Çözüldü Error in the SOUL_SYSTEM Owsap

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Hi guys

I have a completely incomprehensible error
It tells me that there is an error in the ItemProto data due to RED_SOUL
Even though I added it in the source db file ProtoReader.cpp

syserr db
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
SYSERR: Jan 22 04:57:47 :: get_Item_SubType_Value: Type Out of range! (type_value: 38)
SYSERR: Jan 22 04:57:47 :: Set_Proto_Item_Table: ItemProto Reading Failed : Invalid value. (index: 3, col: 3, value: RED_SOUL)
SYSERR: Jan 22 04:57:47 :: Set_Proto_Item_Table:     0 ~ 3 Values: 70500,0,38,

Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.

I am using Source Marty 5.8 can someone help me solve the problem urgently I need to understand the problem specifically why this is happening

Tool data in ItemProto

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
70500    붉은영혼(일반)    ITEM_SOUL    RED_SOUL    1    ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP | ANTI_SAFEBOX    NONE    NONE    NONE    0    0    70501    0    0    REAL_TIME    86400    LIMIT_NONE    60    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    0    1    500    12    12    12    0    0    0
70501    붉은영혼(화려)    ITEM_SOUL    RED_SOUL    1    ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP | ANTI_SAFEBOX    NONE    NONE    NONE    0    0    70502    0    0    REAL_TIME    86400    LIMIT_NONE    60    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    0    2    500    15    15    15    0    0    0
70502    붉은영혼(고귀)    ITEM_SOUL    RED_SOUL    1    ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP | ANTI_SAFEBOX    NONE    NONE    NONE    0    0    70503    0    0    REAL_TIME    172800    LIMIT_NONE    120    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    0    3    500    15    18    18    0    0    0
70503    붉은영혼(고대)    ITEM_SOUL    RED_SOUL    1    ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP | ANTI_SAFEBOX    NONE    NONE    NONE    0    0    70504    0    0    REAL_TIME    259200    LIMIT_NONE    180    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    0    4    500    15    18    25    0    0    0
70504    붉은영혼(전설)    ITEM_SOUL    RED_SOUL    1    ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_PKDROP | ANTI_STACK | ANTI_MYSHOP | ANTI_SAFEBOX    NONE    NONE    NONE    0    0    0    0    0    REAL_TIME    604800    LIMIT_NONE    180    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    APPLY_NONE    0    0    5    1000    15    18    25    0    0    0


Subtype add = 27 (RED_SOUL, BLUE_SOUL)

I'm at work right now, so I don't have a chance to check why the syser occurred. But I've had this problem happen to me a few times and this was the solution.
Son düzenleme:


Subtype add = 27 (RED_SOUL, BLUE_SOUL)

I'm at work right now, so I don't have a chance to check why the syser occurred. But I've had this problem happen to me a few times and this was the solution.

This file for Marty 5.8 ProtoReader.cpp only asks me to add ITEM_SOUL and I did it and it also asks me to add {36, { "RED_SOUL", "BLUE_SOUL"}}, and I did them as it told me.


If you have a chance after you get home to check it out I would be grateful.
You're welcome But the system is not problematic, I have added it many times before.
After solving the problem as you told me, when I press the spirit nothing happens. Something is missing or I did something wrong. I will try to install it again. Thanks for the help. Good luck <3

I chose your answer as the best answer to close the topic.
After solving the problem as you told me, when I press the spirit nothing happens. Something is missing or I did something wrong. I will try to install it again. Thanks for the help. Good luck <3

I chose your answer as the best answer to close the topic.
Add the system again and tell me about the problem you are having.
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