Mitachi Extended Sources Files - Make your project from scratch!

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W: Translated from EN to TR by using
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Merhaba, 2021'den beri (3 yıldan biraz fazla) satışa yönelik sunucu dosyaları projem üzerinde çalışıyorum
Amacım, modern kod ve benzersiz destek ile temiz, istikrarlı bir temel sağlamaktır.

Yüzlerce hata düzeltmesi, kod yeniden düzenleme ve inceltme, herhangi bir standardın en son sürümlerine yükseltme ve benim tarafımdan sıfırdan yazılan veya özel sunucu oluşturucuları tarafından hararetle talep edilen genel koda dayalı olarak yeniden yazılan birçok yeni özellik ile satışların resmi olarak halka açık olduğunu duyurmaktan memnuniyet duyuyorum.

Amacım yine size projenizi (rahatsız edilmeden) inşa edebileceğiniz sağlam bir temel sağlamaktır, bir başkası (ben) 10 yıldan fazla bir süre sonra hala metin2'de zaman zaman ortaya çıkan tüm hataları ve açıkları sizin için düzeltirken, size sığınak geçirmez güvenlik sağlayarak, projeniz üzerinde sessizce çalışabilirsiniz.

Açıklama güncel olmayabilir, en son güncellemeler için benimle iletişime geçin


Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
 [*] Clang Compiler | llvm17-17.0.6_5 or higher | -stdcpp20 (complete support)
[*] Windows - Visual Studio Compiler | MSVC v143 / .stdcpp20 (complete support)

[Note] All code can be compiled from both FreeBSD and Windows, no edits required.
    so, some deprecated code have been replaced with the new versions based on the C++ STL.
    llvm17+ is required for server compilation. (Currently compilable on llvm18-18.1.4 - 32bit), while for
    Windows is required Visual Studio 2022+ (Currently compilable on Visual Studio 2022 - v143 c++20 - 32bit).
MySQL 8.0 full support

Yüklü (sızdırılmış) 300 sistemli bir svf bulamazsınız, bu yüzden bana Sanii Switchbot, Ikarus Offlineshop veya bunun gibi şeyler yüklememi söylemeyin.
İsterseniz benden halka açık sistemleri yüklememi isteyebilirsiniz.

Unused code removed:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
- HackShield
- XTrap
- Auction
- pcbang
- passpod
- vcard
- enable_limit_time
- Speed server
- netmarble
- mobile
- sms
- billing
- teen_packet
- matrix
- check_server
- TrafficProfiler
- Profiler
- block_country
- greet message
- monarch
- castle
- siege
- frog
- Lotto
- HighScore

Korece yorumların %75'i İngilizceye çevrildi (çoğu kodu anlamak için yararlı olmadığı için silindi)
binlerce mikro değişiklik ve inceltme yapılmıştır. (WinMerge veya BeyondCompare'de karşılaştırmayı denerseniz bunu fark edeceksiniz).

Defines list (Server):
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
Author:    Mitachi ©
Version:    4.3
File:        macroDefines.h (contains all macros)

#ifndef __macro_Defines_h__
#define __macro_Defines_h__
#pragma once
#include "extra.h"

// #/# Extra features begin #/#



//> new quest event triggers

//> new lua functions

//> new reload commands



// #/# Extra features end #/#

// #/# Like official features begin #/#

//> already installed by Ymir
//> new
// #define ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER // unfinished

//> costumes related

//> notice related
#define ENABLE_BIG_NOTICE // ex

// #/# Like official features end #/#

// #/# Preference features begin #/#

#define FUNC_DISABLE_GIVE_POTION_WHEN_LEVELUP    // [i] Your character doesn't receive red potion when leveling up.
#define FUNC_UNLIMITED_CAPE_OF_COURAGE            // [i] The cape of courage is unlimited.
#define FUNC_REMOVE_3PCT_TAX_WHEN_SELL            // [i] Remove 3% tax when selling items.
#define FUNC_NO_EMPIRE_SHOP_PRICE_PER3_PENALTY    // [i] Remove x3 shop buyprice if have different empire.
#define FUNC_ANTISTUN_IS_100PCT                    // [i] Anti-stun is 100% instead of 90 (default).
#define FUNC_NO_EMOTION_MASK_NEED                // [i] Perform emotions without requiring a mask.
#define FUNC_NO_STUN_WHEN_EQUIP_UNEQUIP            // [i] No stun when equipping/unequipping items.
#define FUNC_NO_MONSTER_IN_SAFEZONE                // [i] Monsters are destroyed when entering a safe zone.
#define FUNC_FORCE_SKILL_MASTER_17_POINT        // [i] Skills advance to master (M1) at the 17th point.
#define FUNC_EMPIRE_10PCT_MALUS                    // [i] Empire malus (-10% if you're in other kingdoms).
#define FUNC_ITEM_DROP_PENALTY_ALIGN            // [i] Item drop penalty with negative alignment.
#define FUNC_ALLOW_BLEND_IN_BELT_INVENTORY        // [i] Allow blending items inside the Belt Inventory.
#define FUNC_DISABLE_PARTY_SKILL_BUFF_IN_WAR    // [i] Disable party skill buffs during guild wars.
#define FUNC_INFINITE_HORSE_HEALTH_STAMINA        // [i] Horse stamina and health return always max stats.
#define FUNC_OPEN_SHOP_WITH_ARMOR                // [i] You can open pc private shop while wearing armor.
#define FUNC_ENABLE_WARRIOR_BERSERK_MALUS        // [i] You can enable the warrior berserk malus.
#define FUNC_PABEOB_SKILL_9_LEVEL_LIMIT            // [i] Sura magic weapon nullify affect work with level limit (9).
#define FUNC_DISABLE_STOP_RIDING_WHEN_DIE        // [i] You can disable the stop riding when the character die.

// #/# Preference features end #/#

// #/# General settings begin #/#

enum EGeneralSettings
    // Common
    GUILD_MAKE_GOLD_REQUIRED    = 200000,        // default 200000 (200k)
    GUILD_MAKE_LEVEL_REQUIRED    = 40,            // default 40
    SHOUT_LIMIT_LEVEL            = 15,            // default 15
    MAP_LIMIT_ALLOW                = 32,            // default 32
    PARTY_JOIN_LEVEL_LIMIT        = 30,            // default 30
    DROP_PENALTY_ALIGN_LEVEL    = 50,            // default 50
    ITEM_DESTROY_EVENT_SEC        = 300,            // default 300

    // Limit points
    PC_MAX_ATTACK_SPEED            = 170,            // default 170
    MOB_MAX_ATTACK_SPEED        = 250,            // default 250
    PC_MAX_MOVE_SPEED            = 200,            // default 200
    MOB_MAX_MOVE_SPEED            = 250,            // default 250

// #/# General settings end #/#

Defines list (Client):
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
Author:    Mitachi ©
Version:    4.3
File:        macroDefines.h (contains all macros)

#ifndef __macro_Defines_h__
#define __macro_Defines_h__
#pragma once


// #/# Extra features begin #/#


// #/# Extra features end #/#

// #/# Like official stuffs begin #/#

//> already present

//> new

//> notice related
#define ENABLE_BIG_NOTICE // ex

// #/# Like official stuffs end #/#

// #/# Preference features begin #/#

#define FUNC_IMPROVE_HORSE_ROTATION        // [i] The horse can rotate on itself, without large curves.
#define FUNC_WALK_THROUGH_MONSTERS        // [i] You can walk through monsters, except when attacking them.
#define FUNC_DISABLE_DSS_QUALIFICATION    // [i] No DSS qualification required (check also in Srcs-Server).

// #/# Preference features end #/#


"A: Yes yes but we want a photo bro"
"B: But are clean svfiles, what you wanna see?"


## Support

[#] Repo owner

Discord: mitachi2611
Email: [email protected]

[Note] Join in my discord, **Mitachi Hub**!
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GitHub: [
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Son düzenleme:
First of all, I would like to welcome you to the forum. I wish you good sales. It looks like a nice infrastructure.
Arkadaşla küçük bir diyaloğa girdik ve bana bir konuda yardım etmesini rica ettim. Kendisi son derece bilgili ve kibar biri, onunla çalışmanızı tavsiye edebilirim, bana karşı olan tavır ve tutumuna dayanarak sizi pişman etmeyeceğini düşünüyorum.
Kendisi çok mütevazi, kibar ve instanlara karşı saygılı biridir. Ne yaptığını bilir ve işini temiz yapar.
Çalışmalarını destekliyorum iyi satışlar dilerim kardeşim.
Patch 4.4 part 1, .diff patches will be released by ? for my customers!

``` this version will be unreleased, because there are things missing, so it will be released directly to the next one (soon), in the meantime I preview the changes.
You probably already have 3/4 of these if you have the sources recently
- added the `Shining System` (now you can attach effects to armor, weapons (costumes too), and accessories via the file in locale/common/shiningtable.txt).
- added `Clip Masking System` (unofficial from masodikbela, most systems rely on this).
- added `ENABLE_12ZI_NOTICE` mission/submission, mostly used as "achievement tutorial" in dungeons.
* also refactored the notice system that now accepts just a param for the `CHAT_TYPE_{}`, resulting in less and smarter code.
- added `ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_EFFECT_OPTION` reversed by Mali.
- changed `ENABLE_FOG_FIX` with the GF's one reversed by Mali.
- created `ENABLE_LOCALE_STRING_EX` which is loaded like locale_string_ex.txt of your country (useful to keep track of your additions and translations).
- moved `ENABLE_NEW_GF_START_POSITION` to macroDefines.h (disabled as default).
- finished refactor of `DumpProto`, stable (I am implementing new functions on it).
- now available in 15 languages from the 2014 client (now you can request it in your own language in addition to English).
- added `player.IsPoly()` that was missing after the root 2018 leak update.
- wrote some snippets of the Wolfman (it is not finished and I don't know if it will ever be released, I am writing it as a basis so you can easily add new races).
- `CQuestManager` was being initialized in master auth, skipped.
- fixed overflow datatype with `bItemGrid`, which with 4 inventories went over 255, changed **BYTE **to **WORD **.
- fixed an issue with `ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM` in ::ItemLoad which highlighted items when they were not needed.
- fixed the issue with the Pickaxe which could not be refined when its experience was exactly one point less than the maximum.
- fixed npc_get_leader_vid non-checked pointer (core crash).
- fixed an non-checked pointer in ::CreateItem (rare core crash).
- fixed BGM in dungeons map index (x /10000 applied).
- fixed target HP above 21 million and replaced all the calculations with `GetHPPct`, which also fixed a bug in `__StateIdle_Stone` where monsters were not being spawned properly.
- fixed DragonSoul potential dupe bug (thanks Abel)
Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.
- fixed a bug where item expiration with normal PC shops (weird but someone used the normal shop) was causing a launcher crash.
- fixed `QID_AUTH_LOGIN` password encryption for Windows if you're not using MariaDB as the engine.
- removed `BattleArena` (unused, files: BattleArena.cpp, BattleArena.h, questlua_ba.cpp)
- removed `FileMonitor` (unused, files: FileMonitor_FreeBSD.cpp, FileMonitor_FreeBSD.h, IFileMonitor.h)
- removed `ShutdownManager` (unused, was like an scheduled shutdown, files: shutdown_manager.cpp, shutdown_manager.h)
- removed what remain of `MallocAllocator` (file: malloc_allocator.h)
- removed unused `noncopyable`
- removed `g_noticeBattleZone` (never used, should notice you if you're enter in a map which battle is allowed)
- removed `HotBackup`
- guess what? some code thinning

Hey, I apologize for my absence. I've had a few minor issues—let's just say I had some fun with ASan. I was using Valgrind for memory sanitization (since ASan requires -m64 and that's not on the schedule for now). I also need to replace many /* pending_{} */ comments and give them a signature like @mitafix.{}.{}. In the next few days, I'll finish the patch and add a few more must-haves.
Patch 4.4 part 1, .diff patches will be released by ? for my customers!

``` this version will be unreleased, because there are things missing, so it will be released directly to the next one (soon), in the meantime I preview the changes.
You probably already have 3/4 of these if you have the sources recently
- added the `Shining System` (now you can attach effects to armor, weapons (costumes too), and accessories via the file in locale/common/shiningtable.txt).
- added `Clip Masking System` (unofficial from masodikbela, most systems rely on this).
- added `ENABLE_12ZI_NOTICE` mission/submission, mostly used as "achievement tutorial" in dungeons.

* also refactored the notice system that now accepts just a param for the `CHAT_TYPE_{}`, resulting in less and smarter code.
- added `ENABLE_ENVIRONMENT_EFFECT_OPTION` reversed by Mali.
- changed `ENABLE_FOG_FIX` with the GF's one reversed by Mali.
- created `ENABLE_LOCALE_STRING_EX` which is loaded like locale_string_ex.txt of your country (useful to keep track of your additions and translations).
- moved `ENABLE_NEW_GF_START_POSITION` to macroDefines.h (disabled as default).
- finished refactor of `DumpProto`, stable (I am implementing new functions on it).
- now available in 15 languages from the 2014 client (now you can request it in your own language in addition to English).
- added `player.IsPoly()` that was missing after the root 2018 leak update.
- wrote some snippets of the Wolfman (it is not finished and I don't know if it will ever be released, I am writing it as a basis so you can easily add new races).
- `CQuestManager` was being initialized in master auth, skipped.
- fixed overflow datatype with `bItemGrid`, which with 4 inventories went over 255, changed **BYTE **to **WORD **.
- fixed an issue with `ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM` in ::ItemLoad which highlighted items when they were not needed.
- fixed the issue with the Pickaxe which could not be refined when its experience was exactly one point less than the maximum.
- fixed npc_get_leader_vid non-checked pointer (core crash).
- fixed an non-checked pointer in ::CreateItem (rare core crash).
- fixed BGM in dungeons map index (x /10000 applied).
- fixed target HP above 21 million and replaced all the calculations with `GetHPPct`, which also fixed a bug in `__StateIdle_Stone` where monsters were not being spawned properly.
- fixed DragonSoul potential dupe bug (thanks Abel)
Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.
- fixed a bug where item expiration with normal PC shops (weird but someone used the normal shop) was causing a launcher crash.
- fixed `QID_AUTH_LOGIN` password encryption for Windows if you're not using MariaDB as the engine.
- removed `BattleArena` (unused, files: BattleArena.cpp, BattleArena.h, questlua_ba.cpp)
- removed `FileMonitor` (unused, files: FileMonitor_FreeBSD.cpp, FileMonitor_FreeBSD.h, IFileMonitor.h)
- removed `ShutdownManager` (unused, was like an scheduled shutdown, files: shutdown_manager.cpp, shutdown_manager.h)
- removed what remain of `MallocAllocator` (file: malloc_allocator.h)
- removed unused `noncopyable`
- removed `g_noticeBattleZone` (never used, should notice you if you're enter in a map which battle is allowed)
- removed `HotBackup`
- guess what? some code thinning

Hey, I apologize for my absence. I've had a few minor issues—let's just say I had some fun with ASan. I was using Valgrind for memory sanitization (since ASan requires -m64 and that's not on the schedule for now). I also need to replace many /* pending_{} */ comments and give them a signature like @mitafix.{}.{}. In the next few days, I'll finish the patch and add a few more must-haves.
what is masodikbela's clip masking any post or topic can i see?