Yardım db build hataları

  • Konuyu açan Konuyu açan arda896
  • Açılış Tarihi Açılış Tarihi
  • Yanıt Yanıt 1
  • Gösterim Gösterim 242
Konu sahibi bu konuda soru soruyor. Sorusu ile ilgili bilgisi olanların yanıtlamasını bekliyor.


Ticaret Puanı
no viable conversion from 'std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg>' (aka 'unique_ptr<_SQLMsg>') to 'SQLMsg *' (aka '_SQLMsg *')
use of undeclared identifier 'GetEventFlag'; did you mean 'SetEventFlag'?
cannot initialize a parameter of type 'TPacketSetEventFlag *' (aka 'SPacketSetEventFlag *') with an lvalue of type 'const char[16]'

too many arguments to function call, expected single argument 'p', have 2 arguments

cannot delete expression of type 'std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg>' (aka 'unique_ptr<_SQLMsg>')

Ekran Alıntısı.PNG

clientt src eklenen kısım:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
tm& stringToRealTime(const std::string& strDateTime)
    struct tm t;
    int year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;
    if (sscanf(strDateTime.c_str(), "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec) == 6)
        t.tm_year = year - 1900;
        t.tm_mon = month - 1;
        t.tm_mday = day;
        t.tm_isdst = 0;
        t.tm_hour = hour;
        t.tm_min = min;
        t.tm_sec = sec;
    return t;
bool sortItemShop(const TIShopData& first, const TIShopData& second)
    return first.sellCount > second.sellCount;
bool CClientManager::InitializeItemShop()
    char szQuery[64];
    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT * FROM player.ishop_data");
    SQLMsg* pMsg = CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery, SQL_PLAYER);
    if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows != 0)
        std::vector<TIShopData> m_sortCache;

        MYSQL_ROW row = NULL;
        for (int n = 0; (row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult)) != NULL; ++n)
            int col = 0;
            TIShopData ishopData;

            BYTE categoryType, categorySubType;
            str_to_number(ishopData.id, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(categoryType, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(categorySubType, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(ishopData.itemVnum, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(ishopData.itemPrice, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(ishopData.discount, row[col++]);

            char eventTime[40];
            strlcpy(eventTime, row[col++], sizeof(eventTime));
            struct tm offerTimeTm = stringToRealTime(eventTime);
            time_t offerTime = mktime(&offerTimeTm);

            strlcpy(eventTime, row[col++], sizeof(eventTime));
            struct tm addedTimeTm = stringToRealTime(eventTime);
            time_t addedTime = mktime(&addedTimeTm);

            ishopData.offerTime = offerTime;
            if (ishopData.offerTime < 0)
                ishopData.offerTime = 0;
            ishopData.addedTime = addedTime;
            if (ishopData.addedTime < 0)
                ishopData.addedTime = 0;

            str_to_number(ishopData.sellCount, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(ishopData.week_limit, row[col++]);
            str_to_number(ishopData.month_limit, row[col++]);


            auto itType = m_IShopManager.find(categoryType);
            if (itType != m_IShopManager.end())
                auto itSubType = itType->second.find(categorySubType);
                if (itSubType != itType->second.end())
                    std::vector<TIShopData> m_vec;
                    itType->second.emplace(categorySubType, m_vec);
                std::vector<TIShopData> m_vec;
                std::map<BYTE, std::vector<TIShopData>> m_map;
                m_map.emplace(categorySubType, m_vec);
                m_IShopManager.emplace(categoryType, m_map);


        if (m_sortCache.size())
            std::stable_sort(m_sortCache.begin(), m_sortCache.end(), sortItemShop);
            if (m_sortCache[0].sellCount <= 0)
                for (auto itCategory = m_IShopManager.begin(); itCategory != m_IShopManager.end(); ++itCategory)
                    if (itCategory->second.size())
                        for (auto itSubCategory = itCategory->second.begin(); itSubCategory != itCategory->second.end(); ++itSubCategory)
                            for (DWORD j = 0; j < itSubCategory->second.size(); ++j)
                                itSubCategory->second[j].topSellingIndex = -1;
                for (DWORD j = 0; j < m_sortCache.size(); ++j)
                    DWORD id = m_sortCache[j].id;
                    for (auto itCategory = m_IShopManager.begin(); itCategory != m_IShopManager.end(); ++itCategory)
                        if (itCategory->second.size())
                            for (auto itSubCategory = itCategory->second.begin(); itSubCategory != itCategory->second.end(); ++itSubCategory)
                                for (DWORD x = 0; x < itSubCategory->second.size(); ++x)
                                    if (itSubCategory->second[x].id == id)
                                        itSubCategory->second[x].topSellingIndex = j + 1;
    itemShopUpdateTime = time(0);
    return true;
void CClientManager::SetDragonCoin(DWORD id, long long amount)
    char szQuery[84];
    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE account.account SET coins = %lld WHERE id = %d", amount, id);
    std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery));

void CClientManager::ItemShopIncreaseSellCount(DWORD itemID, int itemCount)
    long long sellCount = 0;
    char szQuery[84];
    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT sellCount FROM player.ishop_data WHERE id = %u", itemID);
    std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery));
    if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows > 0)
        MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult);
        str_to_number(sellCount, row[0]);
    //sellCount += itemCount;
    sellCount += 1;
    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE player.ishop_data SET sellCount = %lld WHERE id = %u", sellCount, itemID);
    std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsgLast(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery));
long long CClientManager::GetDragonCoin(DWORD id)
    char szQuery[84];
    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT coins FROM account.account WHERE id = %d", id);
    std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> pMsg(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery));
    if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows == 0)
        return 0;
    MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult);
    long long dc = 0;
    str_to_number(dc, row[0]);
    return dc;
void CClientManager::RecvItemShop(CPeer* pkPeer, DWORD dwHandle, const char* data)
    const BYTE subIndex = *(BYTE*)data;
    data += sizeof(BYTE);
    if (subIndex == ITEMSHOP_LOG)
        if (!pkPeer)

        const DWORD accountID = *(DWORD*)data;
        data += sizeof(DWORD);

        auto it = m_IShopLogManager.find(accountID);
        if (it == m_IShopLogManager.end())
            char szQuery[84];
            snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT * FROM player.ishop_log WHERE accountID = %u", accountID);
            SQLMsg* pMsg = CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery, SQL_PLAYER);
            if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows != 0)
                std::vector<TIShopLogData> m_vec;

                MYSQL_ROW row = NULL;
                for (int n = 0; (row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult)) != NULL; ++n)
                    int col = 0;
                    TIShopLogData ishopData;
                    str_to_number(ishopData.accountID, row[col++]);
                    strlcpy(ishopData.playerName, row[col++], sizeof(ishopData.playerName));
                    strlcpy(ishopData.buyDate, row[col++], sizeof(ishopData.buyDate));
                    str_to_number(ishopData.buyTime, row[col++]);
                    strlcpy(ishopData.ipAdress, row[col++], sizeof(ishopData.ipAdress));
                    str_to_number(ishopData.itemVnum, row[col++]);
                    str_to_number(ishopData.itemCount, row[col++]);
                    str_to_number(ishopData.itemPrice, row[col++]);

                if (m_vec.size())
                    m_IShopLogManager.emplace(accountID, m_vec);

        it = m_IShopLogManager.find(accountID);
        if (it == m_IShopLogManager.end())
            int logCount = 0;
            pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, dwHandle, sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(int));
            pkPeer->Encode(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
            pkPeer->Encode(&logCount, sizeof(int));
            int logCount = it->second.size();

            pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, dwHandle,sizeof(BYTE)+sizeof(int)+(sizeof(TIShopLogData)*logCount));
            pkPeer->Encode(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
            pkPeer->Encode(&logCount, sizeof(int));
    else if (subIndex == ITEMSHOP_RELOAD)
        SendItemShopData(NULL, true);
    else if (subIndex == ITEMSHOP_BUY)
        const DWORD accountID = *(DWORD*)data;
        data += sizeof(DWORD);

        char playerName[CHARACTER_NAME_MAX_LEN + 1];
        thecore_memcpy(&playerName, data, sizeof(playerName));
        data += sizeof(playerName);

        char ipAdress[16];
        thecore_memcpy(&ipAdress, data, sizeof(ipAdress));
        data += sizeof(ipAdress);

        const int itemID = *(int*)data;
        data += sizeof(int);

        const int itemCount = *(int*)data;
        data += sizeof(int);

        const bool isLogOpen = *(bool*)data;
        data += sizeof(bool);

        if (m_IShopManager.size())
            for (auto it = m_IShopManager.begin(); it != m_IShopManager.end(); ++it)
                if (it->second.size())
                    for (auto itEx = it->second.begin(); itEx != it->second.end(); ++itEx)
                        if (itEx->second.size())
                            for (auto itReal = itEx->second.begin(); itReal != itEx->second.end(); ++itReal)
                                const TIShopData& itemData = *itReal;
                                if (itemData.id == itemID)
                                    long long accountDragonCoin = GetDragonCoin(accountID);

                                    long long itemPrice = itemData.itemPrice * itemCount;
                                    if (itemData.discount > 0)
                                        itemPrice = long((float(itemPrice) / 100.0) * float(100 - itemData.discount));

                                    if (itemPrice > accountDragonCoin)
                                        int returnType = 0;
                                        pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, dwHandle, sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE));
                                        pkPeer->Encode(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
                                        pkPeer->Encode(&returnType, sizeof(BYTE));

                                    if (itemData.week_limit > 0)
                                        DWORD weekCount = 0;
                                        char szQuery[124];
                                        snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT itemCount FROM player.ishop_log WHERE buyDate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK) and accountID = %u", accountID);
                                        SQLMsg* pMsg = CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery, SQL_PLAYER);
                                        if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows != 0)
                                            MYSQL_ROW row = NULL;
                                            for (int n = 0; (row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult)) != NULL; ++n)
                                                int buyCount;
                                                str_to_number(buyCount, row[0]);
                                                weekCount += buyCount;
                                        if (weekCount >= itemData.week_limit || weekCount+itemCount > itemData.week_limit)
                                            int returnType = 1;
                                            pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, dwHandle, sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(int));
                                            pkPeer->Encode(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
                                            pkPeer->Encode(&returnType, sizeof(BYTE));
                                            pkPeer->Encode(&itemData.week_limit, sizeof(int));

                                    if (itemData.month_limit > 0)
                                        DWORD monthCount = 0;
                                        char szQuery[124];
                                        snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT itemCount FROM player.ishop_log WHERE buyDate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) and accountID = %u", accountID);
                                        SQLMsg* pMsg = CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery, SQL_PLAYER);
                                        if (pMsg->Get()->uiNumRows != 0)
                                            MYSQL_ROW row = NULL;
                                            for (int n = 0; (row = mysql_fetch_row(pMsg->Get()->pSQLResult)) != NULL; ++n)
                                                int buyCount;
                                                str_to_number(buyCount, row[0]);
                                                monthCount += buyCount;
                                        if (monthCount >= itemData.month_limit || monthCount+itemCount > itemData.month_limit)
                                            int returnType = 2;
                                            pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, dwHandle, sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(int));
                                            pkPeer->Encode(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
                                            pkPeer->Encode(&returnType, sizeof(BYTE));
                                            pkPeer->Encode(&itemData.month_limit, sizeof(int));

                                    ItemShopIncreaseSellCount(itemID, itemCount);

                                    SetDragonCoin(accountID, accountDragonCoin - itemPrice);
                                    DWORD newItemID = GetEventFlag("SPECIAL_ITEM_ID") + 1;
                                    SetEventFlag("SPECIAL_ITEM_ID", newItemID);
                                    char szQuery[512];
                                    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "INSERT INTO player.item (id, owner_id, window, count, vnum) VALUES(%u, %u, %d, %d, %d)", newItemID, accountID, 4, itemCount, itemData.itemVnum);
                                    delete CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery);

                                    snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "INSERT INTO player.ishop_log (accountID, playerName, buyDate, buyTime, ipAdress, itemVnum, itemCount, itemPrice) VALUES(%u, '%s', NOW(), %d, '%s', %u, %d, %lld)", accountID, playerName, time(0), ipAdress, itemData.itemVnum, itemCount, itemPrice);
                                    delete CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(szQuery);

                                    char       timeText[21];
                                    time_t     now = time(0);
                                    struct tm  tstruct = *localtime(&now);
                                    strftime(timeText, sizeof(timeText), "%Y-%m-%d %X", &tstruct);

                                    TIShopLogData logData;
                                    logData.accountID = accountID;
                                    strlcpy(logData.playerName, playerName, sizeof(logData.playerName));
                                    strlcpy(logData.buyDate, timeText, sizeof(logData.buyDate));
                                    logData.buyTime = time(0);
                                    strlcpy(logData.ipAdress, ipAdress, sizeof(logData.ipAdress));
                                    logData.itemVnum = itemData.itemVnum;
                                    logData.itemCount = itemCount;
                                    logData.itemPrice = itemPrice;

                                    auto it = m_IShopLogManager.find(accountID);
                                    if (it == m_IShopLogManager.end())
                                        if (isLogOpen)
                                            std::vector<TIShopLogData> m_vec;
                                            m_IShopLogManager.emplace(accountID, m_vec);

                                    int returnType = 3;
                                    int packetSize = sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(bool)+ sizeof(DWORD)+sizeof(int)+sizeof(long long);
                                    if (isLogOpen)
                                        packetSize+= sizeof(TIShopLogData);

                                    pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, dwHandle, packetSize);
                                    pkPeer->Encode(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
                                    pkPeer->Encode(&returnType, sizeof(BYTE));
                                    pkPeer->Encode(&isLogOpen, sizeof(bool));
                                    pkPeer->Encode(&logData.itemVnum, sizeof(DWORD));
                                    pkPeer->Encode(&logData.itemCount, sizeof(int));
                                    pkPeer->Encode(&logData.itemPrice, sizeof(long long));
                                    if (isLogOpen)
                                        pkPeer->Encode(&logData, sizeof(TIShopLogData));

void CClientManager::SendItemShopData(CPeer* pkPeer, bool isPacket)
    TEMP_BUFFER buf;

    BYTE subIndex = ITEMSHOP_LOAD;
    buf.write(&subIndex, sizeof(BYTE));
    buf.write(&itemShopUpdateTime, sizeof(int));
    buf.write(&isPacket, sizeof(bool));
    int categoryTotalSize = m_IShopManager.size();
    buf.write(&categoryTotalSize, sizeof(int));

    if (categoryTotalSize)
        for (auto it = m_IShopManager.begin(); it != m_IShopManager.end(); ++it)
            BYTE categoryIndex = it->first;
            buf.write(&categoryIndex, sizeof(BYTE));

            BYTE categorySize = it->second.size();
            buf.write(&categorySize, sizeof(BYTE));

            if (categorySize)
                for (auto itEx = it->second.begin(); itEx != it->second.end(); ++itEx)
                    BYTE categorySubIndex = itEx->first;
                    buf.write(&categorySubIndex, sizeof(BYTE));

                    BYTE categorySubSize = itEx->second.size();
                    buf.write(&categorySubSize, sizeof(BYTE));

                    if (categorySubSize)
                        buf.write(itEx->second.data(), sizeof(TIShopData) * categorySubSize);
    if (pkPeer != NULL)
        pkPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, 0, buf.size());
        pkPeer->Encode(buf.read_peek(), buf.size());
        ForwardPacket(HEADER_DG_ITEMSHOP, buf.read_peek(), buf.size());
Sourceni VisualStudio ile açıp Hata aldığın kod satırına gelip Ctl+Sol tık yaparak SetEventFlagın izlediği yollardan kopya çekerek GetEventFlag eklemelerini yapabilirsin bu ve bu tür hatalarla daha az karşılaşmak için bütün eklemelerini VS ile yapmanı öneririm ..