Yardım Syserr Hatası

  • Konuyu açan Konuyu açan CalvinGiorgio
  • Açılış Tarihi Açılış Tarihi
  • Yanıt Yanıt 12
  • Gösterim Gösterim 1K
Konu sahibi bu konuda soru soruyor. Sorusu ile ilgili bilgisi olanların yanıtlamasını bekliyor.


Ticaret Puanı
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_green.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=267, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_green.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=268, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_black.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=269, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_black.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_orange.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_orange.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_blue.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_blue.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_white.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=273, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_white.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_purple.mse) Error
0125 21:08:01070 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=274, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/wing/ridack2_wing3_v2_purple.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0125 21:08:17942 :: Resource is not a empty image: d:/ymir work/ui/pet/Pet_Incu_slot_001.tga
0125 21:08:17943 :: sys:1: RuntimeWarning: tp_compare didn't return -1 or -2 for exception

0125 21:08:17943 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0125 21:08:17943 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.pyx", line 34, in uiChestDrop.ChestDropWindow.__LoadWindow (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.cpp:1596)

0125 21:08:17943 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 8182, in ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:244473)

0125 21:08:17943 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 8511, in ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadChildren (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:253270)

0125 21:08:17943 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 8252, in ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadChildren (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:246258)

0125 21:08:17943 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 8644, in ui.PythonScriptLoader.LoadElementExpandedImage (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:257203)

0125 21:08:17943 :: RuntimeError: Failed to load image (filename:d:/ymir work/ui/pet/Pet_Incu_slot_001.tga)

0125 21:08:17943 :: ============================================================================================================
0125 21:08:17943 :: Abort!!!!

0125 21:08:17943 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0125 21:08:17943 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.pyx", line 40, in uiChestDrop.ChestDropWindow.__LoadWindow (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.cpp:1724)

0125 21:08:17944 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 8106, in ui.ScriptWindow.GetChild (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:243255)

0125 21:08:17944 :: KeyError: 'OpenItemSlot'

0125 21:08:17944 :: ============================================================================================================
0125 21:08:17944 :: Abort!!!!
Avenor3 girişinde problem yaşıyorum. Bilgisi olan varsa cevabını bekliyorum

0125 21:08:17944 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0125 21:08:17944 ::   File "source\cyTemp\networkModule.pyx", line 303, in networkModule.MainStream.SetGamePhase (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\networkModule.cpp:7819)

0125 21:08:17944 ::   File "source\cyTemp\game.pyx", line 110, in game.GameWindow.__init__ (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\game.cpp:7420)

0125 21:08:17944 ::   File "source\cyTemp\interfaceModule.pyx", line 500, in interfaceModule.Interface.MakeInterface (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\interfaceModule.cpp:15071)

0125 21:08:17945 ::   File "source\cyTemp\interfaceModule.pyx", line 306, in interfaceModule.Interface.__MakeWindows (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\interfaceModule.cpp:9964)

0125 21:08:17945 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.pyx", line 26, in uiChestDrop.ChestDropWindow.__init__ (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.cpp:1340)

0125 21:08:17945 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.pyx", line 53, in uiChestDrop.ChestDropWindow.__LoadWindow (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChestDrop.cpp:2000)

0125 21:08:17945 :: AttributeError
0125 21:08:17945 :: :
0125 21:08:17945 :: 'ChestDropWindow' object has no attribute 'openCountController'
0125 21:08:17945 ::
Syserr 1
RuntimeError: Failed to load image (filename:d:/ymir work/ui/pet/Pet_Incu_slot_001.tga)
Belirtilen yerde belirtilen dosya yok.
Syserr 2 :
KeyError: 'OpenItemSlot'
OpenItemSlot Tanımlanmamış veya hatalı bir yere eklemiş de olabilirsin.
Syserr 3 :
'ChestDropWindow' object has no attribute 'openCountController'
ChestDropWindows Altında Böyle bir kod yok diyor dikkat ederek tekrar eklemeni tavsiye ederim.
Syserr 1
RuntimeError: Failed to load image (filename:d:/ymir work/ui/pet/Pet_Incu_slot_001.tga)
Belirtilen yerde belirtilen dosya yok.
Syserr 2 :
KeyError: 'OpenItemSlot'
OpenItemSlot Tanımlanmamış veya hatalı bir yere eklemiş de olabilirsin.
Syserr 3 :
'ChestDropWindow' object has no attribute 'openCountController'
ChestDropWindows Altında Böyle bir kod yok diyor dikkat ederek tekrar eklemeni tavsiye ederim.

avenor2 filesini görmüşssündür zaten hiç bir değişiklik yapmadan build alıp pack dosyalarını kapatıp oyuna giriş yaptım loading ekranı gelmeden kapanıyor oyun
ClientSource > ScriptLib > Resource.cpp dosyasında
Aratın ::
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("jpg", NewImage);
Kodların sırasında
Kontrol Edin:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("tga", NewImage);
Varmı kontrol edin eğer yoksa müsait bir yere ekleyin.
Not : Filesi gördüm evet ama hiç indirip kontrol etmedim
9034 eklentisini görüntüle
avenor2 filesini görmüşssündür zaten hiç bir değişiklik yapmadan build alıp pack dosyalarını kapatıp oyuna giriş yaptım loading ekranı gelmeden kapanıyor oyun
ClientSource > ScriptLib > Resource.cpp dosyasında
Aratın ::
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("jpg", NewImage);
Kodların sırasında
Kontrol Edin:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("tga", NewImage);
Varmı kontrol edin eğer yoksa müsait bir yere ekleyin.
Not : Filesi gördüm evet ama hiç indirip kontrol etmedim
Görüldüğü gibi yok sanırım

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "../eterLib/GrpExpandedImageInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpTextInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpMarkInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpSubImage.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpText.h"
#include "../eterLib/AttributeData.h"
#include "../eterGrnLib/Thing.h"
#include "../eterGrnLib/ThingInstance.h"
#include "../effectLib/EffectMesh.h"
#include "../effectLib/EffectInstance.h"

#include "../gamelib/WeaponTrace.h"
#include "../gamelib/MapType.h"
#include "../gamelib/GameType.h"
#include "../gamelib/RaceData.h"
#include "../gamelib/RaceMotionData.h"
#include "../gamelib/ActorInstance.h"
#include "../gamelib/Area.h"
#include "../gamelib/ItemData.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyingData.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyTrace.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyingInstance.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyingData.h"

#include "Resource.h"

CResource* NewImage(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicImage(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewSubImage(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicSubImage(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewText(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicText(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewThing(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicThing(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewEffectMesh(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CEffectMesh(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewAttributeData(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CAttributeData(c_szFileName);

void CPythonResource::Destroy()

    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("sub", NewSubImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("dds", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("ddss", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("jpg", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("png", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("psd", NewImage); // added for fix : NOT SUPPORT FILE g:\(ÁÖ)À̸̹£\3d\õÀDZº¹ý»ç\õÀDZº¹ý»ç02.psd  from v4.
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("tga", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("bmp", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("fnt", NewText);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("gr2", NewThing);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("mde", NewEffectMesh);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("mdatr", NewAttributeData);

CPythonResource::~CPythonResource() {}
Görüldüğü gibi yok sanırım

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "../eterLib/GrpExpandedImageInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpTextInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpMarkInstance.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpSubImage.h"
#include "../eterLib/GrpText.h"
#include "../eterLib/AttributeData.h"
#include "../eterGrnLib/Thing.h"
#include "../eterGrnLib/ThingInstance.h"
#include "../effectLib/EffectMesh.h"
#include "../effectLib/EffectInstance.h"

#include "../gamelib/WeaponTrace.h"
#include "../gamelib/MapType.h"
#include "../gamelib/GameType.h"
#include "../gamelib/RaceData.h"
#include "../gamelib/RaceMotionData.h"
#include "../gamelib/ActorInstance.h"
#include "../gamelib/Area.h"
#include "../gamelib/ItemData.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyingData.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyTrace.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyingInstance.h"
#include "../gamelib/FlyingData.h"

#include "Resource.h"

CResource* NewImage(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicImage(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewSubImage(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicSubImage(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewText(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicText(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewThing(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CGraphicThing(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewEffectMesh(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CEffectMesh(c_szFileName);

CResource* NewAttributeData(const char* c_szFileName)
    return new CAttributeData(c_szFileName);

void CPythonResource::Destroy()

    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("sub", NewSubImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("dds", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("ddss", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("jpg", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("png", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("psd", NewImage); // added for fix : NOT SUPPORT FILE g:\(ÁÖ)À̸̹£\3d\õÀDZº¹ý»ç\õÀDZº¹ý»ç02.psd  from v4.
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("tga", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("bmp", NewImage);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("fnt", NewText);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("gr2", NewThing);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("mde", NewEffectMesh);
    m_resManager.RegisterResourceNewFunctionPointer("mdatr", NewAttributeData);

CPythonResource::~CPythonResource() {}
Hayır tga kodu var packları tekrar kapatıp dener misiniz ?
Hayır tga kodu var packları tekrar kapatıp dener misiniz ?
şuan ilginç bir şekilde giriş yapabildim şuan sorun kalmadı
syserr temiz

güncel syserr

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0126 17:57:02173 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:57:02173 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 3381, in ui.SubTitleBar.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:117734)

0126 17:57:02173 :: AttributeError
0126 17:57:02173 :: :
0126 17:57:02173 :: 'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:57:02173 ::

0126 17:57:02601 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:57:02601 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 3381, in ui.SubTitleBar.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:117734)

0126 17:57:02601 :: AttributeError
0126 17:57:02601 :: :
0126 17:57:02601 :: 'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:57:02601 ::

0126 17:57:02650 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:57:02650 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 3381, in ui.SubTitleBar.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:117734)

0126 17:57:02650 :: AttributeError
0126 17:57:02650 :: :
0126 17:57:02650 :: 'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:57:02650 ::

0126 17:57:02668 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:57:02668 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 3381, in ui.SubTitleBar.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:117734)

0126 17:57:02668 :: AttributeError
0126 17:57:02668 :: :
0126 17:57:02668 :: 'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:57:02668 ::

0126 17:57:02716 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:57:02716 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 3381, in ui.SubTitleBar.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:117734)

0126 17:57:02716 :: AttributeError
0126 17:57:02716 :: :
0126 17:57:02716 :: 'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:57:02716 ::

0126 17:58:02365 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02365 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02366 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02366 :: :
0126 17:58:02366 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02366 ::

0126 17:58:02398 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02398 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02398 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02398 :: :
0126 17:58:02398 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02398 ::

0126 17:58:02430 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02430 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02430 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02430 :: :
0126 17:58:02430 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02430 ::

0126 17:58:02463 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02463 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02463 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02463 :: :
0126 17:58:02464 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02464 ::

0126 17:58:02496 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02496 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02496 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02496 :: :
0126 17:58:02496 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02496 ::

0126 17:58:02761 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02761 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02761 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02761 :: :
0126 17:58:02761 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02761 ::

0126 17:58:02793 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02793 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02793 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02793 :: :
0126 17:58:02793 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02793 ::

0126 17:58:02826 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02826 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02826 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02826 :: :
0126 17:58:02826 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02826 ::

0126 17:58:02875 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 17:58:02875 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 2537, in ui.ScrollBarTemplate.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:89599)

0126 17:58:02875 :: AttributeError
0126 17:58:02875 :: :
0126 17:58:02875 :: mem_func instance has no attribute 'OnDown'
0126 17:58:02875 ::

0126 18:01:00257 :: TypeError
0126 18:01:00257 :: :
0126 18:01:00257 :: lambda4() takes exactly one argument (0 given)
0126 18:01:00257 ::
Son düzenleme:
Pack taraflı çok fazla bozuk görünüyor dostum toparlamak bayağı bir zaman alır fakat bunu hiç bir işlem yapmadan çalıştıranlar vardı clienti tekrar build alıp dener misiniz bu sefer de ?
Pack taraflı çok fazla bozuk görünüyor dostum toparlamak bayağı bir zaman alır fakat bunu hiç bir işlem yapmadan çalıştıranlar vardı clienti tekrar build alıp dener misiniz bu sefer de ?
yok yok şuan clientin çalışmasında bir sorun oyun içinde gözüken bir problem mevcut değil. Sadece arada syserr veriyor fakat client syserr yüzünden kapanma dumu olmuyor şuan sadece anlamsız şekilde ışınlanırken syserr felan düşüyor. Oyun son build'den sonra kapanma durumu olmadı hiç
yok yok şuan clientin çalışmasında bir sorun oyun içinde gözüken bir problem mevcut değil. Sadece arada syserr veriyor fakat client syserr yüzünden kapanma dumu olmuyor şuan sadece anlamsız şekilde ışınlanırken syserr felan düşüyor. Oyun son build'den sonra kapanma durumu olmadı hiç
ui.py dosyanızı paylaşırmısınız ?
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
RuntimeError: Failed to load image (filename:d:/ymir work/ui/pet/Pet_Incu_slot_001.tga)
Bu dosya yok diyor, gösterdiğin fotoğrafta var ancak isimler uyuşmuyor. Büyük-küçük harflere dikkat et.

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'

ImageBox classının içinde OnDown diye bir fonksiyon arıyor ancak bulamıyor. Eğer OnDown isimli bir fonksiyon varsa ve buna rağmen bu syserri veriyorsa client src de OnDown ile alaklı eksiklerin var demektir.
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
RuntimeError: Failed to load image (filename:d:/ymir work/ui/pet/Pet_Incu_slot_001.tga)
Bu dosya yok diyor, gösterdiğin fotoğrafta var ancak isimler uyuşmuyor. Büyük-küçük harflere dikkat et.

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnDown'

ImageBox classının içinde OnDown diye bir fonksiyon arıyor ancak bulamıyor. Eğer OnDown isimli bir fonksiyon varsa ve buna rağmen bu syserri veriyorsa client src de OnDown ile alaklı eksiklerin var demektir.
Ondown ile alakalı bir fonksiyon oluşturulmamış baktım

Güncel syserr
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0126 18:35:30503 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:30503 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:31016 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:31016 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:31707 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:31707 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:31955 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:31955 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:32350 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:32350 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:32747 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:32747 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:33143 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:33143 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:33539 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:33539 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:33935 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:33935 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:35:34463 :: Not a valid .WAV file: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav
0126 18:35:34463 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/common/walk_grass_n.wav)
0126 18:55:06363 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 18:55:06363 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 18:55:42877 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42877 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42877 :: :
0126 18:55:42877 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42877 ::  in
0126 18:55:42877 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x2D0E9D10>>
0126 18:55:42877 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42877 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42877 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42877 :: :
0126 18:55:42877 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42877 ::  in
0126 18:55:42877 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x2D0E96F0>>
0126 18:55:42877 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42880 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42880 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42880 :: :
0126 18:55:42880 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42880 ::  in
0126 18:55:42880 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x295C0350>>
0126 18:55:42880 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42886 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42886 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42886 :: :
0126 18:55:42886 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got HyperlinkItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42886 ::  in
0126 18:55:42886 :: <bound method HyperlinkItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.HyperlinkItemToolTip object at 0x2CE1C1F0>>
0126 18:55:42886 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42886 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42886 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42886 :: :
0126 18:55:42886 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42886 ::  in
0126 18:55:42886 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x2CE1F5D0>>
0126 18:55:42886 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42886 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42886 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42886 :: :
0126 18:55:42886 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42886 ::  in
0126 18:55:42886 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x2CE1F690>>
0126 18:55:42886 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42886 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42886 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42887 :: :
0126 18:55:42887 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42887 ::  in
0126 18:55:42887 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x295C0090>>
0126 18:55:42887 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:42994 :: Exception
0126 18:55:42994 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:42994 :: :
0126 18:55:42994 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:42994 ::  in
0126 18:55:42994 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x40F9FA50>>
0126 18:55:42994 ::  ignored

0126 18:55:44006 :: Exception
0126 18:55:44006 :: TypeError
0126 18:55:44006 :: :
0126 18:55:44006 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 18:55:44006 ::  in
0126 18:55:44006 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x4139DB90>>
0126 18:55:44006 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31248 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31248 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31248 :: :
0126 19:02:31248 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31248 ::  in
0126 19:02:31248 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x40870710>>
0126 19:02:31248 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31248 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31248 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31248 :: :
0126 19:02:31248 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31248 ::  in
0126 19:02:31248 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x408704F0>>
0126 19:02:31248 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31251 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31251 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31251 :: :
0126 19:02:31252 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31252 ::  in
0126 19:02:31252 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x41398810>>
0126 19:02:31252 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31254 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31254 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31254 :: :
0126 19:02:31254 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got HyperlinkItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31254 ::  in
0126 19:02:31254 :: <bound method HyperlinkItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.HyperlinkItemToolTip object at 0x412C7B30>>
0126 19:02:31254 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31254 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31254 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31254 :: :
0126 19:02:31254 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31254 ::  in
0126 19:02:31254 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x12327B90>>
0126 19:02:31254 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31254 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31254 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31254 :: :
0126 19:02:31254 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31254 ::  in
0126 19:02:31254 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x412C7D30>>
0126 19:02:31254 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31254 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31254 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31254 :: :
0126 19:02:31254 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31254 ::  in
0126 19:02:31254 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x413986D0>>
0126 19:02:31254 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:31393 :: Exception
0126 19:02:31393 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:31393 :: :
0126 19:02:31393 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:31393 ::  in
0126 19:02:31393 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x446628B0>>
0126 19:02:31393 ::  ignored

0126 19:02:32385 :: Exception
0126 19:02:32385 :: TypeError
0126 19:02:32385 :: :
0126 19:02:32385 :: 'unbound method cython_function_or_method object must be called with ToolTip instance as first argument (got ItemToolTip instance instead)'
0126 19:02:32385 ::  in
0126 19:02:32385 :: <bound method ItemToolTip.__del__ of <uiToolTip.ItemToolTip object at 0x439F7B70>>
0126 19:02:32385 ::  ignored

0126 19:06:49799 :: Resource is not a empty image: locale/ro/tr/ui/mapname/tanaka.png
0126 19:06:59599 :: Resource is not a empty image: locale/ro/tr/ui/mapname/tanaka.png
0126 19:30:31375 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 19:30:31375 ::   File "source\cyTemp\ui.pyx", line 3379, in ui.SubTitleBar.OnRunMouseWheel (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\ui.cpp:117691)

0126 19:30:31375 :: AttributeError
0126 19:30:31375 :: :
0126 19:30:31375 :: 'ImageBox' object has no attribute 'OnUp'
0126 19:30:31375 ::

0126 20:18:17059 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:18:17059 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:18:26020 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:18:26020 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:18:39739 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:18:39739 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:19:48090 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:19:48090 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:19:51653 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:19:51653 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:19:52974 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:19:52974 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:19:53566 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:19:53566 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:19:54161 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:19:54161 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:19:08869 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:19:08869 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:20:24697 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:24697 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:24697 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:24697 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:24697 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:24697 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:24697 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:24697 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:24697 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:24697 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:30734 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:30734 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:30734 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:30734 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:30734 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:30734 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:30734 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:30734 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:30734 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:30734 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:30734 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:30734 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:35339 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:35339 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:35339 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:35339 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:35339 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:35339 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:35339 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:35339 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:35339 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:35339 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:37781 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:37781 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:37781 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:37781 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:37781 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:37781 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:37781 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:37781 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:20:37781 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:20:37781 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51460 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51460 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51460 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51460 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51460 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51460 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51460 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51460 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51460 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51460 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51461 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51461 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51461 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51461 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51461 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51461 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:21:51461 :: Not mono data: sound/ui/drop.wav
0126 20:21:51461 :: CSoundManager3D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/drop.wav)
0126 20:45:44528 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:44528 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:53620 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:53620 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:54098 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:54098 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:54445 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:54445 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:55583 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:55583 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:56012 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:56012 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:58553 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:58553 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 20:45:59065 :: Unable to open file.: sound/ui/click.wav
0126 20:45:59065 :: CSoundManager2D::GetInstance (filename: sound/ui/click.wav)
0126 21:13:01321 :: Failed to reset device
0126 21:13:27508 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 21:13:27508 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChat.pyx", line 497, in uiChat.ChatLine.OnIMEReturn (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChat.cpp:14830)

0126 21:13:27508 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChat.pyx", line 377, in uiChat.ChatLine.__SendTalkingChatPacket (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChat.cpp:11835)

0126 21:13:27509 :: IndexError
0126 21:13:27509 :: :
0126 21:13:27509 :: string index out of range
0126 21:13:27509 ::

0126 21:13:27509 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0126 21:13:27509 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChat.pyx", line 497, in uiChat.ChatLine.OnIMEReturn (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChat.cpp:14830)

0126 21:13:27509 ::   File "source\cyTemp\uiChat.pyx", line 377, in uiChat.ChatLine.__SendTalkingChatPacket (D:\Avenor3\_CYTHONIZER_\_PackFiles\source\cyTemp\uiChat.cpp:11835)

0126 21:13:27509 :: IndexError
0126 21:13:27509 :: :
0126 21:13:27509 :: string index out of range
0126 21:13:27509 ::
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