Mitachi kullanıcısının son içeriği

  1. Mitachi

    Mitachi Extended Sources Files - Make your project from scratch!

    here an example of clipmasking source: Mali
  2. Mitachi

    Mitachi Extended Sources Files - Make your project from scratch!

    Patch 4.4 part 1, .diff patches will be released by ? for my customers! ``` this version will be unreleased, because there are things missing, so it will be released directly to the next one (soon), in the meantime I preview the changes. You probably already have 3/4 of these if you have the...
  3. Mitachi

    Mitachi Extended Sources Files - Make your project from scratch!

    New contest available! Join my Hub to get more information.
  4. Mitachi

    Mitachi Extended Sources Files - Make your project from scratch!

    W: Translated from EN to TR by using DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator Merhaba, 2021'den beri (3 yıldan biraz fazla) satışa yönelik sunucu dosyaları projem üzerinde çalışıyorum Amacım, modern kod ve benzersiz destek ile temiz, istikrarlı bir temel sağlamaktır. Yüzlerce hata...