Yardım A Very Different Demand

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Hi guys,
What I want from you today may seem very complicated. But I'm asking this as a request for information from really experienced people. I want you to be aware that what I want is not some kind of pvp mt2 game content.
- How does the DPI Scale Rules of Metin2 game work? The config.exe in the client file does my "Shortest Side" calculation? Or does it calculate "Longest side, horizontal or vertical" values?
- Some kind of game design documents, game design, mechanics, and game controls belonging to the Metin2 game, which were leaked or distributed for a different purpose, in short, when you hand those documents into the hands of someone who has no knowledge of Metin2, that 50-60,70 or maybe I'm looking for this presentation, and project documents, where he might have learned everything about the game, its purpose, and the game's gameplay when he's finished reading the 200-page document.
What I'm talking about needs to be a game presentation, like in this example.
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This is really important to me, thank you for your help.

Sorry for the bad english
Hi there,

I saw this thread a few hours ago, but didn't want to answer it in case someone might be able to.

I would like to answer the first of your questions, first of all, DPI rule scaling for Metin2 game is usually done by calculating the "Short Side", although it varies according to the version the code is released in. DPI Curve is 1.0 as standart. By comparison, the most and frequently used method is the short edge calculation method.

? Second of your questions, what you are requesting is a presentation of a game, project file or a concept document. So it's a very critical thing..
You can't find it everywhere, the areas you can find are very limited. (But it's not impossible) Let's talk about this first.

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Q: What is the presentation of a product (game) ie GDD?
A: A GDD is a record of details and decisions of the game such as characters, levels, and mechanics. A Game Design Document (GDD) is fundamental to game design. A GDD is used as a communication tool between a team and is used to document the elements and mechanics of a game.

Q: When is a GDD rollout revealed?
A: If the makers of the game are looking for an investor, if the game is to be exhibited at a fair, if the game is to be sold to someone else, it will be revealed and preserved in such critical situations.

Q: Who and how can I find the GDD of a product?
A: The most basic way to access a GDD is through the Product Manager, which includes and has control of the GDD plan. A product manager can maintain the game offering, but cannot distribute it publicly for data security reasons.

What I am trying to say here is that what you are looking for is nothing like server files released under a "Metin2 SF" category. Achieving this will never be easy.

So, what suggestion would you like me to make?

I have reviewed the sample GDDs you provided in the example. I've seen that these are fantasy role-playing games close to Metin2. If you are a good player, you can analyze the Metin2 game, and although this presentation is not as much as a concept designer of the game, "Idea, history, gameplay, design under implementation, classification, static, semi-static entity, dynamic entity and character entity, visual aspect, game controls Animate the game in your brain's viewport such as (keyboard, mouse, pc), gameplay purpose, development and dozens more, and document all the details that come to your mind.

As an example, it belongs to our own MMORPG game project, I can show the details as follows, (what you need to pay attention to are the categories, not the scribbled areas)
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A Game Design Document (GDD) is the foundation of game design.
It is the largest visual and written official document describing the game. It covers more ideas than the game itself, so I.P, Intellectual property comes into play. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will reach the GDD of an active and live game. But as I said, it is not impossible.

Here I leave a resource that I think can help you.
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I hope I was able to help, stay safe.
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