- Mesaj
- 2.909
- Çözümler
- 303
- Beğeni
- 2.188
- Puan
- 1.850
- Ticaret Puanı
- 2
Bu warning hakkında bir çok filese baktım herhangi bi çözüm uygulamamışlar ya da ben bulamadım yardımlarınızı bekliyorum.
title.cpp: In member function 'void TitleManager::BuyPotion(CHARACTER*, const char*)':
title.cpp:216: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
title.cpp:247: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
title.cpp:278: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
title.cpp: In member function 'bool TitleManager::SetTitle(CHARACTER*, const char*)':
title.cpp:598: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
title.cpp: In member function 'bool TitleManager::UpdateTitle(CHARACTER*, int, int)':
title.cpp:426: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
title.cpp: In member function 'bool TitleManager::TransformTitle(CHARACTER*)':
title.cpp:195: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
* date : 2016.07.16
* file : title.cpp
* author : VegaS
* description :
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "desc.h"
#include "char.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "title.h"
#include "affect.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "questmanager.h"
* Set requirements gold(yang) for title
#define need_gold_1 500000
#define need_gold_2 800000
#define need_gold_3 1500000
#define need_gold_4 1800000
#define need_gold_5 2500000
#define need_gold_6 3000000
#define need_gold_7 4000000
#define need_gold_8 5000000
#define need_gold_9 10000000
#define need_gold_10 15000000
#define need_gold_11 25000000
#define need_gold_12 50000000
#define need_gold_13 75000000
#define need_gold_14 100000000
#define need_gold_15 150000000
#define need_gold_16 300000000
* Set requirements level for title
#define need_level_1 7
#define need_level_2 14
#define need_level_3 21
#define need_level_4 28
#define need_level_5 35
#define need_level_6 42
#define need_level_7 49
#define need_level_8 56
#define need_level_9 63
#define need_level_10 70
#define need_level_11 77
#define need_level_12 84
#define need_level_13 91
#define need_level_14 98
#define need_level_15 100
#define need_level_16 103
* Set requirements level for playTime on character
#define need_minutes_1 5
#define need_minutes_2 15
#define need_minutes_3 40
#define need_minutes_4 50
#define need_minutes_5 60
#define need_minutes_6 75
#define need_minutes_7 90
#define need_minutes_8 110
#define need_minutes_9 130
#define need_minutes_10 150
#define need_minutes_11 170
#define need_minutes_12 200
#define need_minutes_13 500
#define need_minutes_14 700
#define need_minutes_15 1200
#define need_minutes_16 1500
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "../../common/stl.h"
* Get enable options
#define ENABLE_CHECK_TIME_POTIONS // If you want to make enable check for buy potions with time
#define ENABLE_GIVE_JCOINS // Enable to give you jcoins loadead from account.account(jcoins [row]) example: if u buy a potion yeelow cost 50coins, when you buy give make: -50 coins and give +50 jcoins
int sTitle[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19}; // Do not change anything here
int x[] = {0, 0, 0}; // Do not change anything here
* Get type affect on title premium loaded from affect.h ( not change this )
int get_affect_premium[] = {PRESTIGE_AFFECT_1, PRESTIGE_AFFECT_2, PRESTIGE_AFFECT_3};
* Settings how hours you need to wait for can buy again potion on shopping-area
int sPotionTime[] = {12, 12, 12};
* ItemVnum for potions to check if u have for attached title premium 1/2/3
int sPotionVnum[] = {55001, 55002, 55003};
* Price potions in coins value loaded from account.account for potion yellow/pink/white
int sPotionPrice[] = {50, 100, 150};
int sTimeDuratingBonus[] = {60*60*24*365};
* Table with bonus name affect ( if u want to change bonus you can find in enum EPointTypes on char.h other bonus type )
* If u want you can put automatically value from bonus like - POINTS_ATTBONUS_MONSTER = 63 and , 20 is value for bonus monster apply
int pTitleBonus_1[] = {POINT_MAX_HP, 3000};
int pTitleBonus_2[] = {POINT_ATTBONUS_MONSTER, 20};
int pTitleBonus_3[] = {POINT_CRITICAL_PCT, 15};
const char* sPotionFlag[] = {"title.getTimePotions_1", "title.getTimePotions_2", "title.getTimePotions_3"}; // Do not change anything here
* Settings for translate
const char* requirements[] = {
"[Title System] You must have at least %u yang for this title!",
"[Title System] You must have a minimum level of %u for this title!",
"[Title System] You must have minutes played on character: %u"};
const char* title_translate[] = {
"[Title System] You need to wait %u hour for can buy again a potion!",
"[Title System] You do not have enough coins in your account dragon! Please charge it!",
"[Title System] The bonus premium received the title disappeared !",
"[Title System] Your title has been removed!, received x1 Yellow Potion Enchanted!",
"[Title System] Your title has been removed!, received x1 Pink Potion Enchanted!",
"[Title System] Your title has been removed!, received x1 White Potion Enchanted!",
"[Title System] You do not have a premium title for transforms!",
"[Title System] You have a title premium attached, you cannot make that!",
"[Title System] Already you have this title!",
"[Title System] You must have a x1 Yellow Potion Enchanted!",
"[Title System] You must have a x1 Pink Potion Enchanted!",
"[Title System] You must have a x1 White Potion Enchanted!",
"[Title System] Your title has been removed !"};
bool TitleManager::TransformTitle(LPCHARACTER ch)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
switch (ch->GetRealTitle())
case 17:
if (ch->FindAffect(get_affect_premium[0]))
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[2]);
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[3]);
ch->UpdateTitle(- ch->GetRealTitle());
else if (!ch->FindAffect(get_affect_premium[0])){
return false; ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[6]);}
case 18:
if (ch->FindAffect(get_affect_premium[1]))
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[2]);
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[4]);
ch->UpdateTitle(- ch->GetRealTitle());
else if (!ch->FindAffect(get_affect_premium[0])){
return false; ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[6]);}
case 19:
if (ch->FindAffect(get_affect_premium[2]))
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[2]);
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[5]);
ch->UpdateTitle(- ch->GetRealTitle());
else if (!ch->FindAffect(get_affect_premium[0])){
return false; ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[6]);}
void TitleManager::BuyPotion(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* mPotion)
if (NULL == ch)
if (!ch->IsPC())
if (!*mPotion)
* Argument first
if (!strcmp(mPotion, "buy_potion_1"))
std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT coins FROM account.account WHERE id = %u", ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id));
quest::PC* pPC = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetPC(ch->GetPlayerID());
if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == x[0]) return;
MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult);
str_to_number(x[0], row[0]);
int szTime = pPC->GetFlag(sPotionFlag[0]);
if (get_global_time() - szTime < sPotionTime[0] * 60 * 60)
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[0], sPotionTime[2]); return;
if (x[0] < sPotionPrice[0]) {
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[1]); return; }
DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET coins = coins - %u WHERE id = %u", sPotionPrice[0], ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id);
pPC->SetFlag(sPotionFlag[0], get_global_time());
DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET jcoins = jcoins + %u WHERE id = %u", sPotionPrice[0], ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id);
* Argument two
if (!strcmp(mPotion, "buy_potion_2"))
std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT coins FROM account.account WHERE id = %u", ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id));
quest::PC* pPC = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetPC(ch->GetPlayerID());
if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == x[1]) return;
MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult);
str_to_number(x[1], row[0]);
int szTime = pPC->GetFlag(sPotionFlag[0]);
if (get_global_time() - szTime < sPotionTime[0] * 60 * 60)
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[0], sPotionTime[2]); return;
if (x[1] < sPotionPrice[1]) {
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[1]); return; }
DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET coins = coins - %u WHERE id = %u", sPotionPrice[1], ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id);
pPC->SetFlag(sPotionFlag[1], get_global_time());
DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET jcoins = jcoins + %u WHERE id = %u", sPotionPrice[1], ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id);
* Argument three
if (!strcmp(mPotion, "buy_potion_3"))
std::auto_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("SELECT coins FROM account.account WHERE id = %u", ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id));
quest::PC* pPC = quest::CQuestManager::instance().GetPC(ch->GetPlayerID());
if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == x[2]) return;
MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult);
str_to_number(x[2], row[0]);
int szTime = pPC->GetFlag(sPotionFlag[0]);
if (get_global_time() - szTime < sPotionTime[0] * 60 * 60)
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[0], sPotionTime[2]); return;
if (x[2] < sPotionPrice[2]) {
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[1]); return; }
DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET coins = coins - %u WHERE id = %u", sPotionPrice[2], ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id);
pPC->SetFlag(sPotionFlag[0], get_global_time());
DBManager::instance().DirectQuery("UPDATE account.account SET jcoins = jcoins + %u WHERE id = %u", sPotionPrice[2], ch->GetDesc()->GetAccountTable().id);
static bool GetPlayTime(LPCHARACTER ch, int sTime)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
if (ch->GetRealPoint(POINT_PLAYTIME) < sTime)
switch (sTime)
case need_minutes_1: case need_minutes_2: case need_minutes_3: case need_minutes_4:
case need_minutes_5: case need_minutes_6: case need_minutes_7: case need_minutes_8:
case need_minutes_9: case need_minutes_10: case need_minutes_11: case need_minutes_12:
case need_minutes_13: case need_minutes_14: case need_minutes_15: case need_minutes_16:
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, requirements[2], sTime);
return false;
return true;
static bool GetLevel(LPCHARACTER ch, int sLevel)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
if (ch->GetLevel() < sLevel)
switch (sLevel)
case need_level_1: case need_level_2: case need_level_3: case need_level_4:
case need_level_5: case need_level_6: case need_level_7: case need_level_8:
case need_level_9: case need_level_10: case need_level_11: case need_level_12:
case need_level_13: case need_level_14: case need_level_15: case need_level_16:
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, requirements[1], sLevel);
return false;
return true;
static bool GetMoney(LPCHARACTER ch, int sGold)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
if (ch->GetGold() < sGold)
switch (sGold)
case need_gold_1: case need_gold_2: case need_gold_3: case need_gold_4:
case need_gold_5: case need_gold_6: case need_gold_7: case need_gold_8:
case need_gold_9: case need_gold_10: case need_gold_11: case need_gold_12:
case need_gold_13: case need_gold_14: case need_gold_15: case need_gold_16:
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, requirements[0], sGold);
return false;
return true;
static bool GetTitlePremium(LPCHARACTER ch)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
switch (ch->GetRealTitle())
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[7]);
return false;
return true;
static bool GetTitleActual(LPCHARACTER ch, int arg1)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
if (ch->GetRealTitle() == arg1)
switch (arg1)
case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:
case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8:
case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12:
case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16:
case 17: case 18: case 19:
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[8]);
return false;
return true;
bool TitleManager::UpdateTitle(LPCHARACTER ch, int changeTitle, int changeMoney)
if (changeTitle > 0 && changeMoney > 0)
ch->UpdateTitle(changeTitle - ch->GetTitle());
ch->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, - changeMoney);
else if (changeTitle > 0 && changeMoney < 1)
ch->UpdateTitle(changeTitle - ch->GetTitle());
void TitleManager::SetAffect(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* valueAffect)
if (NULL == ch)
if (!ch->IsPC())
* [Premium Title I]
if (!strcmp(valueAffect, "send_premium_1"))
if (ch->CountSpecifyItem(sPotionVnum[0]))
ch->AddAffect(get_affect_premium[0], pTitleBonus_1[0], pTitleBonus_1[1], 0, sTimeDuratingBonus[0], 0, true);
ch->RemoveSpecifyItem(sPotionVnum[0], 1);
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[17], 0);
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[9]);
* [Premium Title II]
if (!strcmp(valueAffect, "send_premium_2"))
if (ch->CountSpecifyItem(sPotionVnum[1]))
ch->AddAffect(get_affect_premium[1], pTitleBonus_2[0], pTitleBonus_2[1], 0, sTimeDuratingBonus[0], 0, true);
ch->RemoveSpecifyItem(sPotionVnum[1], 1);
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[18], 0);
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[10]);
* [Premium Title III]
if (!strcmp(valueAffect, "send_premium_3"))
if (ch->CountSpecifyItem(sPotionVnum[2]))
ch->AddAffect(get_affect_premium[2], pTitleBonus_3[0], pTitleBonus_3[1], 0, sTimeDuratingBonus[0], 0, true);
ch->RemoveSpecifyItem(sPotionVnum[2], 1);
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[19], 0);
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[11]);
bool TitleManager::SetTitle(LPCHARACTER ch, const char* pTitle)
if (NULL == ch)
return false;
if (!ch->IsPC())
return false;
if (!*pTitle)
return false;
* Title free
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "disable") && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[17]) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[18]) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[19]) == true))
ch->UpdateTitle(- ch->GetTitle());
ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, title_translate[12]);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title1") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_1) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_1) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_1) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[1]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[1], need_gold_1);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title2") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_2) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_2) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_2) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[2]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[2], need_gold_2);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title3") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_3) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_3) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_3) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[3]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[3], need_gold_3);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title4") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_4) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_4) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_4) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[4]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[4], need_gold_4);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title5") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_5) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_5) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_5) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[5]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[5], need_gold_5);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title6") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_6) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_6) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_6) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[6]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[6], need_gold_6);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title7") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_7) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_7) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_7) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[7]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[7], need_gold_7);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title8") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_8) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_8) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_8) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[8]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[8], need_gold_8);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title9") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_9) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_9) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_9) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[9]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[9], need_gold_9);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title10") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_10) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_10) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_10) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[10]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[10], need_gold_10);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title11") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_11) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_11) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_11) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[11]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[11], need_gold_11);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title12") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_12) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_12) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_12) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[12]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[12], need_gold_12);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title13") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_13) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_13) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_13) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[13]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[13], need_gold_13);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title14") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_14) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_14) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_14) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[14]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[14], need_gold_14);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title15") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_15) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_15) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_15) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[15]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[15], need_gold_15);
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title16") && (GetLevel(ch, need_level_16) == true) && (GetPlayTime(ch, need_minutes_16) == true) && (GetMoney(ch, need_gold_16) == true) && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true) && (GetTitleActual(ch, sTitle[16]) == true))
UpdateTitle(ch, sTitle[16], need_gold_16);
* Title premium
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title17") && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true))
SetAffect(ch, "send_premium_1");
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title18") && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true))
SetAffect(ch, "send_premium_2");
if (!strcmp(pTitle, "title19") && (GetTitlePremium(ch) == true))
SetAffect(ch, "send_premium_3");