Çözülemedi Karakteri Seçtikten Sonra Oyundan Atıyor

Ne yazık ki bu konuda sorulara çözüm bulunmuyor. Eğer konuda yorumlar varsa hepsini inceleyebilirsiniz. Belki sizlerin sorununuzu çözmek için için ipuçları bulabilirsiniz.
İçerik kilitlendiği için mesaj gönderimine kapatıldı.


Ticaret Puanı
microsft azuredan freebsd 11.2 sanal sunucu aldim yalnız karaktere girerken oyundan düşüyor
config dosyalarini duzenlemek mi lazim localhost yazan yere ip mi yazmam lazim oyun acik görünüyor ama oyundan dusuyor ayrica karakterde yaratamiyorum bunu yapamazsin diyor 3 tane files denedim 3 de ayni hatayi verdi

Eger bunu cozersek video çekip bu foruma aticam oyun ile ilgili
Misrosoft Azure sanal sunucularına verilen internet bağlantısı oyun için uygun olmayabilir. Buna benzer bi sorunu localdeki oyunu dışarıya portları açmaya çalıştığımda yaşamıştım. Başta birisi karakter seçim ekranına kadar geliyor. Karakteri seçtikten sonra direk login ekranına atıyordu.

Emin olmak için attıktan sonra client içindeki syserr.txt dosyası içinde yazanları ve girmeye çalıştığınız kanalın syserr kayıtlarını paylaşır mısınız?
Buradan daha detaylı bilgi alabilirsiniz: Yardım Almadan Önce Bu Konuyu Okuyunuz! Syserr Nedir?
internet hizi cok hızlı denedim 350 mbite çıkıyor iftardan sonra bakalim eger bunu cozersek insanlara ücretsiz sv yapmayi çözebiliriz
Config dosyalarını düzenliyorum localhosta kendi ipimi mi yazicam bu birinci sorum birde oyun baslatirken public ip var onu bulamıyorum ona ipiyi girmek lazim butun config dosyalarina baktim ama bulamadim oyun acik görünüyor ama ipi ile girdiğimde yalniz karakter atiyor
Azure için aynı problemi yaşıyorum. Konunun çözümü için anlaşılır olması açısından birkan syserr kaydını buraya bırakayım.
Client Syserr:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
0809 23:44:15481 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_001.gr2
0809 23:44:15482 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_01_85_002.gr2
0809 23:44:15488 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/item/wing/Acce_04_85_018.gr2
0809 23:44:15490 ::  CItemManager::LoadItemList(locale/tr/item_list.txt) - StrangeLine in 6903
0809 23:44:15497 ::  CItemManager::LoadItemList(locale/tr/item_list.txt) - StrangeLine in 6919
0809 23:44:15512 ::     Çѱ¹¹«½Ö¹öÁ¯(#2    ) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15531 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+0(#13180) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15535 ::     ±¤·ûÆȱ¥ÆĞ+9(#13189) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15558 ::         ¹éÈ£°©+0(#20860) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15626 ::           WA_9+8(#21127) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15627 ::           WA_9+9(#21128) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15632 :: ´ÜºÀ¼ö+0(¼±¹°¿ë)(#21991) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15769 :: Ʋ¾î¿Ã¸°¸Ó¸®(White)(#74554) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15770 ::       °ü¸ğ(Gold)(#74555) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15778 ::        efsun_dex(#76108) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15780 ::   efsun_slow_pct(#76116) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15781 :: efsun_attbonus_human(#76117) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15781 :: efsun_attbonus_animal(#76118) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15781 :: efsun_attbonus_orc(#76119) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15782 :: efsun_attbonus_milgyo(#76120) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15782 :: efsun_attbonus_undead(#76121) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15782 :: efsun_attbonus_devil(#76122) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15783 ::   efsun_steal_hp(#76123) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15783 ::   efsun_steal_sp(#76124) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15783 :: efsun_mana_burn_pct(#76125) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15784 ::      efsun_block(#76126) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15784 ::      efsun_dodge(#76127) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15784 :: efsun_resist_sword(#76128) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15787 :: efsun_resist_twohand(#76129) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15787 :: EFSUN_RESIST_DAGGER(#76130) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15787 :: EFSUN_RESIST_BELL(#76131) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15788 :: EFSUN_RESIST_FAN(#76132) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15788 :: EFSUN_RESIST_BOW(#76133) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15788 :: EFSUN_RESIST_FIRE(#76134) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15789 :: EFSUN_RESIST_ELEC(#76135) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15789 :: EFSUN_RESIST_MAGIC(#76136) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15790 :: EFSUN_RESIST_WIND(#76137) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15790 :: EFSUN_REFLECT_MELEE(#76138) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15790 :: EFSUN_POISON_REDUCE(#76139) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15791 :: EFSUN_EXP_DOUBLE_BONUS(#76140) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15791 :: EFSUN_GOLD_DOUBLE_BONUS(#76141) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15791 :: EFSUN_ITEM_DROP_BONUS(#76142) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15792 :: EFSUN_IMMUNE_STUN(#76143) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15792 :: EFSUN_IMMUNE_SLOW(#76144) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15792 ::  ATT_GRADE_BONUS(#76145) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15793 ::         µ·ÁÖ¸Ó´Ï(#80001) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:15793 ::             ¹éÁö(#80002) cannot find icon file. setting to default.
0809 23:44:16748 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/0.jpg
0809 23:44:16757 :: CResourceManager::GetResourcePointer: File not exist d:/ymir work/effect/affect/damagevalue/poison0.jpg
0809 23:44:37410 :: granny_shared_vbs:
0809 23:44:37410 ::     0: 40
0809 23:44:37412 ::     1: 20
0809 23:44:37412 ::     2: 20
0809 23:44:37413 ::     3: 40
0809 23:44:37414 ::     4: 3
0809 23:44:37414 ::     5: 20
0809 23:44:37415 ::     6: 0
0809 23:44:37415 ::     7: 0
0809 23:44:37415 ::     8: 0
Sadece CH1 açıktı ve auth portuyla bereber CH1'in de portlarını 2-3 sefer değiştirdim.
CH1 syserr
CH1 syserr:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:12 :: pid_init:
Start of pid: 57234
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion_white/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34053) folder(hanma_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:21 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/zeron_darealpain/run.msa'
Game99 Syserr
Game99 Syserr:
Genişlet Daralt Kopyala
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:17 :: pid_init:
Start of pid: 57238
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6191) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6192) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6401) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6402) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6403) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6404) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_officer have not motlist.txt vnum(6405) folder(trent_officer)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6406) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6407) folder(trent_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_boss2 have not motlist.txt vnum(6408) folder(trent_boss2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6410) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_soldier have not motlist.txt vnum(6411) folder(trent_soldier)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6412) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_magic have not motlist.txt vnum(6413) folder(trent_magic)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: trent_general have not motlist.txt vnum(6414) folder(trent_general)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6416) folder(hanma_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: thunder_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(6418) folder(thunder_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: 0 have not motlist.txt vnum(8113) folder(0)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8616) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8617) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8618) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8619) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8620) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8621) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8622) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: blacksmith_boss have not motlist.txt vnum(8623) folder(blacksmith_boss)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion_white/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/dog_god/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/lion/run.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/horse_event1/03.msa'
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: leechung have not motlist.txt vnum(20369) folder(leechung)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spy1 have not motlist.txt vnum(20370) folder(spy1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_pumpkin_pet have not motlist.txt vnum(34026) folder(halloween_pumpkin_pet)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: halloween_broom have not motlist.txt vnum(34027) folder(halloween_broom)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34028) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: chrismas_recallcard_pet2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34029) folder(chrismas_recallcard_pet2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34041) folder(monkey_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: monkey_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34042) folder(monkey_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34045) folder(spider_redpoison_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: spider_redpoison_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34046) folder(spider_redpoison_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34049) folder(yamachun_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: yamachun_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34050) folder(yamachun_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young1 have not motlist.txt vnum(34053) folder(hanma_young1)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: GetMotionFileName: Motion: hanma_young2 have not motlist.txt vnum(34054) folder(hanma_young2)
SYSERR: Aug  9 22:49:23 :: LoadMotion: cannot find accumulation data in file 'data/monster/zeron_darealpain/run.msa'
Azure, Google Cloud gibi servislerden alınan makinalarda oyuna ne yazık ki girilmiyor. Bilişim şirketlerinden vps/vds veya deticed server alabilirsiniz.
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