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Arkadaşlar bu Marty Sama kimdir, niye adını bu kadar çok görüyorum?

//Edit - 1
Marty Source incelemesi sonucu çok sağlam bir source yaptığını söyleyebilirim, adamdaki c bilgisi Mmotutkunları, tm, dm bu üçünü toplasak bu adam kadar yapamayız.

// Edit - 2
Source'sini inceliyorum (2015 den kalma) ve adamın bir c dehası olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Source için bazı kütüphane dosyalarını bulmak eziyetti fakat. Tek warning verdiği kısım ise;

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
compiling char_dragonsoul.cpp
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h: In constructor 'CryptoPP::ConstByteArrayParameter::ConstByteArrayParameter(const T&, bool) [with T = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >]':
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/filters.h:793:   instantiated from here
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h:26: warning: unused variable 'cryptopp_assert_26'
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h: In member function 'void CryptoPP::AlgorithmParametersTemplate<T>::MoveInto(void*) const [with T = CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator*]':
cipher.cpp:397:   instantiated from here
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/algparam.h:322: warning: unused variable 'p'
compiling questlua_dragonsoul.cpp
compiling shop_manager.cpp
compiling shopEx.cpp
compiling item_manager_read_tables.cpp
compiling shutdown_manager.cpp
compiling minilzo.c
compiling main.cpp
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/misc.h: At global scope:
../../../Extern/include/cryptopp/misc.h:548: warning: 'std::string CryptoPP::StringNarrow(const wchar_t*, bool)' defined but not used
linking ../game_r41016
root@KuntayB_Source:~/Marty/Srcs/Server/game/src #

Hakkını vermek lazım, peki bununda çözümünü vermiş mi vermiş, ellerine sağlık demekten geriye başka birşey diyemiyorum
@Whistle Konu kapatılabilir

// Edit - 3
Oha derken yazıyorum, adam fixleri otomasyon haline getirmiş patır patır yapıyor O_O
Son düzenleme:
Hobaaa :D Peki hatalar ne durumda kontrol ettin mi?
Hacı ne hatası :D
Şu Neyin ne işe yaradığı hakkında bilgi vermiş
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
* Configuration
#define ENABLE_PLAYER_PER_ACCOUNT5    // enable 5 characters (per account) in the select phase (instead of 4)
#define ENABLE_WOLFMAN_CHARACTER    // enable wolfman character and the relative new features (claws, bleeding and so on)
#define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY        // block db_port, p2p_port, and remote adminpage exploits
#define MAP_ALLOW_LIMIT <int>        // define how many maps are allowed per game core (default 32)
#define USE_MOB_BLEEDING_AS_POISON    // if enabled, the mob_proto structure won't change and the bleeding % will be get from the poison field
#define USE_MOB_CLAW_AS_DAGGER        // if enabled, the mob_proto structure won't change and the claw % will be get from the dagger field

#define ENABLE_PROTO_FROM_DB        //read protos from db if "PROTO_FROM_DB = 1" is specified inside conf.txt
                                    //mirror protos to db if "MIRROR2DB = 1" is specified inside conf.txt

#define ENABLE_DEFAULT_PRIV            //enable default priv loading from common.priv_settings
#define ENABLE_ITEMAWARD_REFRESH    //enable a select query every 5 seconds into player.item_award

#define ENABLE_AUTODETECT_VNUMRANGE    //if protos are loaded from db, it will automatically detect the vnum range for ds items

#define ENABLE_D_NJGUILD            //enable d.new_jump_all_guild+cpp relative functions (untested)
#define ENABLE_QUEST_CATEGORY        //enable quest category+new packet types (unimplemented)
#define ENABLE_NEWSTUFF                //enable new stuff (new lua funcs, new CONFIG options, ecc)
#define ENABLE_FULL_NOTICE            //enable new big notice features

#define ENABLE_LIMIT_TIME            //enable game timestamp expiration

#define ENABLE_NEWGUILDMAKE            //enable pc.make_guild0 and disable CInputMain::AnswerMakeGuild

#define ENABLE_QUEST_DIE_EVENT        //add quest event "die"

#define ENABLE_CMD_PLAYER            //enable PLAYER grade inside CMD
#define ENABLE_EXPTABLE_FROMDB        //read the exp table from the db

#define ENABLE_IMMUNE_PERC            //enable 90% of success instead of 100% regarding immunes (antistun/slow/fall)

#define ENABLE_IMMUNE_FIX            //fix immune bug where you need to equip shield at last (or refresh compute e.g. un/riding horse)

#define ENABLE_SPAMDB_REFRESH            //enable a select query every 10 minutes into common.spam_db

#define ENABLE_TRANSLATE_LUA            //enable translate.lua loading

#define ENABLE_LOCALECHECK_CHANGENAME    //enable check that unable change name on Europe Locales
#define ENABLE_PC_OPENSHOP                //enable pc.open_shop0(idshop) but buy/sell not work yet

#define ENABLE_SHOP_BLACKLIST        //enable ignore 70024 (Blessing Marble) and 70035 (Magic Copper Ore)

#define ENABLE_BLOCK_CMD_SHORTCUT    //if enabled, people won't be able to shorten commands

#define ENABLE_STATPLUS_NOLIMIT        //disable only 90 points for con+/int+/str+/dex+ commands

#define ENABLE_FORCE2MASTERSKILL    //skill always pass to m1 when b17 instead of b(number(17-20))
#define ENABLE_MOUNTSKILL_CHECK        //check whether horse mount vnum should be checked when skilling
#define ENABLE_NULLIFYAFFECT_LIMIT    //sura skill 66 won't nullify players with level < or > of yours by 9

#define ENABLE_FIREWORK_STUN        //enable stun affect when using firework items
#define ENABLE_ADDSTONE_FAILURE        //enable add stone failure
#define ENABLE_EFFECT_EXTRAPOT        //enable extrapot effects when using green/purple potions
#define ENABLE_BOOKS_STACKFIX        //enable stackable books instead of remove all the pile

#define ENABLE_NEWEXP_CALCULATION    //recalculate exp rate so you won't get random negative exp/marriage points
#define ENABLE_EFFECT_PENETRATE        //enable penetrate effect when performing a penetration

#define NEW_ICEDAMAGE_SYSTEM        //add new system for nemere dungeon and so on
#define ENABLE_ANTI_CMD_FLOOD        //limit player's command execution to 10 commands per second, otherwise it'll be disconnected!

#define ENABLE_SHOWNPCLEVEL            //show Lv %d level even for NPCs (not applicable on mob/stone/warp)
#define ENABLE_GOHOME_IFNOMAP        //you'll go back to your village if the map is unreachable

#define ENABLE_PARTYKILL            //re-enable PartyKill

#define ENABLE_ACCOUNT_W_SPECIALCHARS    //enable special characters in account names (account.account.login)

#define ENABLE_CHAT_COLOR_SYSTEM        //enable chat colors based on IsGm or GetEmpire (+colored empire name)
#define ENABLE_CHAT_SPAMLIMIT            //limit chat spam to 4 messages for 5 seconds, if you spam it for 10 times, you'll be disconnected!
#define ENABLE_WHISPER_CHAT_SPAMLIMIT    //limit whisper chat to 10 messages per 5 seconds, otherwise you'll be disconnected!
#define ENABLE_CHAT_LOGGING                //enable chat logging (which saves all the gm chats)
#define ENABLE_CHECK_GHOSTMODE            //enable check that blocks the movements if the character is dead

#define USE_LYCAN_CREATE_POSITION        // if enabled, the lycan will be warped to his own village at character creation

Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
### Contribution guidelines ###

* Writing tests
* Code review
@warme001: be aware about PLAYER_MAX_LEVEL_CONST (common/length.h) and gPlayerMaxLevel (game/config.h)
@warme002: be aware about ITEM_MAX_COUNT (common/item_length.h) and g_bItemCountLimit (game/config.h)
@warme003: do_click_safebox can be used by PLAYER in every map!
@warme004: `when vnum.kill begin` and `when kill begin` are both triggered
@warme005: different locale stuff
@warme006: not implemented stuff from another locale
@warme007: on db/src/ClientManager.cpp commented locale set from common.locale due to its uselessness and bugginess (./close && ./start)
            it processes a NULL mysql connection (dat ymir threading) if there was a bit of overload before starting the process up again
@warme008: on char_item.cpp now 27996 (poison bottle) can inflict poison
@warme009: on char_resist.cpp if bleeding is used as poison, the bleeding enchantment is poison enchantment/50 (so mobs can bleed players)
@warme010: on char_state.cpp test_server is used as "BOOL g_test_server"
@warme011: on dungeon.cpp you should never use d.join instead of d.new_jump_party since it causes random crashes due to a wrong implementation of the party hash check

@fixme301: on tables.h TPlayerTable hp/mp from short to int (hp/mp >32767 should be fixed)

@fixme201: on ProtoReader.cpp changed 'SAMLL' into 'SMALL'
@fixme202: on ClientManagerGuild.cpp fixed the guild remove member time issue if the player was offline
            (withdraw_time -> new_withdraw_time)
@fixme203: on ClientManagerPlayer.cpp dandling pointer for "command"

@fixme101: on log.cpp; fixed '%s' for invalid_server_log
@fixme102: on cmd_general.cpp; inside ACMD(do_war) fixed the unsigned bug
@fixme103: on config, input_login, input_main.cpp; fixed clientcheckversion (version > date) to (version != date) and delay from 10 to 0
@fixme104: on char.cpp, questlua_pc.cpp; fixed get status point after lv90 changing 90 with gPlayerMaxLevel
@fixme105: on cmd.cpp; disabled every korean command
@fixme106: on input_main.cpp; if a full-speeded player is on a mount (es. lion), he'll be brought back due to the distance range
@fixme107: on char_battle.cpp; if character (player|mob) has negative hp on dead, sura&co will absorb hp/mp losing 'em themselves
@fixme108: on char.cpp; if you change a mount but the previous is not 0, all the entities (npcs&co) in the player client
            (not others) are vanished until another refresh (not exists mounts still bug you after second mount call)
@fixme109: on questmanager.cpp; if you kill a player (war m), `when kill begin` will be triggered twice
@fixme110: on char_affect.cpp; if you attack when semi-transparent (revived or ninja skill or white flag) you'll still be transparent
@fixme111: on test.cpp; ConvertAttribute2 has x and y inverted (before y->x after x->y)
@fixme112: on char_item.cpp; you can change bonuses in equipped items too (until re-login)
            bonus values will not be refreshed by ChangePoint and unequipping it will remove back only the new bonuses set on
            e.g. you had a 2500hp bonus shoes, you changed it to 50mp when equipped and you'll unequipped
                what will it happen? instead of remove 2500hp, you won't receive 50mp and you also lose 50mp when unequipped
@fixme113: on char_item.cpp; same thing of #112
            you can remove stones from equipped items w/o losing bonuses
            e.g. have an item with antiwar+4 equipped:
                    1) remove all the stones 2) unequip it 3) re-add stone 4) re-equip it 5) repeat it thrice
                result? an item with no stones but you'll have 75% of antiwar
@fixme114: on char_item.cpp; gathering of #111, #112 and few others.
@fixme115: on char_item.cpp; you can retrieve all the item on the ground if you're in a party and the owner is not in yours.
@fixme116: on char_skill.cpp; normal horse mount skills cannot inflict damage
@fixme117: on char_item.cpp; you can't swap equipment from inventory if full
@fixme118: on char.cpp; when ComputePoints is called:
            you'll gain as many hp/mp as many you have in your equipment bonuses
            affect hp/mp will be lost when login or updating
@fixme119: on input_main.cpp; you can put items from safebox/mall to belt inventory w/o checking the type (items with size>1 are not placeable anyway)
@fixme120: on input_login.cpp; few packet IDs not checked
@fixme121: on char_item.cpp; the refine scroll item value 1 from the magic stone was generating useless syserrs
@fixme122: on arena.cpp; few other potions were not checked on arena map
@fixme123: on char_item.cpp; USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE2 (24) sub type check bug (the condition could never be true)
@fixme124: on char_item.cpp; no check on 6-7 add/change items about costume stuff
@fixme125: on char.cpp; dungeon regen pointing to a dangling pointer (not required -> removed)
@fixme126: on marriage.cpp; fix lovepoints overflow
@fixme127: on cube.cpp; /cube r_info exploit fix; it can cause a crash due to an unchecked cube npc masters vnums
            e.g. 1) you open the Baek-Go cube's console 2) click on an npc/kill a mob without close the cube console
                3) digit /cube r_info 4) crash core
@fixme128: on char.cpp; mining hack fix; you can mine a vein anywhere in the map because there's no check on the character
            which means, you can stay at 0x0y and mining a vein in 666x999y and get the stuff beside him or in the pc's inventory
@fixme129: on PetSystem.cpp; the azrael pets (53005->34004 normal/53006->34009 gold) don't give the buff if not in dungeon at summon up and remove them anyway when unsummoned
@fixme130: on messenger_manager.cpp; and cmd_general.cpp if you do /messenger_auth n XXX, the player with the name XXX will receive a "refused friend invite" print from you
            which means, if you flood this packet, the "victim" will be disconnected or at maximum could get lag
@fixme131: on char.cpp; fix annoying sync packets sendable even on unfightable pc/npc entities
            e.g. wallhack against players' shops inside the village's squares (where the NOPK attr is set) to move them out and kill them
@fixme132: on shop.cpp; if two people buy the same item at the same time from a pc's shop, the slower one will receive a wrong return packet (crash client)
@fixme133: on input_main.cpp; banword check and hyper text feature were processing the final chat string instead of the raw one
@fixme134: on questlua_pc.cpp; the pc.mount_bonus was addable even if the mount wasn't spawn (only /unmount pc.unmount can remove it)
@fixme135: on char.cpp; if the Sync is made before a move packet and the sectree differs of few x/y coordinates, the sectree will be changed without update (crash character) (troublesome -> removed)
@fixme136: on char.cpp; there are no checks about the zero division exception: e.g. if you set a mob's max hp to 0 in the mob proto, you'll get random crashes.
@fixme137: on char_battle.cpp; when a player dies, the HP could have a negative value. Now it's 0 like the official.
@fixme138: on db.cpp, input_auth.cpp; the account's password was shown in the mysql history queries as clear text at every login attempt (mysql full granted user required -> now hashed)
Hee tamam bu dosya bende de var. Elimdeki ile karşılaştırdım da aynı şeyler yazıyor... Fakat build etmedim hiç :)

Fakat bu dosyalar eski dosyalar. Marty normalde para ile satıyor bu sourceyi. Kim bilir üstüne ne kadar güncelleme getirmiştir. ;)
Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.
Son düzenleme:
Hee tamam bu dosya bende de var. Elimdeki ile karşılaştırdım da aynı şeyler yazıyor... Fakat build etmedim hiç :)

Fakat bu dosyalar eski dosyalar. Marty normalde para ile satıyor bu sourceyi. Kim bilir üstüne ne kadar güncelleme getirmiştir. ;)
Linkleri görebilmek için giriş yap veya kayıt ol.
yeni source ile bir oyun yaptığını düşünsene?
yeni source ile bir oyun yaptığını düşünsene?
Türkiye'de files satıpda insanları çok madur edenler var. Eğer uğraşmak istemiyorsan 200 € gözden çıkartabilirsin... En azından aldığı parayı hakeden bir source + files almış olursun.

Bana soracaksan uğraşmadan bir şey öğrenemezsin. Elindeki dosyalar ile kendi dosyalarını winmerge gibi programlarla karşılaştırıp adamın ne tür değişiklikler yaptığına bakabilirsin...
Son düzenleme:
Düzen önemli ya.. Daha sonra dönüp baktığında neyin nerede olduğunu hemen öğrenebilirsin. :)
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.