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Today while browsing Marty Sama's website I found something that I think will be useful for those who compile the client source a lot like me
It is to create a bat file to compile without the need to open Visual Studio
I tried it and it was nice as I was facing a problem of the device hanging a lot while working on the compile with the program so I found it useful and it should be published for the benefit of everyone
Note: I do not know if it has been published before or not and I also know that the method is old for sure but I did not know about it
Note: This code is for owners of the 2022 version. You can modify the path as you like.

Today while browsing Marty Sama's website I found something that I think will be useful for those who compile the client source a lot like me
It is to create a bat file to compile without the need to open Visual Studio
I tried it and it was nice as I was facing a problem of the device hanging a lot while working on the compile with the program so I found it useful and it should be published for the benefit of everyone
Note: I do not know if it has been published before or not and I also know that the method is old for sure but I did not know about it
Lua (Quest):
@echo off
REM استدعاء بيئة Visual Studio 2022
CALL "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86
cd %~dp0
REM msbuild metin2client.sln /property:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount -target:Clean
REM msbuild metin2client.sln /property:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount
MSBuild.exe metin2client.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32 /maxcpucount
Note: This code is for owners of the 2022 version. You can modify the path as you like.