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Forumda bulduğum FreeBSD 13.0 Hazır vdi dosyası üzerine Metin2 Altyapı server files'ı kurdum mariadbleri kaldırıp mysql8.0 kurdum bu konularda problem olmadı herşeyi adım adım sorunsuz bir şekilde yaptım mysql tablolarım tam buildlerimi yaptım en son olarak pack dosyalarını root/serverinfo.py'yi değiştirdikten sonra build ettiğim metin2client.exe(DEBUG versiyon ile) oyuna giriş yaptığımda siyah ekranda belirli bir süre durduktan sonra oyun kapanıyor. aşağıya syserr ve logları bırakıyorum acaba sorunun çözümüne yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
Forumda bulduğum FreeBSD 13.0 Hazır vdi dosyası üzerine Metin2 Altyapı server files'ı kurdum mariadbleri kaldırıp mysql8.0 kurdum bu konularda problem olmadı herşeyi adım adım sorunsuz bir şekilde yaptım mysql tablolarım tam buildlerimi yaptım en son olarak pack dosyalarını root/serverinfo.py'yi değiştirdikten sonra build ettiğim metin2client.exe(DEBUG versiyon ile) oyuna giriş yaptığımda siyah ekranda belirli bir süre durduktan sonra oyun kapanıyor. aşağıya syserr ve logları bırakıyorum acaba sorunun çözümüne yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
0814 21:00:24970 :: 알림: 파일 모드입니다.
0814 21:00:24972 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/patch1_texcache]
0814 21:00:24975 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_snow_texcache]
0814 21:00:24978 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_snow_dungeon_texcache]
0814 21:00:24980 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_etc_costume1_texcache]
0814 21:00:24981 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_pet1_texcache]
0814 21:00:24983 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_pet2_texcache]
0814 21:00:24984 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_ramadan_costume_texcache]
0814 21:00:24986 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_flame_texcache]
0814 21:00:24987 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_flame_dungeon_texcache]
0814 21:00:24988 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_w21_etc_texcache]
0814 21:00:24990 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_w21_mobs_texcache]
0814 21:00:24992 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_w21_mobs_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:24994 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_dss_box_texcache]
0814 21:00:24996 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_costume_soccer_texcache]
0814 21:00:24997 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_easter1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25001 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/season3_eu_texcache]
0814 21:00:25002 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_mineral_texcache]
0814 21:00:25006 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_w20_sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25008 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_ds_texcache]
0814 21:00:25008 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_5th_armor_texcache]
0814 21:00:25009 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_w20_etc_texcache]
0814 21:00:25021 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_etc_texcache]
0814 21:00:25023 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_xmas_texcache]
0814 21:00:25028 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_eu3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25029 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_eu4_texcache]
0814 21:00:25030 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_mundi_texcache]
0814 21:00:25032 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_sd_texcache]
0814 21:00:25033 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_halloween_texcache]
0814 21:00:25034 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_party_texcache]
0814 21:00:25035 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/metin2_patch_dance_texcache]
0814 21:00:25041 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_texcache]
0814 21:00:25045 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25050 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/monster_texcache]
0814 21:00:25053 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/monster2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25056 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/effect_texcache]
0814 21:00:25066 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/zone_texcache]
0814 21:00:25068 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/terrain_texcache]
0814 21:00:25070 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/npc_texcache]
0814 21:00:25070 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/npc2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25071 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/tree_texcache]
0814 21:00:25072 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/guild_texcache]
0814 21:00:25076 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/item_texcache]
0814 21:00:25077 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/textureset_texcache]
0814 21:00:25081 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/property_texcache]
0814 21:00:25086 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/icon_texcache]
0814 21:00:25093 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/season1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25099 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/season2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25100 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoora1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25101 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoora2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25103 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoora3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25105 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorb1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25106 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorb3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25107 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorc1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25108 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorc3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25110 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorsnow1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25111 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoordesert1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25112 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorflame1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25113 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorfielddungeon1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25114 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoort1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25115 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoort2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25115 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoort3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25116 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoort4_texcache]
0814 21:00:25117 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorwedding_texcache]
0814 21:00:25118 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoormilgyo1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25119 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/indoorspiderdungeon1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25120 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/indoordeviltower1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25121 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/indoormonkeydungeon1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25122 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/indoormonkeydungeon2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25123 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/indoormonkeydungeon3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25124 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoortrent02_texcache]
0814 21:00:25125 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorguild1_texcache]
0814 21:00:25126 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorguild2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25126 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorguild3_texcache]
0814 21:00:25127 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoortrent_texcache]
0814 21:00:25128 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoortrent02_texcache]
0814 21:00:25128 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorduel_texcache]
0814 21:00:25129 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/outdoorgmguildbuild_texcache]
0814 21:00:25132 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25132 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25133 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25133 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25133 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25134 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25134 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
0814 21:00:25137 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25138 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25138 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25139 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25139 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25140 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25140 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_m_texcache]
0814 21:00:25143 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25143 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound2_texcache]
0814 21:00:25144 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/bgm_texcache]
0814 21:00:25151 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/ETC_texcache]
0814 21:00:25152 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/ETC_texcache]
0814 21:00:25152 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ca]
0814 21:00:25153 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ca_texcache]
0814 21:00:25153 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ae]
0814 21:00:25154 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ae_texcache]
0814 21:00:25154 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_de]
0814 21:00:25155 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_de_texcache]
0814 21:00:25155 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_es]
0814 21:00:25155 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_es_texcache]
0814 21:00:25156 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_fr]
0814 21:00:25156 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_fr_texcache]
0814 21:00:25157 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_gr]
0814 21:00:25157 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_gr_texcache]
0814 21:00:25157 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_it]
0814 21:00:25158 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_it_texcache]
0814 21:00:25158 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_nl]
0814 21:00:25159 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_nl_texcache]
0814 21:00:25159 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_pl]
0814 21:00:25160 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_pl_texcache]
0814 21:00:25160 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_pt]
0814 21:00:25160 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_pt_texcache]
0814 21:00:25163 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_tr_texcache]
0814 21:00:25164 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_uk]
0814 21:00:25164 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_uk_texcache]
0814 21:00:25164 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_bg]
0814 21:00:25165 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_bg_texcache]
0814 21:00:25166 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_en_texcache]
0814 21:00:25167 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_mx]
0814 21:00:25167 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_mx_texcache]
0814 21:00:25168 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ro]
0814 21:00:25168 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ro_texcache]
0814 21:00:25168 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ru]
0814 21:00:25169 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_ru_texcache]
0814 21:00:25169 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_dk]
0814 21:00:25170 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_dk_texcache]
0814 21:00:25170 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_cz]
0814 21:00:25171 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_cz_texcache]
0814 21:00:25171 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_hu]
0814 21:00:25171 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_hu_texcache]
0814 21:00:25172 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_us]
0814 21:00:25172 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_us_texcache]
0814 21:00:25172 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_pa]
0814 21:00:25173 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_pa_texcache]
0814 21:00:25174 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/uiscript_texcache]
0814 21:00:25174 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/ETC_texcache]
0814 21:00:25175 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/uiloading_texcache]
0814 21:00:00002 ::
0814 21:00:00003 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ##
0814 21:00:00004 ::
0814 21:00:00039 :: importing from pack debugInfo
0814 21:00:00040 :: importing from pack localeInfo
0814 21:00:00045 :: importing from pack constInfo
0814 21:00:00055 :: importing from pack mouseModule
0814 21:00:00057 :: importing from pack ui
0814 21:00:00075 :: importing from pack networkModule
0814 21:00:00077 :: importing from pack playerSettingModule
0814 21:00:00087 :: importing from pack emotion
0814 21:00:00089 :: importing from pack uiPhaseCurtain
0814 21:00:00090 :: importing from pack uiCandidate
0814 21:00:00091 :: importing from pack musicInfo
0814 21:00:00092 :: importing from pack stringCommander
0814 21:00:00414 :: SYSERR: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]
0814 21:00:00420 :: NEWMAIN STREAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0814 21:00:00420 ::
0814 21:00:00421 :: NEW POPUP DIALOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0814 21:00:00421 ::
0814 21:00:00421 :: importing from pack exception
0814 21:00:00422 :: ===== Load Script File : UIScript/PopupDialog.py0814 21:00:00422 ::
0814 21:00:00423 :: importing from pack uiScriptLocale
0814 21:00:00438 :: NEW CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0814 21:00:00438 ::
0814 21:00:00439 ::
0814 21:00:00439 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ##
0814 21:00:00440 ::
0814 21:00:00441 :: importing from pack introLogo
0814 21:00:00442 :: NEW LOGO WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0814 21:00:00442 ::
0814 21:00:00413 :: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [sound/effect/etc/dropitem/dropitem.mss]