()
        onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_RIGHT] = lambda : self.StopRight()
        onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda : self.EndAttack()
Kodu bu şekilde yaptım :

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS);

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):

        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():

            attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
            attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
            attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
            attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()

            ## QuickSlot
            if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType:

            ## Inventory
            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType:

                if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:
                    self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
                    self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)

            ## DragonSoul
            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
                self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)

            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):
                    link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink)
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK)

        return True

Oyundan atmadı, fakat karakter arada bir kontrol edilemez hale geliyor :)
Skılleri verdi herhangi bir Syserr göremedim :rolleyes:
Yada ben anlamıyorum diyelim :)

0807 21:48:16591 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg
0807 21:48:16603 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg
0807 21:48:26228 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0807 21:48:26435 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26437 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26439 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26440 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26441 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26449 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/b/obj/general_obj_pieceofstone01 .mdatr
0807 21:49:31767 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/guild/effect/star.jpg
0807 21:49:31799 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\assassin\effect\16-bottom.jpg
0807 21:49:31835 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam.jpg
0807 21:49:31836 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\w_ring.jpg
0807 21:49:31838 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\white_sphere.jpg
0807 21:49:31841 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\wind.jpg
0807 21:49:31842 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\W_star.jpg
0807 21:49:31844 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam_ring.jpg
0807 21:49:31845 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\gyeokgong_triple_loop_2.jpg
0807 21:49:31847 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\noe_w_ring.jpg
0807 21:49:39314 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub
0807 21:50:41864 :: granny_shared_vbs:
0807 21:50:41865 :: 0: 40
0807 21:50:41868 :: 1: 232
0807 21:50:41877 :: 2: 20
0807 21:50:41878 :: 3: 40
0807 21:50:41879 :: 4: 1
0807 21:50:41882 :: 5: 20
0807 21:50:41884 :: 6: 1
0807 21:50:41884 :: 7: 0
0807 21:50:41886 :: 8: 0
Nasıl bi sorunla karşılaşıyorsunuz ?
Kodu bu şekilde yaptım :

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
    def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS);

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):

        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():

            attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
            attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
            attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
            attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()

            ## QuickSlot
            if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType:

            ## Inventory
            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType:

                if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:
                    self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
                    self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)

            ## DragonSoul
            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
                self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)

            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):
                    link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink)
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK)

        return True

Oyundan atmadı, fakat karakter arada bir kontrol edilemez hale geliyor :)
Skılleri verdi herhangi bir Syserr göremedim :rolleyes:
Yada ben anlamıyorum diyelim :)

0807 21:48:16591 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg
0807 21:48:16603 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg
0807 21:48:26228 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010). Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0807 21:48:26435 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26437 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26439 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26440 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26441 :: CArea::SetBuilding: There is no data: d:/ymir work/zone/°ø¿ë/hay_01.gr2
0807 21:48:26449 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/zone/b/obj/general_obj_pieceofstone01 .mdatr
0807 21:49:31767 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/guild/effect/star.jpg
0807 21:49:31799 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\assassin\effect\16-bottom.jpg
0807 21:49:31835 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam.jpg
0807 21:49:31836 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\w_ring.jpg
0807 21:49:31838 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\white_sphere.jpg
0807 21:49:31841 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\wind.jpg
0807 21:49:31842 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\W_star.jpg
0807 21:49:31844 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\jigam_ring.jpg
0807 21:49:31845 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\gyeokgong_triple_loop_2.jpg
0807 21:49:31847 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist D:\Ymir Work\pc\shaman\effect\noe_w_ring.jpg
0807 21:49:39314 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub
0807 21:50:41864 :: granny_shared_vbs:
0807 21:50:41865 :: 0: 40
0807 21:50:41868 :: 1: 232
0807 21:50:41877 :: 2: 20
0807 21:50:41878 :: 3: 40
0807 21:50:41879 :: 4: 1
0807 21:50:41882 :: 5: 20
0807 21:50:41884 :: 6: 1
0807 21:50:41884 :: 7: 0
0807 21:50:41886 :: 8: 0
Sistemi ekledim skilleri veriyor skill almak için herhangi bir beceriye tıkladığında oyundan atıyor enson yukarıdaki gibi yaptım oyundan atmadı ama çözümü bulamadik
Karakter arada bi kontrol edilemez hale geliyor derken bahsettiniz şey nedir ?
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
Bu kod bloğunu değiştirdim :

    def OnKeyUp(self, key):

Böyle yaptım :

        def OnKeyUp(self, key):
        except KeyError:

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS);

        return True

    def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):

        if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():

        if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():

            attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
            attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
            attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
            attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()

            ## QuickSlot
            if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType:

            ## Inventory
            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType:

                if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:
                    self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
                    self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)

            ## DragonSoul
            elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
                self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)

            hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
            if hyperlink:
                if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):
                    link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink)
                player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK)

        return True

Yani :
Yazdım sanırım bu,
Kodu için hata ayıklama
Kodu bu şekilde 
duzenledigimde skill aldığım zaman 
oyundan atmıyor skilleride veriyor fakat 
orijinal haline çevirdiğimde ise skill almak 
için tıklıyorum beceri butonuna ve oyundan atıyor

Duzenledigim kod dosyası ile oyundan 
atmadı ve bununla ilgili Client syserr de yukarıda mevcut
Karakter arada bi kontrol edilemez hale geliyor derken bahsettiniz şey nedir ?
Tam olarak şu self.onClickKeyDick[key]()
Yerine print(key)
Kullandığım anda skill alıyorum oyundan atmıyor gui çalışmakta ama bu seferde klavyedeki herhangi bir tuşa bastığımda karakter kendi kendine hareket ediyor orjinal hale çevirdiğimde ise 5 lvl oluyorum skill seçme penceresinde geliyor fakat beceri butonuna tikladigim anda oyundan atıyor ne Game nede clientte herhangi bir syserr yok command la ilgilide baktım yok bir hata :(
Gelen degerleri görmek için Whistle o kodu yazdırmış sana debug ile bir hesabı 5lv'e kasıp skill seçin. Verilen degerleri konuya dahil edin
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.