owsap loading performance martysama uyumlu

  • Konuyu açan Konuyu açan M29
  • Açılış Tarihi Açılış Tarihi
  • Yanıt Yanıt 5
  • Gösterim Gösterim 261
hepsi 5.8e uyumlu değil mi zaten pythonloadingten 2 tane kodu da kendinize göre uyarlayın zahmet olmazsa xd
hepsi 5.8e uyumlu değil mi zaten pythonloadingten 2 tane kodu da kendinize göre uyarlayın zahmet olmazsa xd
The friend who made this modification uploaded the entire Source Client Source Marty 5.8 to install the system according to the correct modifications that suit Source Marty. Did you understand something that makes things easier for those who install this system on Source 5.8 with ease and without any effort or even modifying anything? Thank you.
Look carefully before replying.
The friend who made this modification uploaded the entire Source Client Source Marty 5.8 to install the system according to the correct modifications that suit Source Marty. Did you understand something that makes things easier for those who install this system on Source 5.8 with ease and without any effort or even modifying anything? Thank you.
ekleyip sana dönücem güzel kardeşim benim