Çözüldü 4. envanter eklerken sorun

  • Konuyu açan Konuyu açan suleyman06
  • Açılış Tarihi Açılış Tarihi
  • Yanıt Yanıt 13
  • Gösterim Gösterim 756
Bu konu çözüme ulaştırılmıştır. Çözüm için konuya yazılan tüm yorumları okumayı unutmayın. Eğer konudaki yorumlar sorununuzu çözmediyse yeni bir konu açabilirsiniz.
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.


Bla bla
MT Üye
Ticaret Puanı
dostlar ben 4. envanter ekliyordum. syserr den sorun aldımda bir incelermisin. @Whistle arkadaşmızın konusundakileri tek tek uyguladıgımı düşünüyorum.


Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0530 17:48:00375 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]
0530 17:48:00903 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.tga
0530 17:48:00904 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.tga]
0530 17:48:00907 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.tga
0530 17:48:00908 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.tga]
0530 17:48:00908 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.tga
0530 17:48:00909 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.tga]
0530 17:48:00910 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.tga
0530 17:48:00910 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.tga]
0530 17:48:00911 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.tga
0530 17:48:00912 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.tga]
0530 17:48:00913 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.tga
0530 17:48:00915 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.tga]
0530 17:49:05089 ::  CItemManager::LoadItemList(locale/tr/item_list.txt) - StrangeLine in 4011

0530 17:49:05161 ::     Çѱ¹¹«½Ö¹öÁ¯(#2    ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05176 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05177 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05177 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05178 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05178 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05179 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05179 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05180 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05180 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05181 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05198 ::       À§Ä¡±â¾ïºÎ(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05199 ::           À̵¿ºÎ(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05201 ::           »ı¸íºÎ(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05204 ::           ȯ»ıºÎ(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05208 ::           °¡¸®ºñ(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05209 ::         û°¡¸®ºñ(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05209 ::         Ȳ°¡¸®ºñ(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05212 ::         È«°¡¸®ºñ(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05213 ::         ³ì°¡¸®ºñ(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05213 ::           ȲÁÖ¼®(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05214 ::           ûÁÖ¼®(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05214 ::           û½Å¼ö(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05215 ::           Ȳ½Å¼ö(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05215 ::           È«½Å¼ö(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05215 ::           ³ì½Å¼ö(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05216 ::         ¿¬Ã»½Å¼ö(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05216 ::         ¿¬È²½Å¼ö(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05217 ::         ¿¬È«½Å¼ö(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05218 ::         ¿¬³ì½Å¼ö(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05222 :: ¿õ±ÍÀÇ È²±İ¾î±İ´Ï(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05222 ::    »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05223 ::  Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05223 ::   À¯¶û ¾î¸Ó´Ï ¾à(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05224 ::    ¿õ±ÍÀÇ ¼Û°÷´Ï(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05224 :: µµÀÚ±âÂø»ö¿ëÀ¯¾à(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05225 ::    »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05225 ::    ÈľȼÒÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05226 ::  Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05226 ::             Àå¾î(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05227 ::        ¹Ğ±³ °æÀü(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05228 ::           ±«Áú±Õ(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05228 ::      ±«Áú Ä¡·áÁ¦(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05229 ::    Çà»óÀÎÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05240 ::    »ç±ÍÀÇ º¸¼®ÇÔ(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05248 ::      VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05248 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05249 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05255 ::   Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05255 ::   TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05256 ::      Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05257 ::    ¼Ò¸®³ª´Â ¹æ¿ï(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05257 ::    ¿À¶ûij ¼ö¼Û¼(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05257 :: ¿À¶ûij º¸½º ÆíÁö(#40007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05261 ::       ¼±¹°º¸µû¸®(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05262 ::       ½Â¸¶¼ö·Ã¼(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05263 ::     ¿ë°¢º¸¹°»óÀÚ(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05264 ::       ¿µ¼®º¸µû¸®(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05268 ::         ¼®Ã¢Æ÷¾×(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05268 ::       ¿µÁö¹ö¼¸¾×(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05269 ::         ¸¸º´Ãʾ×(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05269 ::       »ê»Í³ª¹«¾×(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05269 ::         ¹Îµé·¹¾×(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05270 ::         ȫȾ¾¾×(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05270 ::           ´ëÃß¾×(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05271 ::     »ïÁö±¸¿±Ãʾ×(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05271 ::           ºó¾àº´(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05271 ::    È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05272 ::    Çǵ¶¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05274 ::    º¸È¯¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05275 ::    ¿µº¸¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05277 ::    ÁøÇǵ¶ Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05278 ::    È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05282 ::             ºÒ°æ(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05284 ::      ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Áö¿ø(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05285 ::      µ¿·á¿Í ȸÆ÷(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05286 ::     Àü±¤ÆǺ¸µû¸®(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05288 ::       °æÇèÀǹİÁö(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05288 ::      ÃູÀÇ ±¸½½(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05289 ::         ¸¸³âÇÑö(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05290 ::    ¾ß°øÀÇ ºñÀü¼(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05290 ::         Á־ȼú¼(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05290 ::        ¿ë½ÅÀÇ È¯(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05291 ::      ¿ë½ÅÀÇ °ø°İ(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05291 ::      ¿ë½ÅÀÇ ¹æ¾î(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05292 ::    ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Ãູ¼(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05294 ::         µ·ÁÖ¸Ó´Ï(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05295 ::             ¹éÁö(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05296 ::           ºó¹°Åë(#90001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05298 ::             ¹°Åë(#90002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05298 ::             º¸¼®(#90004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05299 ::             ¿µ¼®(#90006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05299 ::             ±¤¼®(#90007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 17:49:05523 ::
networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
introSelect.py(line:30) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
interfaceModule.py(line:12) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import

networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiInventory.py, line 313)

0530 17:49:05524 :: ============================================================================================================
0530 17:49:05524 :: Abort!!!!
uiInventory.py, line 313 hata vermiş. Tab hatası yapmadığınızdan emin olun
ben herhangi bir hata göremedim hocam sizde varmı bişey

Dosya Eklentileri

  • sorun1.webp
    34 KB · Gösterim: 170
şuan eski uiinventory.py mi attım oyuna giriş sağladı fakat ne zaman

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala

bu kodları eklesem hata veriyor
locale_tr/ui/inventorywindow.py dosyasına konuda verdiği uiscript kodlarını ekleyiniz
Not: Bazı fileslerde inventorywindow.py dosyası locale_tr/ui içinden alınıyor. Bu yüzden UIScript mi yoksa locale_tr mi diye kontrol edin

demişsiniz. bende hem uiscript de var hemde local_tr de var hocam. ikisindende değiştirdim konuda gösterdiğiniz gibi fakat gene aynı hata.

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0530 19:43:00408 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]
0530 19:43:00963 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.tga
0530 19:43:00963 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.tga]
0530 19:43:00967 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.tga
0530 19:43:00967 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.tga]
0530 19:43:00968 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.tga
0530 19:43:00969 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.tga]
0530 19:43:00970 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.tga
0530 19:43:00971 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_01.tga]
0530 19:43:00972 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.tga
0530 19:43:00973 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_02.tga]
0530 19:43:00975 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.tga
0530 19:43:00978 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [d:/ymir work/ui/public/middle_button_03.tga]
0530 19:43:04072 ::  CItemManager::LoadItemList(locale/tr/item_list.txt) - StrangeLine in 4011

0530 19:43:04146 ::     Çѱ¹¹«½Ö¹öÁ¯(#2    ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04160 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04160 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+1(#13181) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04161 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+2(#13182) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04162 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+3(#13183) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04162 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+4(#13184) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04163 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+5(#13185) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04163 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+6(#13186) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04164 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+7(#13187) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04166 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+8(#13188) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04166 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04187 ::       À§Ä¡±â¾ïºÎ(#22020) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04187 ::           À̵¿ºÎ(#22030) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04189 ::           »ı¸íºÎ(#22040) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04193 ::           ȯ»ıºÎ(#22050) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04195 ::           °¡¸®ºñ(#29001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04195 ::         û°¡¸®ºñ(#29002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04197 ::         Ȳ°¡¸®ºñ(#29003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04198 ::         È«°¡¸®ºñ(#29004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04200 ::         ³ì°¡¸®ºñ(#29005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04200 ::           ȲÁÖ¼®(#29006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04201 ::           ûÁÖ¼®(#29007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04201 ::           û½Å¼ö(#29008) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04202 ::           Ȳ½Å¼ö(#29009) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04202 ::           È«½Å¼ö(#29010) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04203 ::           ³ì½Å¼ö(#29011) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04203 ::         ¿¬Ã»½Å¼ö(#29012) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04204 ::         ¿¬È²½Å¼ö(#29013) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04204 ::         ¿¬È«½Å¼ö(#29014) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04204 ::         ¿¬³ì½Å¼ö(#29015) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04207 :: ¿õ±ÍÀÇ È²±İ¾î±İ´Ï(#30103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04208 ::    »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30104) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04209 ::  Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30105) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04210 ::   À¯¶û ¾î¸Ó´Ï ¾à(#30106) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04210 ::    ¿õ±ÍÀÇ ¼Û°÷´Ï(#30107) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04211 :: µµÀÚ±âÂø»ö¿ëÀ¯¾à(#30108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04211 ::    »ç¸·ÀÇ °Å¹ÌÁÙ(#30109) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04212 ::    ÈľȼÒÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30110) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04212 ::  Åå½î´Â Àü°¥²¿¸®(#30111) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04213 ::             Àå¾î(#30112) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04213 ::        ¹Ğ±³ °æÀü(#30113) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04214 ::           ±«Áú±Õ(#30114) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04214 ::      ±«Áú Ä¡·áÁ¦(#30115) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04215 ::    Çà»óÀÎÀÇ ÆíÁö(#30117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04215 ::    »ç±ÍÀÇ º¸¼®ÇÔ(#30118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04224 ::      VIP-Feature(#38001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04232 :: Tombola_ticket_today(#38002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04233 :: Tombola_ticket_tomorrow(#38003) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04233 ::   Tombola_reroll(#38004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04234 ::   TombolaPP_spin(#38005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04234 ::      Momo-Reroll(#38006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04234 ::    ¼Ò¸®³ª´Â ¹æ¿ï(#40005) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04234 ::    ¿À¶ûij ¼ö¼Û¼(#40006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04235 :: ¿À¶ûij º¸½º ÆíÁö(#40007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04239 ::       ¼±¹°º¸µû¸®(#50041) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04240 ::       ½Â¸¶¼ö·Ã¼(#50062) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04242 ::     ¿ë°¢º¸¹°»óÀÚ(#50118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04242 ::       ¿µ¼®º¸µû¸®(#50119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04246 ::         ¼®Ã¢Æ÷¾×(#50805) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04247 ::       ¿µÁö¹ö¼¸¾×(#50806) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04247 ::         ¸¸º´Ãʾ×(#50807) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04248 ::       »ê»Í³ª¹«¾×(#50808) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04248 ::         ¹Îµé·¹¾×(#50809) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04249 ::         ȫȾ¾¾×(#50810) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04249 ::           ´ëÃß¾×(#50811) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04250 ::     »ïÁö±¸¿±Ãʾ×(#50812) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04252 ::           ºó¾àº´(#50901) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04253 ::    È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50905) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04254 ::    Çǵ¶¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50906) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04255 ::    º¸È¯¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50907) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04255 ::    ¿µº¸¼ö Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50908) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04256 ::    ÁøÇǵ¶ Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50909) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04256 ::    È°½É¾× Á¦Á¶¹ı(#50910) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04261 ::             ºÒ°æ(#70103) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04263 ::      ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Áö¿ø(#71031) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04265 ::      µ¿·á¿Í ȸÆ÷(#71047) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04266 ::     Àü±¤ÆǺ¸µû¸®(#71091) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04267 ::       °æÇèÀǹİÁö(#72303) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04268 ::      ÃູÀÇ ±¸½½(#72304) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04269 ::         ¸¸³âÇÑö(#72308) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04269 ::    ¾ß°øÀÇ ºñÀü¼(#72309) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04270 ::         Á־ȼú¼(#72310) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04270 ::        ¿ë½ÅÀÇ È¯(#72311) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04270 ::      ¿ë½ÅÀÇ °ø°İ(#72312) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04271 ::      ¿ë½ÅÀÇ ¹æ¾î(#72313) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04273 ::    ¿ë½ÅÀÇ Ãູ¼(#72314) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04276 ::         µ·ÁÖ¸Ó´Ï(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04277 ::             ¹éÁö(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04277 ::           ºó¹°Åë(#90001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04277 ::             ¹°Åë(#90002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04278 ::             º¸¼®(#90004) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04279 ::             ¿µ¼®(#90006) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04279 ::             ±¤¼®(#90007) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0530 19:43:04514 ::
networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
introSelect.py(line:30) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import
system.py(line:110) _process_result
interfaceModule.py(line:12) <module>
system.py(line:130) __pack_import

networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiInventory.py, line 313)

0530 19:43:04514 :: ============================================================================================================
0530 19:43:04516 :: Abort!!!!

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Bana uiinventory ve inventorywindow dosyalarını gönderebilir misiniz?
Kodları doğru eklemişsiniz fakat tab yerine boşluk oluşmuş.

Bu kodların olduğu satırların başlarındaki tüm boşluğu silin sonra 3 tab ileri atın
dostum sorunun kaynağı sanıyorum şu sorun3.JPG hiç bişey eklemediğimde kod satırı normal sorun22.JPG fakat ben gerekli kodları eklediğimde kod satırı bozuluyor ondan dolayı hata veriyor sanırım. bi türlü düzeltemedim en başa kadar sildim tab tab yapıorm düzelmedi bir

Dosya Eklentileri

  • sorun3.webp
    2,4 KB · Gösterim: 265
  • sorun22.webp
    844 byte · Gösterim: 284
Sanırsam notepad++ ayarlarından kaynaklı. Tab tuşuna basınca otomatik boşluk ekliyor.
Ayalar -> Tercihler -> Dil Menüsü daha sonra sekme ayarlarından pythonu seçin boşlukla değiştir seçeneğini kaldırın.

Sonra görünüm -> simge göster -> beyaz boşluğu ve sekmeleri gösteri işaretleyin.
Tab olan yerler ok olarak gösterilecek. Boşluk olanlar nokta olarak gösterilecek.
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.