Yardım Metin2 Client açılıp geri kapanıyor (intrologin.py hatası)

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log dosyası : 1618579124282.png
introLogin 1228 satırı:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala


            serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"][channelID]["state"] = stateName

regionID=int'e çevirince oyuna giriş yapabildim fakat ch kısmında sadece ''ch2 .... '' gözüküyor oyuna giriş yapabiliyorum karakter seçtiğimde ise ch ekranına atıyor ve tekrardan intrologin hatası alıyorum

introLogin hatası:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0416 17:31:24122 :: SYSERR: Traceback (most recent call last):

0416 17:31:24122 :: SYSERR:   File "introLogin.py", line 1223, in NotifyChannelState

0416 17:31:24122 :: SYSERR: AttributeError
0416 17:31:24122 :: SYSERR: :
0416 17:31:24123 :: SYSERR: type object 'int' has no attribute '_LoginWindow__GetRegionID'
0416 17:31:24123 :: SYSERR:
Karakteri seçiyorum log dosyasında " error != WSAEWOULDBLOCK " yazıp tekrar ch kısmına atıyor beni
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Pack dosyalarını dediğim şekilde mi hazırladınız?
serverinfo.py’yi kontrol ediniz
evet serverinfo.py ayarlarını kurdum sıkıntısız şuan tek problem karakteri seçince ch ekranına geri atıyor
client syserr:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0416 18:49:00547 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]
0416 18:50:11337 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/etc/football1.gr2
0416 18:50:11376 ::     한국무쌍버젼(#2    ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11381 ::     광륜팔괘패+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11381 ::     광륜팔괘패+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11382 ::     광륜팔괘패+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11382 ::     광륜팔괘패+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11382 ::     광륜팔괘패+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11383 ::     광륜팔괘패+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11383 ::     광륜팔괘패+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11383 ::     광륜팔괘패+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11383 ::     광륜팔괘패+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11384 ::     광륜팔괘패+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11391 ::       위치기억부(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11391 ::           이동부(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11392 ::           생명부(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11392 ::           환생부(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11393 ::           가리비(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11393 ::         청가리비(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11394 ::         황가리비(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11394 ::         홍가리비(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11396 ::         녹가리비(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11396 ::           황주석(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11396 ::           청주석(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11396 ::           청신수(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11397 ::           황신수(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11397 ::           홍신수(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11397 ::           녹신수(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11398 ::         연청신수(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11398 ::         연황신수(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11398 ::         연홍신수(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11398 ::         연녹신수(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11399 :: 웅귀의 황금어금니(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11399 ::    사막의 거미줄(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11399 ::  톡쏘는 전갈꼬리(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11400 ::   유랑 어머니 약(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11400 ::    웅귀의 송곳니(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11400 :: 도자기착색용유약(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11400 ::    사막의 거미줄(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11401 ::    후안소의 편지(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11401 ::  톡쏘는 전갈꼬리(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11401 ::             장어(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11402 ::        밀교 경전(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11402 ::           괴질균(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11402 ::      괴질 치료제(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11403 ::    행상인의 편지(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11409 ::    사귀의 보석함(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11414 ::      VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11414 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11414 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11414 ::   Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11415 ::   TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11415 ::      Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11415 ::    소리나는 방울(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11415 ::    오랑캐 수송서(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11416 :: 오랑캐 보스 편지(#40007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11417 ::       선물보따리(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11418 ::       승마수련서(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11420 ::     용각보물상자(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11421 ::       영석보따리(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11422 ::         석창포액(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11422 ::       영지버섯액(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11423 ::         만병초액(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11423 ::       산뽕나무액(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11423 ::         민들레액(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11424 ::         홍화씨액(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11424 ::           대추액(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11424 ::     삼지구엽초액(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11425 ::           빈약병(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11425 ::    활심액 제조법(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11425 ::    피독수 제조법(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11425 ::    보환수 제조법(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11426 ::    영보수 제조법(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11426 ::    진피독 제조법(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11426 ::    활심액 제조법(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11428 ::             불경(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11430 ::      용신의 지원(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11430 ::      동료와 회포(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11431 ::     전광판보따리(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11431 ::       경험의반지(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11432 ::      축복의 구슬(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11432 ::         만년한철(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11432 ::    야공의 비전서(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11432 ::         주안술서(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11433 ::        용신의 환(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11433 ::      용신의 공격(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11433 ::      용신의 방어(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11434 ::    용신의 축복서(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11434 ::         돈주머니(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11435 ::             백지(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11435 ::           빈물통(#90001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11435 ::             물통(#90002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11436 ::             보석(#90004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11436 ::             영석(#90006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11436 ::             광석(#90007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0416 18:50:11767 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dust/dust.mss]
0416 18:50:11769 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dust/running_dust.mss]
0416 18:50:11778 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_red.mss]
0416 18:50:11782 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_blue.mss]
0416 18:50:11785 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_green.mss]
0416 18:50:11787 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/recuperation/drugup_purple.mss]
0416 18:50:11787 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse]
0416 18:50:11787 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11787 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=267, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11788 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse]
0416 18:50:11789 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11789 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=268, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11789 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse]
0416 18:50:11789 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11790 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=269, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11790 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11790 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11796 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/light616.dds
0416 18:50:11796 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/item_buff1.dds
0416 18:50:11797 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/buff/buff_item3.mss]
0416 18:50:11798 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/light616.dds]
0416 18:50:11799 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/item_buff1.dds]
0416 18:50:11799 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mde
0416 18:50:11800 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mde]
0416 18:50:11800 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11800 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11808 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/hit/gwantong.mss]
0416 18:50:11850 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/click/click_select.mss]
0416 18:50:11854 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/click/click_glow_select.mss]
0416 18:50:11858 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/stun/stun.mss]
0416 18:50:11874 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/click/click.mss]
0416 18:50:11877 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/target.mss]
0416 18:50:11879 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg
0416 18:50:11879 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/nontarget.mss]
0416 18:50:11880 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg]
0416 18:50:11882 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/damage.mss]
0416 18:50:11884 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/damage_1.mss]
0416 18:50:11885 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg
0416 18:50:11885 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison.mss]
0416 18:50:11886 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg]
0416 18:50:11888 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/miss.mss]
0416 18:50:11889 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/affect/damagevalue/target_miss.mss]
0416 18:50:11901 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse]
0416 18:50:11902 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11903 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=264, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11903 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse]
0416 18:50:11903 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11904 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=265, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11904 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse]
0416 18:50:11904 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse) Error
0416 18:50:11904 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=266, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0416 18:50:11925 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/warrior/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:11931 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/warrior/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:11957 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/warrior/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:11964 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/warrior/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:11990 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/assassin/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:11997 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/assassin/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:12020 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/assassin/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:12029 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/assassin/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:12054 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/sura/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:12064 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/sura/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:12090 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/sura/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:12101 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/sura/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:12126 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/shaman/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:12135 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc/shaman/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:12160 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/shaman/intro/wait.mss]
0416 18:50:12170 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/pc2/shaman/intro/not_selected.mss]
0416 18:50:12429 :: invalid idx 0
0416 18:50:47760 :: granny_shared_vbs:
0416 18:50:47760 ::     0: 40
0416 18:50:47761 ::     1: 20
0416 18:50:47762 ::     2: 20
0416 18:50:47763 ::     3: 40
0416 18:50:47763 ::     4: 3
0416 18:50:47763 ::     5: 20
0416 18:50:47764 ::     6: 0
0416 18:50:47764 ::     7: 0
0416 18:50:47764 ::     8: 0