Yardım Website Database Connection Error

  • Konuyu açan Konuyu açan JezMan
  • Açılış Tarihi Açılış Tarihi
  • Yanıt Yanıt 4
  • Gösterim Gösterim 692
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Ticaret Puanı
Hello Guys, my Problem Is:

I Have Web site Host But no VPN Hosting and I Want to run my site with localhost database (navicat) to register accounts and change some things who's depend on database

but when I write my navicat MySQL information In settings.php get Error (Failed to connect to data base) and If I write the MySQL data base (Database who's I Created in my site hosting)

the site works perfect, but when I create a account I interface a problem
(There was a problem while registering, please try again.)

"and I expected that because this Data base Empty (no Information on it)"

Please if you have any Solution or You have guide to add Metin2 Website with Database Please Comment

Pictures for illustration

Navigat Connection Error.png

And I Will attach setting.php File .. to see What I did

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
define ("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE", "tr");
define ("SERVERNAME", "AsiLZade");
define ("VERSION", "1.0.0");

define ("URL", "[URL] https://www.alesia2.net/ [/ URL]");


/ ** About Problem
    [1] .When I Write my Hosting MySQL it's Work but I interface Error When I Register (and This expected Bec dataBase Empty)
    [2] .When I Write Navigat DataBase Website doesn't Open and I Got (Failed To Connect To DataBase)
** /
define ("MYSQL_IP", "");
define ("MYSQL_USER", "root");
define ("MYSQL_SIFRE", "123456");
define ("MYSQL_DB", "Metin2");
/ ** About Problem ** /
define ("MYSQL_ACCOUNT", "account");
define ("MYSQL_PLAYER", "player");
define ("MYSQL_LOG", "log");
define ("EP_TIPI", "cash");
define ("MAIL_HOST", "");
define ("MAIL_HESAP", "[EMAIL] [email protected] [/ EMAIL]");
define ("MAIL_SIFRE", "fn5z ^ 9J7");
define ("MAIL_SERVER", "Turkmmo Turkmmo");
define ("SMS_BASLIK", "Alesia2");
define ("SMS_User", "AsiLZade");
define ("SMS_SIFRE", "JfFjMHQznybc");
define ("P2P_SIFRE", "! - ****! xaswsd! **** -!");
[/ CODE] [/ CODE] [/ CODE] [/ CODE]
I'm not sure, but it could be a source of trouble:

.html files can be used locally without any problems. However, .php files require the server to work.
So you need to install virtual server engines such as xampp or wampserver to run php file.
I'm not sure, but it could be a source of trouble:

.html files can be used locally without any problems. However, .php files require the server to work.
So you need to install virtual server engines such as xampp or wampserver to run php file.
Yea, I Know that. my problem Is not Running PHP file, the files in my work is perfect in my Hosting
But my Question Can I Connect site with my Metin2 MySQL(NAVICAT) with out VPS Hosting
To test register Panel And Others things who's depend on Metin MYSQL that's All
Because register panel and things depend on metin MySQL not working
Yea, I Know that. my problem Is not Running PHP file, the files in my work is perfect in my Hosting
But my Question Can I Connect site with my Metin2 MySQL(NAVICAT) with out VPS Hosting
To test register Panel And Others things who's depend on Metin MYSQL that's All
Because register panel and things depend on metin MySQL not working
I say that too. It works fine on the online server. Yes. Windows alone cannot run the .php file. So you can install and run xampp or wamp server and test it.